Category: Worksheet

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

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Exercise 5

Choose between pay, pay off or pay for:

  1.  a meal
  2.  a loan
  3.  a lot of money for it
  4.  the gas
  5.  the bill
  6.  your debts
  7.  the rent
  8.  the drinks
  9.  a fine
  10.  the mortgage


  1. pay for a meal
  2. pay off a loan
  3. pay a lot of money for it
  4. pay for the gas
  5. pay the bill
  6. pay off your debts
  7. pay the rent
  8. pay for the drinks
  9. pay a fine
  10. pay off the mortgage

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

 Talking about your income

Complete the following dialogue with the correct verb form in the following sentences:

  • get £400 a week
  • earn pretty good money
  • make a lot more
  • get a rise

1. I’ve only just got enough to get by at the moment, but fortunately I  next month.

2. She wears some lovely clothes, doesn’t she?
> Yes, and she bought a Porsche recently, so I guess she

3. How’s the new job? Does it pay well?
> Not too bad. I after tax.

4. My basic wage is only £200 a week, but I  because I do so much overtime.


1. I’m getting a rise

2. earns pretty good money

3. get £400 a week

4. make a lot more

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Income: Complete the definitions with the following words:

  • pension | maintenance | grant | interest | fee | pocket money | salary | wage | income | bonus

1. A is what you earn weekly.

2. A is what you earn monthly or annually.

3. Your annual salary plus any other money you earn in a year is your

4. A  is paid to a professional for some work – a lawyer, for example.

5 is given by parents to children.

6. People who have retired receive a 

7.  is paid by a man to his ex-wife.

8. is extra money you receive monthly or annually if you keep money in the bank.

9. Some people receive a  once a year if they have done a good job or if the company has had a good year.

10. A is money given to you to help you with your studies or to travel.


1. A wage is what you earn weekly.

2. A salary is what you earn monthly or annually.

3. Your annual salary plus any other money you earn in a year is your income.

4. A fee is paid to a professional for some work – a lawyer, for example.

5 pocket money is given by parents to children.

6. People who have retired receive a pension.

7. maintenance is paid by a man to his ex-wife.

8. interest is extra money you receive monthly or annually if you keep money in the bank.

9. Some people receive a bonus once a year if they have done a good job or if the company has had a good year.

10. A grant is money given to you to help you with your studies or to travel.

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Complete the following dialogues with the words below:

  • credit card | cash | change | cheque

1. Um, I think £25 is a bit expensive.
> Well, there’s 10% off if you pay .

2. We still haven’t paid the telephone bill.
> Don’t worry, I put a in the post last night.

3.Can l pay by ?
> Yes, we take Visa and Mastercard.

4. Have you got any ? I‘ve only got a twenty-pound note.
> Yes, I think I’ve got some pound coins.



  1. cash
  2. cheque
  3. credit card
  4. change

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Use the following words in the text below:

  • notes | coins | credit card | currency | cash | cheque | money belt

The less money you carry around with you, the better. I usually have about £40 in (1)  in my wallet and a couple of pounds in (2) in my pocket.

l pay (3) for things which cost under £10, but for anything over that I use my (4) .

I only use my (5) book to pay bills.

When I go on holiday, I carry all my foreign (6) in a (7)  round my waist under my trousers!


  1. notes
  2. coins
  3. cash
  4. credit card
  5. cheque
  6. currency
  7. money belt

English Vocabulary Exercises | Sports

English Vocabulary Exercises | Sports

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Fighting sports: Answer the following questions about these combat sports:

boxing | wrestling | judo | karate | kick boxing

1. Which three sports take place in a ring? →  |  | 

2. In which of the sports do you use gloves?  →  | 

3. In which of the sports can you become a black-belt? →  | 

4. In which of the sports do you throw your opponent? →  | 


1. Which three sports take place in a ring? → boxing / wrestling / kick-boxing

2. In which of the sports do you use gloves?  → boxing / kick-boxing

3. In which of the sports can you become a black-belt? → karate / judo

4. In which of the sports do you throw your opponent? → wrestling / judo

English Vocabulary Exercises | Sports

English Vocabulary Exercises | Sports

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Choose the correct end for each of the following sentences:

