
Vocabulary Exercise | Lend or Borrow?

Vocabulary Exercise | Lend or Borrow?

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.


Choose the correct answer:

  1. Could you  me some money, please?
  2. Some pupils can  books from their school.
  3. Will you  me your umbrella till tomorrow?
  4. Should I  him my football?
  5. You may  my bike, but be careful.
  6. Could I  your cup?
  7. You can  your book to Steve.
  8. Why do students  so much money from their parents?
  9. Peter won’t  his car to anyone.
  10. Will your mother  you some money?


  1. Could you lend me some money, please?
  2. Some pupils can borrow books from their school.
  3. Will you lend me your umbrella till tomorrow?
  4. Should I lend him my football?
  5. You may borrow my bike, but be careful.
  6. Could I borrow your cup?
  7. You can lend your book to Steve.
  8. Why do students borrow so much money from their parents?
  9. Peter won’t lend his car to anyone.
  10. Will your mother lend you some money?

Vocabulary Exercise | Make, do, have or Take

Vocabulary Exercise | Make, do, have or Take

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Fill in the sentences with make, do, have or take in the appropriate form:

  1. It’s mean to fun of people.
  2. I think I’ve this exercise completely wrong.
  3. Would you mind me a favour and driving me to the doctor’s?
  4. The murderer a complete confession to the police last night.
  5. We were just a chat when his jealous girlfriend started shouting at me.
  6. Please don’t get angry, I don’t want to an argument about this.
  7. Would you  the shopping for me?
  8. My sister Lisa is  much progress with her French.
  9. Did Alice   this photo?
  10. Has your brother  the washing-up yet?
  11. You’ll  a lot of fun in New York.
  12. I never part in team sports at school.


  1. It’s mean to make fun of people.
  2. I think I’ve done this exercise completely wrong.
  3. Would you mind doing me a favour and driving me to the doctor’s?
  4. The murderer made a complete confession to the police last night.
  5. We were just having a chat when his jealous girlfriend started shouting at me.
  6. Please don’t get angry, I don’t want to have an argument about this.
  7. Would you do the shopping for me?
  8. My sister Lisa is making much progress with her French.
  9. Did Alice take this photo?
  10. Has your brother done the washing-up yet?
  11. You’ll have a lot of fun in New York.
  12. I never took part in team sports at school.

Vocabulary Exercise | Make, do, have or Take

Vocabulary Exercise | Make, do, have or Take

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with make, do, have or take:

  1. Please  your homework this afternoon.
  2. Hey Mark! You’ve  a mistake.
  3. Do you  sugar in your coffee?
  4. Did you  a good trip?
  5. We  turns in throwing the dice.
  6. I’m   a party at the weekend. Would you like to come?
  7. She’s always   promises, but then she always breaks them!
  8. The wedding will   place in a local registry office.
  9. I wish I was   more progress with my English.
  10. What are you holding? Can I   a look?


  1. Please do your homework this afternoon.
  2. Hey Mark! You’ve made a mistake.
  3. Do you take sugar in your coffee?
  4. Did you have a good trip?
  5. We take turns in throwing the dice.
  6. I’m having a party at the weekend. Would you like to come?
  7. She’s always making promises, but then she always breaks them!
  8. The wedding will take place in a local registry office.
  9. I wish I was making more progress with my English.
  10. What are you holding? Can I have a look?

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | History and Past

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | History and Past

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Complete the following sentences with the words from this list:

  • empire | archaeologists | events | primitive | dates | records | artefacts | ancestors | ancient | origins
  1. Our  came here over a hundred years ago.
  2. In  times, plagues killed many people.
  3. These  are a written documents preserving knowledge.
  4. Looters stole ancient  from the tomb.
  5. Those words have extremely old .
  6. Polish  are conducting scientific studies in Sudan.
  7. The Roman  existed from 27 BC to 476 AD.
  8. That discovery of  forms of marsupials is incredible.
  9. This story is based on actual .
  10. The countrys history  to 4000 BC.


  1. Our ancestors came here over a hundred years ago.
  2. In ancient times, plagues killed many people.
  3. These records are a written documents preserving knowledge.
  4. Looters stole ancient artifacts from the tomb.
  5. Those words have extremely old origins.
  6. Polish archaeologists are conducting scientific studies in Sudan.
  7. The Roman Empire existed from 27 BC to 476 AD.
  8. That discovery of primitive forms of marsupials is incredible.
  9. This story is based on actual events.
  10. The countrys history dates to 4000 BC.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 7

Which of these words are either synonyms or antonyms (or opposites words)?


