Personal pronouns | Exercises with answers
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Exercise 6
By which object pronouns (him, them, us…) can we replace the underlined words in each sentence?
Ex: I saw your sister at the library. → her
- She hates Gina’s boyfriend. →
- We must do the cleaning today. →
- She told James and I the truth. →
- He’s talking to Nina about it. →
- I like apple juice. →
- I often read books. →
- They listen to the teacher. →
- We are talking to our neighbour. →
- I’ll speak to the boss tomorrow. →
- I don’t know the new students. →
- The match starts at 10.30. →
- Have you seen James recently? →
- Come with Barbie and I to the supermarket. →
- I didn’t like the way he spoke to my sister. →
- Paul took George to work. →
- him
- it
- us
- her
- it
- them
- him
- them
- him
- them
- it
- him
- us
- her
- him