Expressing cause and consequence in English
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Because of / On account of |
As a consequence of…/As a result of… |
As a result of which… |
Consequently / As a result… |
Due to… |
For no reason at all. |
For some reason or another… /Somehow… |
For that reason / On this account… |
For the simple reason that… |
For the very reason why… |
Hence… |
If that is the case,… |
In the same way, … |
In view of / In the light of… |
Largely because of… |
On the pretext of… |
Partly because of… |
Seeing that / Given that / Considering that |
Should it turn out that… |
Should that be the case,… |
Since… |
Thanks to… |
That being the case,… |
That’s the reason why… |
That’s why… |
The result / upshot is that… |
Thereby, … |
With good reason. |
With reason. / Justly. / Rightly. |