Adjective and adverb | Exercise with answers

Adjective and adverb | Exercise with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 8

  1. This restaurant is
  2. Daniel likes wearing clothes.
  3. I waited in the car.
  4. He gave us an look as we drove past.
  5. I’ve been having a lot of headaches  .
  6. He can play the violin .
  7. Mr. Smith  donated $2,000 to the fundation.
  8. If you speak , I can understand.
  9. The sky became surprisingly .
  10. He is a  cook.



  1. reasonably cheap
  2. colourful
  3. nervously
  4. unfriendly
  5. lately
  6. extremely well
  7. generously
  8. slowly
  9. dark
  10. terrible

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