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English Vocabulary Exercises | Music

English Vocabulary Exercises | Music

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Exercise 1

Classical music: Fill in the definitions with the following words:

  • concerto | overture | movements | symphony | conductor | composer

1. The person who writes a piece of music is the  – Beethoven, for example.

2. The person who directs the performance of an orchestra is the .

3. A long musical composition in several  for the full orchestra is a .

4. A  is usually played by a solo instrument such as the piano or violin and the full orchestra.

5. An  is a piece of music written as an introduction to an opera or ballet.



  1. The person who writes a piece of music is the composer – Beethoven, for example.
  2. The person who directs the performance of an orchestra is the conductor.
  3. A long musical composition in several movements for the full orchestra is a symphony.
  4. A concerto is usually played by a solo instrument such as the piano or violin and the full orchestra.
  5. An overture is a piece of music written as an introduction to an opera or ballet.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Asking about a film: Match the appropriate questions and answers:

  1. Where’s it on? → 
  2. Who’s in it? → 
  3. What’s it about? → 
  4. Who directed it? → 
  5. What’s it like? → 



  1. Where’s it on? → At the Odeon.
  2. Who’s in it? → Sam Neill and Laura Dern.
  3. What’s it about? → A theme park terrorised by dinosaurs.
  4. Who directed it? → Steven Spielberg
  5. What’s it like? → It’s brilliant! / It’s terrible!

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Complete the sentences with the following words:

shoot | rave reviews | given | scene | played | three Oscars | nominated | role

1. Sean Connery  the  of James Bond for many years.

2. The film has been for  – best film, best actress and best original screenplay.

3. The director decided it would be better to  the  in black and white.

4. I’ve heard it’s a fantastic film. The critics have all it 


shoot | rave reviews | give |  the scene | play | three Oscars | nominate | the role

1. Sean Connery played the role of James Bond for many years.

2. The film has been nominated for three oscars – best film, best actress and best original screenplay.

3. The director decided it would be better to shoot the scene in black and white.

4. I’ve heard it’s a fantastic film. The critics have all given it rave reviews.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Talking about films: Choose the right answer between the two proposals:

  1. The Beach was mainly filmed on location / on site in Thailand. → 
  2. Jodie Foster won an Oscar for her performance / play in Silence of the Lambs.  → 
  3. Cat Woman was one of the characters / actresses in Batman. → 
  4. Anthony Hopkins heads the cast / the players in this moving costume drama. → 
  5. I got a bit confused. The plot / tale was too complicated for me. → 
  6. I’ll never forget the action / the scene where they drive over the cliff at the end of Thelma and Louise. → 
  7. The Age of Innocence won an award for the best costumes / uniforms. → 
  8. Most American films are translated / are dubbed when they’re shown in Europe but some countries prefer to show them in English with subtitles. → 
  9. Have you heard the soundtrack / the screenplay for Trainspotting? It’s brilliant. → 
  10. The special tricks / effects in Total Recall are amazing! → 


  1. The Beach was mainly filmed on location  in Thailand.
  2. Jodie Foster won an Oscar for her performance  in Silence of the Lambs.
  3. Cat Woman was one of the characters in Batman.
  4. Anthony Hopkins heads the cast  in this moving costume drama.
  5. I got a bit confused. The plot  was too complicated for me.
  6. I’ll never forget the scene where they drive over the cliff at the end of Thelma and Louise.
  7. The Age of Innocence won an award for the best costumes.
  8. Most American films are dubbed when they’re shown in Europe but some countries prefer to show them in English with subtitles.
  9. Have you heard the soundtrack for Trainspotting? It’s brilliant.
  10. The special effects in Total Recall are amazing!

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Making a film: Choose the correct end for each sentence:

  1. The Beach was set 
  2. Schindler’s List was filmed in 
  3. Psycho was directed by 
  4. Titanic starred 
  5. Jurassic Park was based on 



  1. The Beach was set → d. in Thailand.
  2. Schindler’s List was filmed in → c. black and white.
  3. Psycho was directed by → e. Alfred Hitchcock.
  4. Titanic starred → a. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.
  5. Jurassic Park was based on → b. a novel by Michael Crichton.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Fill in the sentences with the following words:

screen | subtitles | row | trailers | credits

1. Let’s sit at the back. I don’t like being too near the

2. I like to sit in the front 

3. I find trying to read very annoying. I prefer dubbed films.

4. I like seeing all the for the new films that are coming out.

5. I usually stay at the end to read the because I like to know who some of the less important actors were.


  1. Let’s sit at the back. I don’t like being too near the screen
  2. I like to sit in the front row
  3. I find trying to read subtitles very annoying. I prefer dubbed films.
  4. I like seeing all the trailers for the new films that are coming out.
  5. I usually stay at the end to read the credits because I like to know who some of the less important actors were.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

English Vocabulary Exercises | Cinema & Movies

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Match the following words with their definitions:

star | director | scene | critic | review

1. somebody who reviews new films → 

2. a very famous actor or actress → 

3. what a critic writes about a new film → 

4. the person who tells the actors and actresses what to do → 

5. one small part of a film → 


  1. somebody who reviews new films → critic
  2. a very famous actor or actress → star
  3. what a critic writes about a new film → review
  4. the person who tells the actors and actresses what to do → director
  5. one small part of a film → scene

English Vocabulary Exercises | Food

English Vocabulary Exercises | Food

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Negative comments about food: Match the food on the left with the most appropriate comments:

  1. coffee or tea → 
  2. steak → 
  3. an Indian dish → 
  4. a sauce → 
  5. fish → 
  6. a cake → 



  1. coffee or tea → too strong / weak / sweet
  2. steak → a bit overdone / underdone
  3. an Indian dish → too hot / spicy
  4. a sauce → too rich / thick / bland
  5. fish → too many bones
  6. a cake → a bit dry / stale

English Vocabulary Exercises | Food

English Vocabulary Exercises | Food

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Match the sentences with the following comments:

  1. Is dinner nearly ready? → 
  2. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. → 
  3. No more for me, thanks. → 
  4. I’m glad we went for that walk. → 
  5. I shouldn’t really be eating this chocolate before dinner. → 




  1. Is dinner nearly ready? → I’m starving.
  2. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. → I’ve lost my appetite.
  3. No more for me, thanks. → I’m full.
  4. I’m glad we went for that walk. → lt’s really given me an appetite.
  5. I shouldn’t really be eating this chocolate before dinner. → It’ll spoil my appetite.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Food

English Vocabulary Exercises | Food

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Delicious food | Complete the following dialogues with the word pairs below:

  • tasty / delicious
  • flavour / bland
  • flavour / tender
  • wonderful / revolting
  • off / disgusting

1. Yuk! This salmon smells a bit
> Yes, it’s absolutely

2. Your chicken looks very
> Mm, it’s absolutely

3. This sauce hasn’t got much has it?
> No, it’s a bit , I’m afraid.

4. I’ve just discovered a blue cheese from Spain.
> Oh, how  ! I can’t stand blue cheese.

5. I’ve never tasted lamb with so much 
> Yes, and it was so , wasn’t it?


  1. off / disgusting
  2. tasty / delicious
  3. flavour / bland
  4. wonderful / revolting
  5. flavour / tender