Category: Worksheet

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers 9

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 9

In what form are the following verbs? Infinitive, Simple Past and/or Past Participle? Choose the right answer(s):

1. beat → 

2. stood → 

3. wrung → 

4. learnt → 

5. cast → 

6. wear → 

7. knelt → 

8. fling → 

9. built → 

10.  mown → 


1. beat →  Infinitive  / Simple Past
2. stood →  Simple Past /  Past Participle
3. wrung → Simple Past  /  Past Participle
4. learnt → Simple Past  /  Past Participle
5. cast → Infinitive  / Simple Past  /  Past Participle
6. wear → Infinitif
7. knelt → Simple Past  /  Past Participle
8. fling → Infinitive
9. built →  Simple Past /  Past Participle
10.  mown →  Past Participle

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers 8

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 8

In what form are the following verbs? Infinitive, Simple Past and/or Past Participle? Choose the right answer(s):

1. leapt → 

2. sawn → 

3. slide → 

4. rode → 

5. flew → 

6. proofread → 

7. trodden → 

8. stick → 

9. lit → 

10.  brought → 


1. leapt → Simple Past  /  Past Participle
2. sawn →  Past Participle
3. slide → Infinitive
4. rode →  Simple Past
5. flew →  Simple Past
6. proofread → Infinitive  / Simple Past  /  Past Participle
7. trodden →  Past Participle
8. stick → Infinitive
9. lit →  Simple Past /  Past Participle
10.  brought →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers 7

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 7

In what form are the following verbs? Infinitive, Simple Past and/or Past Participle? Choose the right answer(s):

1. began → 

2. proven → 

3. shoot → 

4. rang → 

5. withdrawn → 

6. crept → 

7. done → 

8. feel → 

9. shook → 

10.  torn → 


1. began →  Simple Past
2. proven →  Past Participle
3. shoot → Infinitive
4. rang →  Simple Past
5. withdrawn →  Past Participle
6. crept →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
7. done →  Past Participle
8. feel → Infinitive
9. shook → Simple Past
10.  torn →  Past Participle

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers 6

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

In what form are the following verbs? Infinitive, Simple Past and/or Past Participle? Choose the right answer(s):

1. bid → 

2. bind → 

3. won → 

4. undergone → 

5. overthrown → 

6. swear → 

7. met → 

8. saw → 

9. blown → 

10.  paid → 


1. bid → Infinitive  / Simple Past  /  Past Participle
2. bind → Infinitive
3. won →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
4. undergone →  Past Participle
5. overthrown →  Past Participle
6. swear → Infinitive
7. met →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
8. saw →  Simple Past
9. blown →Past Participle
10.  paid →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers 5

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

In what form are the following verbs? Infinitive, Simple Past and/or Past Participle? Choose the right answer(s):

1. daydreamt → 

2. forsaken → 

3. leant → 

4. shaken → 

5. overlay → 

6. stole → 

7. spilt → 

8. prove → 

9. had → 

10.  froze → 


1. daydreamt →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
2. forsaken →  Past Participle
3. leant →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
4. shaken →  Past Participle
5. overlay → Infinitive
6. stole →  Simple Past
7. spilt →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
8. prove → Infinitive
9. had →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
10.  froze →  Simple Past

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers 2

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

In what form are the following verbs? Infinitive, Simple Past and/or Past Participle? Choose the right answer(s):

1. do → 

2. have → 

3. went → 

4. come → 

5. run → 

6. keep → 

7. sold → 

8. broken → 

9. met → 

10.  slept → 


1. do →  Infinitive
2. have → Infinitive
3. went → Simple Past
4. come →  Infinitive and Past Participle
5. run →  Infinitive and Past Participle
6. keep →  Infinitive
7. sold →  Simple Past and Past Participle
8. broken →  Past Participle
9. met →  Simple Past and Past Participle
10. slept →  Simple Past and Past Participle

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers 4

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

In what form are the following verbs? Infinitive, Simple Past and/or Past Participle? Choose the right answer(s):

1. made → 

2. melted → 

3. strive → 

4. upset → 

5. kept → 

6. grown → 

7. bred → 

8. rode → 

9. thrust → 

10.  swollen → 


1. made → Simple Past  /  Past Participle
2. melted →  Simple Past /  Past Participle
3. strive →  Infinitive
4. upset →  Infinitive / Simple Past /  Past Participle
5. kept →  Simple Past /  Past Participle
6. grown →  Past Participle
7. bred →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
8. rode →  Simple Past
9. thrust →  Infinitive  / Simple Past  /  Past Participle
10.  swollen →  Past Participle

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers 3

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

In what form are the following verbs? Infinitive, Simple Past and/or Past Participle? Choose the right answer(s):

1. stank → 

2. taken → 

3. think → 

4. told → 

5. misheard → 

6. paid → 

7. cost → 

8. awoken → 

9. broke → 

10.  dealt → 


1. stank →  Simple Past
2. taken → Past Participle
3. think →  Infinitive
4. told →  Simple Past /  Past Participle
5. misheard →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
6. paid →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
7. cost → Infinitive  / Simple Past  / Past Participle
8. awoken →  Past Participle
9. broke →  Simple Past
10.  dealt →  Simple Past /  Past Participle

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers 1

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

In what form are the following verbs? Infinitive, Simple Past and/or Past Participle? Choose the right answer(s):

1. arose → 

2. bent → 

3. became → 

4. dug → 

5. leant 

6. underwent → 

7. thrown → 

8. stung 

9. written → 

10.  spell → 


1. arose → Simple Past
2. bent →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
3. became →  Simple Past
4. dug →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
5. leant →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
6. underwent →  Simple Past
7. thrown →  Past Participle
8. stung →  Simple Past  /  Past Participle
9. written →  Past Participle
10.  spell → Infinitive

Colours exercise worksheets

Colours exercise worksheets

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

What color is it?

🏳️   ⇒

🕶️  ⇒

🗿   ⇒

☀   ⇒

🎃 ⇒

🍏   ⇒

🐋   ⇒

🍎   ⇒

🏈   ⇒

🍆   ⇒ 

🐖   ⇒


🏳️   ⇒ White

🕶️ ⇒ Black

🗿   ⇒ Grey

☀   ⇒ Yellow

🎃 ⇒ Orange

🍏   ⇒ Green

🐋   ⇒ Blue

🍎   ⇒ Red

🏈   ⇒ Brown

🍆   ⇒  Purple / Violet

🐖   ⇒ Pink