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English Vocabulary Exercise with answers | Ideas and opinions

English Vocabulary Exercise with answers | Ideas and opinions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with the following verbs:

  • predict | decide | imagine | remember | judge | wonder | work out | guess

1. I met a lovely girl at a party last week, but I can’t even  her name.

2. I can’t  whether to apply for this job or not. It’s really welI-paid, but the hours are so long.

3. I  if we’ll ever find a cure for the common cold.

4. Go on!  how old Mark is.

> I don’t know. 40?

5. I’d love to be able to travel back in time to ancient Egypt or ancient Rome. Can you  what it would be like?

6. I’m trying to  how long it will take to get to Venice from Rome by car.

7. Don’t ask me to  who’ll win the World Cup. I’ve got no idea.

8. I don’t know why you don’t like Paul. You don’t really know him well enough to  him.


1. I met a lovely girl at a party last week, but I can’t even remember her name.

2. I can’t decide whether to apply for this job or not. It’s really welI-paid, but the hours are so long.

3. I wonder if we’ll ever find a cure for the common cold.

4. Go on! Guess how old Mark is.

> I don’t know. 40?

5. I’d love to be able to travel back in time to ancient Egypt or ancient Rome. Can you imagine what it would be like?

6. I’m trying to work out how long it will take to get to Venice from Rome by car.

7. Don’t ask me to predict who’ll win the World Cup. I’ve got no idea.

8. I don’t know why you don’t like Paul. You don’t really know him well enough to judge him.

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Complete the sentences with the following words:

  • finally | in the end | suddenly | recently | to begin with | so far
  1. Is Jane still working here? I haven’t seen her.
  2. The bus came after I’d been waiting for twenty-five minutes.
  3. I waited all day for him to help me, but he forgot all about it. I had to do it myself.
  4. I haven’t finished the course yet, butI’m really enjoying it.
  5. I thought Jane and I were getting on really well. Then last weekend shesaid she didn’t want to see me any more.
  6. I thought John was serious about going to Australia, but then I realised he was joking.


  1. Is Jane still working here? I haven’t seen her recently.
  2. The bus finally came after I’d been waiting for twenty-five minutes.
  3. I waited all day for him to help me, but he forgot all about it. In the end I had to do it myself.
  4. I haven’t finished the course yet, but so far I’m really enjoying it.
  5. I thought Jane and I were getting on really well. Then last weekend she suddenly said she didn’t want to see me any more.
  6. To begin with I thought John was serious about going to Australia, but then I realised he was joking.


Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Complete the sentences with the following words:

  • until | while | for | since | yet | just | by | during

1. I’ve been waiting here  ages. Where have you been?

2. I’ll try and visit you sometime  the summer holidays.

3. I got annoyed because they kept talking  I was trying to watch the film.

4. If we don’t get this finished  Friday, we’ll have to work at the weekend.

5. She’s always the last one to leave the office. She’s here  seven o’clock some evenings.

6. I don’t want a cup of tea, thanks. I’ve  had one.

7. Don’t tell me what happens in the film. I haven’t seen it .

8. It’s nearly three months  I last saw Alison. I must give her a call.


1. I’ve been waiting here for ages. Where have you been?
2. I’ll try and visit you sometime during the summer holidays.
3. I got annoyed because they kept talking while I was trying to watch the film.
4. If we don’t get this finished by Friday, we’ll have to work at the weekend.
5. She’s always the last one to leave the office. She’s here until seven o’clock some evenings.
6. I don’t want a cup of tea, thanks. I’ve just had one.
7. Don’t tell me what happens in the film. I haven’t seen it yet.
8. It’s nearly three months since I last saw Alison. I must give her a call.

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Match the dates on the left with the expressions on the right:

Today is Monday 15th June.

  1. June 13th → 
  2. June 17th → 
  3. June 18th → 
  4. June 20th/21st → 
  5. June 22nd → 
  6. June 29th → 



  1. June 13th → the day before yesterday
  2. June 17th → the day after tomorrow
  3. June 18th → in three days’ time
  4. June 20th/21st → next weekend
  5. June 22nd → a week today
  6. June 29th → a fortnight today

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with the following expressions: 

  • for the time being | sooner or later | from now on | in a minute | the other day | ages ago | straightaway | in those days
  1. I saw Pam . She told me she’s got a new job.
  2. I’m surprised you still remember that. It happened .
  3. We didn’t have television . I used to play in the garden or read.
  4. He’s a very good player. I’m sure he’s going to win a major competition .
  5. Did you read that article about mad cow disease? l‘m going vegetarian .
  6. I can’t find a flat of my own so l’m staying with friends .
  7. Wait here. l’lI be back .
  8. Linda rang. Can you call her back ?


