
Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Countries and nationalities

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Countries and nationalities

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Exercise 5

Fill in the sentences with the appropriate nationality:

Ex: Miguel is from Spain. He is Spanish.

1. Torben is from Denmark. He is .

2. Marko is from Croatia. He is .

3. Vlad is from Bulgaria. He is .

4. Stephen is from Scotland. He is .

5. Mathieu is from Belgium. He is .

6. Tina is from Norway. She is .

7. Tim is from Wales. He is .

8. Petra is from Slovakia. She is .

9. David is from Austria. He is .

10. Dmitri is from Ukraine. He is .


  1. Torben is from Denmark. He is Danish.
  2. Marko is from Croatia. He is Croatian.
  3. Vlad is from Bulgaria. He is Bulgarian.
  4. Stephen is from Scotland. He is Scottish.
  5. Mathieu is from Belgium. He is Belgian.
  6. Tina is from Norway. She is Norwegian.
  7. Tim is from Wales. He is Welsh.
  8. Petra is from Slovakia. She is Slovakian.
  9. David is from Austria. He is Austrian.
  10. Dmitri is from Ukraine. He is Ukrainian.

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Countries and nationalities

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Countries and nationalities

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Fill in the sentences with the appropriate nationality:

Ex: Mike is from Korea. He is Korean.

1. Shahin is from Iran. He is .

2. Billy is from China. He is .

3. Yoko is from Japan. She is .

4. Sarah is from Afghanistan. She is .

5. Samir is from Lebanon. He is .

6. Noa is from Israel. She is .

7. Andy is from Thailand. He is .

8. Rajiv is from India. He is .

9. Mohammed is from Indonesia. He is .

10. Betty is from Turkey. She is .

11. Amira is from Pakistan. She is .

12. Sako is from Armenia. He is .

13. Joy is from Vietnam. She is .

14. Omar is from Iraq. He is .

15. Tom is from Sri Lanka. He is .



  1. Shahin is from Iran. He is Iranian.
  2. Billy is from China. He is Chinese.
  3. Yoko is from Japan. She is Japanese.
  4. Sarah is from Afghanistan. She is Afghani.
  5. Samir is from Lebanon. He is Lebanese.
  6. Noa is from Israel. She is Israeli.
  7. Andy is from Thailand. He is Thai.
  8. Rajiv is from India. He is Indian.
  9. Mohammed is from Indonesia. He is Indonesian.
  10. Betty is from Turkey. She is Turkish.
  11. Amira is from Pakistan. She is Pakistani.
  12. Sako is from Armenia. He is Armenian.
  13. Joy is from Vietnam. She is Vietnamese.
  14. Omar is from Iraq. He is Iraqi.
  15. Tom is from Sri Lanka. He is Sri Lankan.

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Countries and nationalities

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Countries and nationalities

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Fill in the sentences with the appropriate nationality:

Ex: Michel is from Canada. He is Canadian.

1. Roberto is from Mexico. He is .

2. Julie is from Brazil. She is .

3. David is from Peru. He is .

4. Alejandro is from Argentina. He is .

5. Maria is from Cuba. She is .

6. Edward is from the Bahamas. He is .

7. Cathy is from the United States of America. She is .

8. Hugo is from Venezuela. He is .

9. Lucia is from Colombia. She is .

10. Ana Luisa is from Chile. She is .



  1. Roberto is from Mexico. He is Mexican.
  2. Julie is from Brazil. She is Brazilian.
  3. David is from Peru. He is Peruvian.
  4. Alejandro is from Argentina. He is Argentinian.
  5. Maria is from Cuba. She is Cuban.
  6. Edward is from the Bahamas. He is Bahamian.
  7. Cathy is from the United States of America. She is American.
  8. Hugo is from Venezuela. He is Venezualan.
  9. Lucia is from Colombia. She is Colombian.
  10. Ana Luisa is from Chile. She is Chilean.

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Countries and nationalities

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Countries and nationalities

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Complete the following sentences with in or on:

  1. It’s somewhere  Central America.
  2. It’s  the west coast of Africa.
  3. Ithink it’s  the Balkans.
  4. It’s right  the equator.
  5. It’s  the other side of the world.
  6. It’s  the border of Argentina and Chile.
  7. It’s  the Far East, isn’t it?
  8. It’s right  the middle of Russia.
  9. It’s  the Arctic.



  1. in
  2. on
  3. in
  4. on
  5. on
  6. on
  7. in
  8. in
  9. in

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Countries and nationalities

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Countries and nationalities

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Which countries speak the following languages?

  1. French → 
  2. Greek → 
  3. Icelandic → 
  4. Welsh → 
  5. Thai → 
  6. Swiss → 
  7. Cypriot → 
  8. Dutch → 



  1. France
  2. Greece
  3. iceland
  4. Wales
  5. Thailand
  6. Switzerland
  7. Cyprus
  8. the Netherlands

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | Materials

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | Materials

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.


Use the following words in the sentences below: 

  • metal | wood | glass | rubber | plastic | leather | wax | cardboard

1. The characters in Madame Tussaud’s are made of

2. Most wine bottles are made of green, brown or clear

3. Car tyres are made of

4. A few cars are made of fibre glass, but most are made of

5. Shampoo bottles and washing-up liquid both come in bottles.

6. Today most yachts are made of fibre glass, but they used to be made of .

7. Most people wear shoes with uppers, but plastic soles. The most expensive shoes also have soles.

8. Cornflakes and other breakfast cereals come in boxes.


  • 1. wax
  • 3. rubber
  • 4. metal
  • 5. plastic
  • 6. wood
  • 7. leather, leather
  • 8. cardboard

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Fill in the boxes below:

noun adjective person
environment environmentalist



noun adjective person
environment environmental environmentalist
ecology ecology ecologist

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Use the following words to complete the sentences:

  • exhaust fumes | toxic waste | emissions | deforestation | pesticides | crops

1. The Government is introducing strict new rules on the dumping of by industry.

2. Farmers contribute to environmental damage byspraying  with which stay in the soil for years.

3.  from factories in northern Germany affect the environment in large parts of Scandinavia.

4. Tropical rainforests have always helped to keep the environment in balance but recent means they no longer absorb as much carbon dioxide as they used to.

5.  from cars and other vehicles cause a great deal of damage to the environment.


  1. toxic waste
  2. crops, pesticides
  3. Emissions
  4. deforestation
  5. Exhaust fumes

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Match the words on the left with those on the right to form common expressions:

1. global 

2. greenhouse 

3. ozone 

4. acid 

Then use the expressions you have formed in the following sentences: 

5. The gradual rise in the Earth’s temperature is known as

6. When heat gets trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere, it is known as the

7. Scientists have found holes in the , particularly over Antarctica.

8. Rain mixed with toxic chemicals from factories is known as .


  • Global warming
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Ozone layer
  • Acid rain


  • 5. global warming
  • 6. greenhouse effect
  • 7. ozone layer
  • 8. acid rain

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Use the following words to complete the sentences: 

  • waste | pollution | protect | factory | recycled | emissions | damage | environmentalists

1. During the last hundred years we have done great to the environment.

2. There’s a large chemical in our town which has polluted the river twice in the last year.

3. The Government is very worried about the of our rivers and beaches.

4. A lot of household  like bottles and newspapers can be and used again.

5. are furious with the American Government for delaying measures which will reduce greenhouse gas 

6. There are lots of things we can all do to the environment.


  1. damage
  2. factory
  3. pollution
  4. waste, recycled
  5. Environmentalists, emissions
  6. protect