English Vocabulary Exercises | Age and the periods of life
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Exercise 3
Find the right word:
1 – I think I had a very happy .
2 – In his my father wrote a book about his wartime experiences.
3 – is often a period of insecurity..
4 – My first unfortunately only lasted a couple of years.
5 – Girls begin around the ages of ten to eleven, and boys around the ages of eleven to twelve.
6 – He’s is going through a crisis.
7 – Was he present at the of his son?
8 – I have two years left until .
- I think I had a very happy childhood.
- In his old age my father wrote a book about his wartime experiences.
- Adolescence is often a period of insecurity.
- My first marriage unfortunately only lasted a couple of years.
- Girls begin puberty around the ages of ten to eleven, and boys around the ages of eleven to twelve.
- He’s is going through a middle age crisis.
- Was he present at the birth of his son?
- I have two years left until retirement.