  • Find the two synonyms: bed – sick – ill – healthy → sick et ill sont synonymes
  • Find the two opposite words: kitchen – sink – clever – float →  sink et float sont antonymes

1 – Find the two synonyms: tiny – tired – lively – active

2 – Find the two opposite words: dark – turn – light – bulb

3 – Find the two synonyms: bright – green – smart – grow

4 – Find the two opposite words: under – far – always – never

5 – Find the two synonyms: tired – sleepy – energy – night

6 – Find the two opposite words: quiet – invisible – loud – see

7 – Find the two synonyms: jump – mad – laugh – angry

8 – Find the two opposite words: outside – right – inside – behind

9 – Find the two synonyms: many – zero – number – none

10 – Find the two opposite words: water – wet – dry – towel


  1. opposite words: dark – light 
  2. synonyms: bright – smart 
  3. opposite words: always – never
  4. synonyms: tired – sleepy 
  5. opposite words: quiet – loud 
  6. synonyms: mad – angry
  7. opposite words: outside – inside
  8. synonyms: zero – none
  9. opposite words: wet – dry

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Find the opposite among the list of proposed words:

1. Thick →  
  • Thin | Heavy | Fat | Young
2. Dark →   
  • Colorful | Heavy | Light | Smooth
3. Old →   
  • Sleepy | Tired | Young | Gray
4. Last →   
  • First | Best | Sweet | Nice
5. Ugly →   
  • Pretty | Hard | Young | Wet
6. Strong →   
  • Heavy | Thin | Weak | Skinny
7. Bad →   
  • Happy | Cruel | Good | Angry
8. Mean →   
  • Happy | Tall | Weird | Nice
9. Early →   
  • Short | Simple | Easy | Late
10. Cold →   
  • Cool | Hot | Easy | Good
11. Slow →   
  • Young | Lucky | Fast | Old
12. Sick →   
  • Rough | Spicy | Upset | Well
13. Low →   
  • Here | Middle | There | High
14. Similar →   
  • Secret | Important | Different | Strange
15. Tall →   
  • Short | Heavy | Sweet | Nice
16. Difficult →   
  • Hard | Nice | Easy | Clean
17. Right →   
  • Hard | Wrong | Correct | Clean
18. Near →   
  • Long | Away | Far | Close


1. Thick →  Thin
2. Dark →   Light
3. Old →   Young 
4. Last →   First
5. Ugly →   Pretty 
6. Strong →   Weak 
7. Bad →   Good 
8. Mean →   Nice
9. Early →   Late
10. Cold →    Hot 
11. Slow → Fast 
12 Sick →   Well
13 Low →    High
14. Similar →   Different
15. Tall →   Short
16. Difficult →   Easy
17. Right →   Wrong 
18. Near →   Far 

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Find the opposite of each of the following words:

1. open → closed

2. dirty → 

3. cheap → 

4. loud → 

5. dull → 

6. healthy → 

7. dry → 

8. cool → 

9. easy → 

10. fast → 


  1. closed
  2. clean
  3. expensive
  4. quiet
  5. sharp
  6. sick
  7. wet
  8. warm
  9. hard
  10. slow

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

Click here to downloadthis printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Find the opposite of each of the following words:

1. young → old

2. wrong →

3. rich →

4. fat →

5. dark →

6. true →

7. hot →

8. full →

9. long →

10. weak →


  1. old
  2. right
  3. poor
  4. thin
  5. light
  6. false
  7. cold
  8. empty
  9. short
  10. strong

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Find the fifteen pairs of words that are opposite (or antonyms) in the following list:

  • public | worse | lend | light | superior | ugly | war | disagree | far | exhale | fake | closed | expensive | enemy | lost
  1. near → far
  2. cheap → 
  3. inhale → 
  4. found → 
  5. open → 
  6. private → 
  7. agree → 
  8. beautiful → 
  9. ally → 
  10. better → 
  11. borrow → 
  12. heavy → 
  13. inferior → 
  14. peace → 
  15. real → 



  1. near → far
  2. cheap → expensive
  3. inhale → exhale
  4. found → lost
  5. open → closed
  6. private → public
  7. agree → disagree
  8. beautiful → ugly
  9. ally → enemy
  10. better → worse
  11. borrow → lend
  12. heavy → light
  13. inferior → superior
  14. peace → war
  15. real → fake

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Find the opposite of each of the following words:

Ex: down → up

  1. night → 
  2. vertical → 
  3. weak → 
  4. unhappy → 
  5. hungry → 
  6. disappear → 
  7. more → 
  8. shrink → 
  9. forward → 
  10. under → 


  1. night → day
  2. vertical → horizontal
  3. weak → strong
  4. unhappy → happy
  5. hungry → full
  6. disappear → appear
  7. more → less
  8. shrink → grow
  9. forward → backwards
  10. under → over