
English Vocabulary Exercises | Everyday Problems

English Vocabulary Exercises | Everyday Problems

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Exercise 2

Choose the right answer:

1. I got in an  with my girlfriend.a. argument
b. agreement

2. I   my test.

a. failed
b. fell

3. I got a  tire on my bike.
a. flat
b. empty

4. I  my train this morning.
a. missed
b. lacked

5. I forgot to pay my phone .
a. check
b. bill

6. The internet has been  most of the afternoon.
a. down
b. blue

7. The milk has gone .
a. bad
b. old

8. We’re  sugar.
a. out of
b. out in

9. I’m having a hard time  my new bed.
a. assembling
b. agglomerating

10. I  my wrist playing basketball.
a. sprained
b. abused


  1. argument
  2. failed
  3. flat
  4. missed
  5. bill
  6. down
  7. bad
  8. out of
  9. assembling
  10. sprained

English Vocabulary Exercises | Everyday Problems

English Vocabulary Exercises | Everyday Problems

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

What do we say when something goes wrong or doesn’t work?

  1. The pipe in my kitchen is .
    a. running
    b. leaking
  2. I got in an accident and  my bumper.
    a. bruised
    b. dented
  3. My phone battery .
    a. died
    b. ended
  4. I fell and  my arm.
    a. dented
    b. bruised
  5. I spilled some wine and  the tablecloth.
    a. broke
    b. stained
  6. Our washing machine .
    a. broke down
    b. came off
  7.  a tooth while I was eating dinner .
    a. chipped
    b. banged
  8. We  gas on the way to work.
    a. ran out of
    b. ended up
  9. I forgot my keys so now I’m  of my apartment.
    a. stuck out
    b. locked out
  10.  my head on the kitchen cupboard.
    a. bumped
    b. collided



  1. leaking
  2. dented
  3. died
  4. bruised
  5. stained
  6. broke down
  7. chipped
  8. ran out of
  9. locked out
  10. bumped


Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 8

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences:

1. Spinach, kale, and other such leaf vegetables are sometimes referred to as (leafy/leaf) greens.

2. The flavor of this spice is too strong. It will (overpower/overtake) the other flavors.

3. Roasting a spice (brings/takes) out its flavor.

4. Take the soup off the burner and let it (cold/cool) for 30 minutes.

5. Is the flavor subtle or (intense/intensive)?

6. There are at least three ways to cook potatoes. You can fry them, bake them, or (boil/bowl) them.

7. Stir the sauce until it’s the (consistency/constancy) (= thickness) of yogurt.

8. This has to be cooked over (medium/middle) heat.

9. You have to cook the broccoli over a low flame. = You have to (simmer/summer) the broccoli.

10. You have to work the dough with your hands. = You have to ” (knead/knit) the dough.


  1. Spinach, kale, and other such leaf vegetables are sometimes referred to as leafy greens.
  2. The flavor of this spice is too strong. It will overpower the other flavors.
  3. Roasting a spice brings out its flavor.
  4. Take the soup off the burner and let it cool for 30 minutes.
  5. Is the flavor subtle or intense?
  6. There are at least three ways to cook potatoes. You can fry them, bake them, or boil them.
  7. Stir the sauce until it’s the consistency (= thickness) of yogurt.
  8. This has to be cooked over medium heat.
  9. You have to cook the broccoli over a low flame. = You have to simmer the broccoli.
  10. You have to work the dough with your hands. = You have to knead the dough.