  1. Tessa Sanderson is absolutely delighted. She has won 
  2. It’s every athlete’s dream to represent 
  3. It’s an incredible time — I think she’s broken 
  4. As expected, the favourite from Kenya came 
  5. After so much preparation it was a big disappointment to finish 
  6. Runners from eight different countries will be competing 
  7. And with 200 metres to go, Samuels has taken 


  1. Tessa Sanderson is absolutely delighted. She has won the gold medal.
  2. It’s every athlete’s dream to represent his or her country.
  3. It’s an incredible time — I think she’s broken the world record.
  4. As expected, the favourite from Kenya came first.
  5. After so much preparation it was a big disappointment to finish in second place.
  6. Runners from eight different countries will be competing in the next race.
  7. And with 200 metres to go, Samuels has taken the lead.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Sports

English Vocabulary Exercises | Sports

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Win ou beat? Complete each of the following sentences with win or beat:

  1.  the final
  2.  on points
  3.  a medal
  4.  a point
  5.  a trophy
  6.  the cup
  7.  your rival
  8.  a race
  9.  the champion
  10.  your opponent
  11.  a competition
  12.  the championship
  13.  the favourite
  14.  the world record
  15.  the other team
  16.  by two seconds


  1. win the final
  2. win on points
  3. win a medal
  4. win a point
  5. win a trophy
  6. win the cup
  7. beat your rival
  8. win a race
  9. beat the champion
  10. beat your opponent
  11. win a competition
  12. win the championship
  13. beat the favourite
  14. beat the world record
  15. beat the other team
  16. win by two seconds

English Vocabulary Exercises | Sports

English Vocabulary Exercises | Sports

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Find the missing word in each box:

The sport   →   The person

1.    boxer

2. swimming   

3. skiing     

4.    ice-skater

5.    gymnast

6. athletics    

7. motor racing  racing 

8. cycling   

9.   jockey

10. the pentathlon  

11.    yachtsman

12. rowing  

13.   sky diver

14. weightlifting  

15.   climber


The sport → The person

1. boxing → boxer

2. swimming → swimmer

3. skiing → skier

4. ice-skating → ice-skater

5. gymnastics → gymnast

6. athletics → athlete

7. motor racing → racing driver

8. cycling → cyclist

9. horse racing → jockey

10. the pentathlon → pentathlete

11. sailing → yachtsman

12. rowing → rower

13. sky diving → sky diver

14. weightlifting → weightlifter

15. climbing → climber

English Vocabulary Exercises | Music

English Vocabulary Exercises | Music

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Talking about recordings: Fill in the sentences with the following words:


track | album | songs | tune | solo | number one | charts | single | cover version

1. Have you heard Massive Attack’s new ? It’s fantastic.
> Yes, the first is my favourite. I keep playing it over and over again.

2. I’ve just bought REM’s latest album.
> Yes, I’ve got that. lt’s great. There’s a superb guitar right at the beginning. You’ll love it.

3. Have you heard Billie’s new single yet?
> Yes, I don’t like it much, but it’s got such a catchy  I can’t get it out of my head.

4. Paul Weller normally writes all his own  but on his new album he’s done a of an old Bob Dylan number. It’s absolutely brilliant — better than the original!

5. Britney Spears is releasing a new this week. I’m sure it’ll go straight to in the like all her others.



1. Have you heard Massive Attack’s new album? It’s fantastic.
> Yes, the first track is my favourite. I keep playing it over and over again.

2. I’ve just bought REM’s latest album.
> Yes, I’ve got that. lt’s great. There’s a superb guitar solo right at the beginning. You’ll love it.

3. Have you heard Billie’s new single yet?
> Yes, I don’t like it much, but it’s got such a catchy tune I can’t get it out of my head.

4. Paul Weller normally writes all his own songs but on his new album he’s done a cover version of an old Bob Dylan number. It’s absolutely brilliant — better than the original!

5. Britney Spears is releasing a new single this week. I’m sure it’ll go straight to number one in the charts like all her others.