English Conversation: At the Train Station
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A return ticket for Manchester. |
A single ticket for Paris, please. |
Alight (gett off) at the next stop. (UK) |
Do I need to change trains? |
Does the train have a dining car? |
Has the 10:20 train already departed? |
How long does the journey take? |
How long does the trip take? |
How much is a second-class return ticket? |
I would like to reserve a seat. |
I’m a season ticket holder. |
Is it a direct route? |
Mind the gap between train and the platform! |
Mind the gap! |
One ticket to London, please. |
Punch your ticket before you get on the train. |
Refreshments are served at the buffet car. |
The ticket collector will check your ticket on board. |
The train is pulling into the station. |
The train is scheduled to arrive at 4:30 p.m. |
There is a refreshments trolley on this train. |
Tickets, please. |
We’d like to apologize for the delay. |
What station is this ? |
What time does the train from London arrive? |
What time does the train get in? |
When does the next train for London leave? |
Where can I buy a ticket? |
Where’s the nearest railway station? |
Which is the dining car? |
Which platform does the train leave from? |
Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? |
You don’t have to get your ticket punched in England. |
Your tickets, please. |