Useful english phrases: Talking about statistics

Talking about statistics / presenting a graph in English

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The crime rate rose.
A slow but steady recovery for the Japanese economy is expected.
A steep drop in price occurred in 2006 when volumes of imports dropped dramatically.
China is the only major auto market still growing despite the global economic slowdown.
Despite a slight decline in the last few years, the number of motor vehicle thefts in Canada remains high.
Price fluctuations may affect the Company’s results.
Rates have plateaued in the last 5 years.
The crime rate dropped.
The EESC calls for a massive reduction of oil demand in Europe.
the gradual rise in the proportion of older people is expected to intensify
The sharp increase in food prices threatens to become a grave crisis.
The unemployment rate went up.
The world prices of coffee and tea have plummeted during the last decade.
There was a slight decrease in their income.
There was a spike in demand.
We reached a peak in 1984 in terms of agricultural production.


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