
Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

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Exercise 5

Put the following sentences in order, from 1 to 6:

a. Key in your PIN number. → 

b. Take your card. → 

c. Choose the amount of money you want. → 

d. Take your cash. → 

e. Insert your card. → 

f. Press the ‘withdraw cash’ button. → 


  1. Insert your card. 
  2. Key in your PIN number.
  3. Press the ‘withdraw cash’ button.
  4. Choose the amount of money you want.
  5. Take your card.
  6. Take your cash.

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Borrowing money from the bank: Complete the sentences with the following words:

  • debt | interest | loan | mortgage | overdraft | overdrawn

1. I’m glad it’s nearly the end of the month. l’ve got absolutely no money left.
> I know what you mean. I don’t get paid for another week and I’m already .

2. You’re working long hours at the moment. Are you saving up for something?
> No – nothing so exciting! I’m trying to pay off the on my Barclays account.

3. I’m sure the bank would lend you the money if you really need it.
> No, I don’t want to do that. I already owe my father £300. I really don’t want to get further into .

4. I hear you’re thinking of starting up your own business. How are you going to get the money?
> No problem. l’ve already applied to the bank for a .

5. If you really want a new car, why don’t you borrow some money from the bank?
> I don’t really want to do that. You have to pay so much in .

6. So, I hear you’re getting a flat of your own, are you?
> Yes, I’ve found a really nice place, saved up enough for a deposit, and arranged a .


  1. overdrawn
  2. overdraft
  3. debt
  4. loan
  5. interest
  6. mortgage

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences with the following words:

  • direct debit | standing order | write | a pay-in | electronic | a withdrawal

1. If you pay money into your account you make .

2. If you take money out of your account you make .

3. If you need to pay a bill, you can a cheque.

4. If you have to pay money to the same person or company on a regular basis, you can pay by  or by .

5. Some people never need to visit their bank. They use an banking service. They can check their account and make payments using the internet.


  1. a pay-in
  2. a withdrawal
  3. write
  4. direct debit / standing order
  5. electronic

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

account or card ?

  1. current 
  2. credit 
  3. deposit 
  4. savings 
  5. cash 
  6. joint 


  1. current account
  2. credit card
  3. deposit account
  4. savings account
  5. cash card
  6. joint account

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with the following words:

  • interest | loan | borrow | cash | overdrawn | debts | cheque | overdraft | account | cashpoint

1. I haven’t got any with me. I’ll need to go to the bank.

2. My salary is paid straight into my at the end of every month.

3. If you want to buy a new car, why not get a  from the bank?

4. Interest rates are very low. Why don’t you the money from the bank?

5. I’m going to the bank to pay in this .

6. I’ll have to stop spending so much money. I’m already by over £100.

7. If you are prepared to take more risk, you’ll get higher on your investment.

8. Tom’s got quite a few  He’s borrowed money from the bank and several of his friends.

9. I need some cash. Is there a  near here?

10. I’m spending too much money. I’ve already got an enormous .


  1. cash
  2. account
  3. loan
  4. borrow
  5. cheque
  6. overdrawn
  7. interest
  8. debts
  9. cashpoint
  10. overdraft

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 7

Expressions about money: Match the sentences on the left and right:

  1. I’ve never won any money 
  2. I inherited some money 
  3. They’ve organised an event to raise money 
  4. I‘m hoping to borrow some money 
  5. Her father made a lot of money 



  1. I’ve never won any money on the lottery.
  2. I inherited some money when my grandfather died.
  3. They’ve organised an event to raise money for charity.
  4. I‘m hoping to borrow some money from the bank.
  5. Her father made a lot of money when he sold his house.

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Match the verb on the left with the sentences on the right:

  • to a beggar | on food | in a will | at the casino | by walking to work | in a new business | into the bank | to a friend | for your holiday | on silly things

1. spend money .

2. lose money .

3. give money .

4. save money .

5. leave money .

6. lend money .

7. invest money .

8. waste money .

9. pay money .

10. change money .



1. spend money on food 
2. lose money at the casino 
3. give money to a beggar
4. save money by walking to work 
5. leave money in a will
6. lend money to a friend  
7. invest money in a new business
8. waste money on silly things 
9. pay money into the bank   
10. change money for your holiday  

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Choose between pay, pay off or pay for:

  1.  a meal
  2.  a loan
  3.  a lot of money for it
  4.  the gas
  5.  the bill
  6.  your debts
  7.  the rent
  8.  the drinks
  9.  a fine
  10.  the mortgage


  1. pay for a meal
  2. pay off a loan
  3. pay a lot of money for it
  4. pay for the gas
  5. pay the bill
  6. pay off your debts
  7. pay the rent
  8. pay for the drinks
  9. pay a fine
  10. pay off the mortgage

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

 Talking about your income

Complete the following dialogue with the correct verb form in the following sentences:

  • get £400 a week
  • earn pretty good money
  • make a lot more
  • get a rise

1. I’ve only just got enough to get by at the moment, but fortunately I  next month.

2. She wears some lovely clothes, doesn’t she?
> Yes, and she bought a Porsche recently, so I guess she

3. How’s the new job? Does it pay well?
> Not too bad. I after tax.

4. My basic wage is only £200 a week, but I  because I do so much overtime.


1. I’m getting a rise

2. earns pretty good money

3. get £400 a week

4. make a lot more

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Vocabulary Exercises with Answers | Money

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Income: Complete the definitions with the following words:

  • pension | maintenance | grant | interest | fee | pocket money | salary | wage | income | bonus

1. A is what you earn weekly.

2. A is what you earn monthly or annually.

3. Your annual salary plus any other money you earn in a year is your

4. A  is paid to a professional for some work – a lawyer, for example.

5 is given by parents to children.

6. People who have retired receive a 

7.  is paid by a man to his ex-wife.

8. is extra money you receive monthly or annually if you keep money in the bank.

9. Some people receive a  once a year if they have done a good job or if the company has had a good year.

10. A is money given to you to help you with your studies or to travel.


1. A wage is what you earn weekly.

2. A salary is what you earn monthly or annually.

3. Your annual salary plus any other money you earn in a year is your income.

4. A fee is paid to a professional for some work – a lawyer, for example.

5 pocket money is given by parents to children.

6. People who have retired receive a pension.

7. maintenance is paid by a man to his ex-wife.

8. interest is extra money you receive monthly or annually if you keep money in the bank.

9. Some people receive a bonus once a year if they have done a good job or if the company has had a good year.

10. A grant is money given to you to help you with your studies or to travel.