Adverbs in english grammar
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It is used to specify how someone does something. They can modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.
- I am sincerely sorry.
Adverbs of place
- above
- abroad
- anywhere
- away
- behind
- downstairs
- everywhere
- here
- home
- inside, outside
- nowhere
- out / outside
- somewhere
- there
- underground
- upstairs
Adverbs of time
- already
- now
- today
- soon
- then
- yesterday
- tomorrow
- tonight
Adverbs of maners
You need to add -ly at the end to make an adverb of maners:
- warmly
- nicely
- carefully
- correctly
- easily
- loudly
- slowly
- patiently
- quickly
- quietly
Degree adverbs
- too
- very
- more
- totally
- nearly
- enough
Frequency adverbs
- never
- rarely
- sometimes
- occasionally
- frequently
- often
- usually
- always
Negative Adverbs
The adverbs hardly, barely and scarcely already have a negative meaning, so they cannot be associated with another negative form: the verb appears in the positive form.
- I could hardly eat anything.