  1. I saw Pam the other day. She told me she’s got a new job.
  2. I’m surprised you still remember that. It happened ages ago.
  3. We didn’t have television in those days. I used to play in the garden or read.
  4. He’s a very good player. I’m sure he’s going to win a major competition sooner or later.
  5. Did you read that article about mad cow disease? l‘m going vegetarian from now on.
  6. I can’t find a flat of my own so l’m staying with friends for the time being.
  7. Wait here. l’lI be back in a minute.
  8. Linda rang. Can you call her back straightaway?

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Complete the dialogue with these sentences:

  • all the time | on time | next time | at the same time | just in time | by the time

1. Did you hear that I failed my driving test?
> Oh, never mind. Better luck .

2. Aren’t Paul and Lynn here yet?
> No, I’m surprised they’re so late. They’re usually .

3. What was Buckingham Palace like?
> It was great. We arrived to see the changing of the guard.

4. I hear they’ve just made you Head of Department. That must keep you busy.
> You’re not joking. I often have to do five things

5. Let’s get the bus, shall we?
> We might as well walk. the next bus comes we’ll almost be home!

6. Did you find those keys?
Yes, they were in my pocket .


1. Did you hear that I failed my driving test?
> Oh, never mind. Better luck next time

2. Aren’t Paul and Lynn here yet?
> No, I’m surprised they’re so late. They’re usually on time.

3. What was Buckingham Palace like?
> It was great. We arrived just in time to see the changing of the guard.

4. I hear they’ve just made you Head of Department. That must keep you busy.
> You’re not joking. I often have to do five things at the same time.

5. Let’s get the bus, shall we?
> We might as well walk. By the time the next bus comes we’ll almost be home!

6. Did you find those keys?
Yes, they were in my pocket all the time.

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Time

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Match the durations on the left with the expressions on the right that mean the same thing: 

  1. sixty seconds → 
  2. sixty minutes → 
  3. seven days → 
  4. two weeks → 
  5. twelve months → 
  6. ten years → 
  7.  a hundred years → 
  8. a thousand years → 


  1. sixty seconds → a minute
  2. sixty minutes → an hour
  3. seven days → a week
  4. two weeks → a fortnight
  5. twelve months → a year
  6. ten years → a decade
  7.  a hundred years → a century
  8. a thousand years → a millennium

English Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Climate and weather

English Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Climate and weather

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

The letters have in the wrong order, reform the words!

  1. lmac →
  2. urgho →
  3. ndeuthr →
  4. brawino →
  5. umidh →
  6. erefez →
  7. ilchly →
  8. rsseupre →
  9. dughrot →
  10. ereged →



  1. lmac → calm
  2. urgho → rough
  3. ndeuthr → thunder
  4. brawino → rainbow
  5. umidh → humid
  6. erefez → freeze
  7. ilchly → chilly
  8. rsseupre → pressure
  9. dughrot → drought
  10. ereged → degree

English Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Climate and weather

English Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Climate and weather

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

The letters have in the wrong order, reform the words!

  1. sown →
  2. awmr →
  3. nwidy →
  4. sinnushe →
  5. eowshr →
  6. arin →
  7. fgogy →
  8. lcdous →
  9. fosrt →
  10. mepraettrue →


  1. sown → snow
  2. awmr → warm
  3. nwidy → windy
  4. sinnushe → sunshine
  5. eowshr → shower
  6. arin → rain
  7. fgogy → foggy
  8. lcdous → clouds
  9. fosrt → frost
  10. mepraettrue → temperature

English Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Climate and weather

English Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Climate and weather

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Choose the right word:

1. We’re in the middle of a heat- (streak/wave). It has been very hot for two weeks.

2. It looks like the sky is (shining/clearing) up. It’s going to be a beautiful day.

3. That man was (struck/beaten) by lightning twice in the past year.

4. A (drought/draft) is a long period without any rain.

5. Summers in states like Tennessee are very hot and very (humidity/humid).

6. We got caught in the thunderstorm and got completely (socked/soaked).

7. The coastal areas of California have an (ideally/ideal) climate.

8. Did you check the weather (forecast/foreplay) for tomorrow? Is it going to rain?

9. Q: Was it cold in Canada? A: Yes, it was 20 (under/below) zero.

10. Another word for “cloudy” is “” (clouded/overcast).


  1. We’re in the middle of a heat-wave. It has been very hot for two weeks.
  2. It looks like the sky is clearing up. It’s going to be a beautiful day.
  3. That man was struck by lightning twice in the past year.
  4. drought is a long period without any rain.
  5. Summers in states like Tennessee are very hot and very humid.
  6. We got caught in the thunderstorm and got completely soaked.
  7. The coastal areas of California have an ideal climate.
  8. Did you check the weather forecast for tomorrow? Is it going to rain?
  9. Q: Was it cold in Canada? A: Yes, it was 20 below zero.
  10. Another word for “cloudy” is ” overcast “.