Political vocabulary list pdf
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a ballot box
a ballot paper
a blank vote
a bone of contention
a candidate
a citizen
a communist
a countess
a crushing defeat
a denunciation
a despot
a dictator
a diplomat
a duchess
a duke
a failure
a head of state
a heated debate
a heir/a heiress
a human rights organization
a hung parliament
a key issue
a king
a kingdom
a law
a lobby
a massive tax cut
a milestone
a military junta
a mole
a monarch
a much debated question
a nationalist
a parliamentary system
a police state
a political battle
a political campaign
a political career
a political party
a polling booth
a polling card / a voting card
a polling station
a president
a queen
a republic
a republican
a right-/left-wing politician
a scandal
a senator
a sovereign
a spy
a state secret
a staunch supporter
a tyrant
a voter, an elector
an anarchist
an earl, a count
an election campaign
an emperor
an empire
an informant
an MP (Member Parliament)
an overwhelming majority
at the head of
authoritarian ways
central government
defamatory (pour un texte) / slanderous (geste ou parole)
domestic policy
drastic measures
foreign policy
His/Her Royal Highness
human rights
in power
on the agenda
polling day
the Attorney General
the chancellor
the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
the Conservative Party
the coronation
the court
the crown princess
the Declaration of human rights
the Democrats
the diplomatic corps
the Dispatch Box
the electoral system
the electorate
the first ballot
the general election
the Health/Education Secretary
the Home Secretary
the House of Commons
The House of Lords
the House of Representatives
the Houses of Parliament
the Labour Party
the leader of a party
the legislative/ executive/judiciary body
the Liberal Party
the Lord Chancellor
the municipal election
the party in power
the political climate
the political system
the presidential
the press gallery
the Prince Consort
the Queen Mother
the Radicals
the Republican Party
the Republicans
the result of the poll
the ruling party
the Secretary of State
the Secretary of the Treasury
the senate
the Social Democratic Party
the State/Interior Department
the Union Jack
the White House
to abolish
to abstain from voting
to advise
to announce a candidacy for
to appoint, to nominate
to approve of
to ascend the throne
to attend a meeting
to be ahead/behind
to be apolitical
to be defeated
to be elected
to be entitled to vote
to be in opposition
to be involved in
to become reconciled
to betray
to break off diplomatic relations
to bug, to tap a phone
to call for an election
to call off
to campaign for/against
to carry out
to compete for sthg
to confer a title
to cope with a situation
to count the votes
to crown
to crush political opposition
to curb abuses
to curb/to reduce inflation
to deal a blow
to dedicate one’s life to
to defect to
to denounce torture
to die heirless
to dismiss
to dissolve
to draft a resolution
to elect
to embezzle
to follow the party line
to follow the policy of
to forge alliances with
to form a coalition
to found
to gather intelligence
to give an impetus to
to govern
to grapple with problems
to guarantee a right
to handle/to dodge/ to solve a crisis
to have far-reaching
to have the power of veto
to hinder
to ignite a debate
to infiltrate agents into
to interfere with
to join
to lobby
to lower the voting age to
to lower unemployment
to merge
to mistrust somebody
to muzzle
to negotiate
to oppress
to outlaw
to pass a law
to pay an official visit
to preside over
to preside over a session
to promise
to quell disturbances
to rally to
to ratify
to reign over
to reject
to remove from office
to renounce
to replace
to repress
to reshuffle
to restore
to restore diplomatic ties with
to restore monarchy
to restore relations with
to return to power
to rule, to run a country
to sign a treaty
to silence
to sink
to slander sb
to smother
to soar
to split
to spy
to stick to a programme
to strike a deal
to submit to
to succeed to
to support a party
to suppress dissent
to tackle a problem
to take a poll
to terrorize
to trigger a movement
to trust somebody
to turn a blind eye on
to vote
to vote overwhelmingly for
to ward off attacks
to wield power
to win the confidence of