English useful phrases: Expressing Disappointment
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What a shame! |
Are you disappointed with me? |
But what good will it do? |
Disappointment was written in his face. |
Her disappointment was visible. |
Her hopes were dashed |
How disappointing! |
I had high hopes for … |
I had hoped that I’d be able to meet him. |
I thought he could do better. |
I was so looking forward to … |
I wish that someone had let me know. |
I’m disappointed in you, Paul. |
I’m disappointed in your decision, but I respect it. |
I’d very much hoped that I’d be able to meet him. |
I’d very much hoped that I’d get selected this time. |
I’m disappointed in him. |
I’m sorry to hear that. |
I’ve never been so disappointed in my life. |
It was an absolute waste of money. |
It wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. |
It’s a great shame. |
It’s a little bit disappointing, isn’t it! |
It’s most unfortunate. |
It’s very upsetting that this has happened. |
Lady Gaga announced her retirement, much to the dismay of her fans. |
Oh dear! I’ve spilt the milk. |
Oh no, what a letdown! |
Oh no, what a shame! |
Oh well, never mind. |
Oh, damn! |
Oh, dear! What fools we were! |
Oh, no! |
Oh, no! Not again! |
Oh, that’s a nuisance! |
Paul, now utterly disheartened, abandoned his project altogether. |
That stinks. |
That’s so disappointing! |
That’s too bad. |
That’s a great pity. |
That’s a pity. |
The failure to get the job came as a blow. |
Things always go wrong. |
Tina’s disappointment was apparent. |
Unfortunately, I couldn’t reach there in time. |
What we had been led to expect was … |
What’s the point of giving a party now? |
When I think of it! |
You look so sad. |