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 7

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences:

1. This ingredient will bring a lot of (flavor/indulgence) to this dish.

2. Food from other countries is (still) sometimes called (ethnic/ethical) food.

3. (hearty/hard) flavor = strong flavor

4. How long do I have to (steep/stop) this tea?

5. My doctor told me to cut down on junk food, and to eat (nourishing/processed) food instead.

6. Rebecca is trying to (cut out/cut off) ( = eliminate) meat from her diet.

7. When buying food in a supermarket, it’s important to read the (label/paper).

8. You don’t have to combine this food with anything. It’s delicious on its (own/one).

9. This is a very time-consuming dish. It requires a lot of preparation and (cleanup/cleanliness).

10. These days, I put low-” (fatty/fat) milk in my coffee instead of cream.


  1. This ingredient will bring a lot of flavor to this dish.
  2. Food from other countries is (still) sometimes called ethnic food.
  3. Hearty flavor = strong flavor
  4. How long do I have to steep this tea?
  5. My doctor told me to cut down on junk food, and to eat nourishing food instead.
  6. Rebecca is trying to cut out meat from her diet.
  7. When buying food in a supermarket, it’s important to read the label.
  8. You don’t have to combine this food with anything. It’s delicious on its own.
  9. This is a very time-consuming dish. It requires a lot of preparation and cleanup.
  10. These days, I put low-fat” (fatty/fat) milk in my coffee instead of cream.

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences:

bland | raw | complicated | sweet | washed | salty | spicy | melted | thick | stale.

1. The soup is too because you’ve put too much salt in it.

2. The coffee is too because you’ve put too much sugar in it.

3. The stew is too because you’ve put too many hot peppers in it.

4. The stew is too because you didn’t add enough water to it.

5. The ice cream has because you left it outside the freezer.

6. This dish is too . You should add some spices to it.

7. This recipe is too . Don’t you have any simpler recipes?

8. This bread is not fresh. It’s .

9. These vegetables are not cooked. They are .

10. This fruit is dirty. It hasn’t been .


  1. The soup is too salty because you’ve put too much salt in it.
  2. The coffee is too sweet because you’ve put too much sugar in it.
  3. The stew is too spicy because you’ve put too many hot peppers in it.
  4. The stew is too thick because you didn’t add enough water to it.
  5. The ice cream has melted because you left it outside the freezer.
  6. This dish is too bland. You should add some spices to it.
  7. This recipe is too complicated. Don’t you have any simpler recipes?
  8. This bread is not fresh. It’s stale.
  9. These vegetables are not cooked. They are raw.
  10. This fruit is dirty. It hasn’t been washed.

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences:

1. That was really good! Can I have (second/seconds)?

2. When you’re making this sauce, don’t forget to (stir/spin) it every 5 minutes.

3. An (appetizer/artichoke) is something you eat before the main course of a meal.

4. Would you like some more potatoes? No, thanks. I’m (complete/full).

5. A very informal way of saying that you’ve eaten a lot is “I’m (stuffed/complete)”.

6. People who are lactose-intolerant cannot eat (meat/dairy) products.

7. You shouldn’t eat a lot of (fat/fatty) food.

8. If something is “sugar- (gone/free)”, it does not contain sugar.

9. We have two kinds of mineral water – sparking and (unsparkling/still).

10. Slices of ham, pastrami, sausage, etc. are often referred to as “cold- ” (cuts/meat).


  1. That was really good! Can I have seconds?
  2. When you’re making this sauce, don’t forget to stir it every 5 minutes.
  3. An appetizer is something you eat before the main course of a meal.
  4. Would you like some more potatoes? No, thanks. I’m full.
  5. A very informal way of saying that you’ve eaten a lot is “I’m stuffed“.
  6. People who are lactose-intolerant cannot eat dairy products.
  7. You shouldn’t eat a lot of fatty food.
  8. If something is “sugar-free“, it does not contain sugar.
  9. We have two kinds of mineral water – sparking and still.
  10. Slices of ham, pastrami, sausage, etc. are often referred to as “cold-cuts“.

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences:

1. The front-left (burner/fire) doesn’t work on that stove.

2. I know a fantastic (recipe/receipt) for mushroom soup.

3. Pass me the hot sauce. This meal is too (spicy/bland).

4. What are we going to have for (dessert/desert)?

5. I can’t eat that much. Whenever I eat a (heavy/light) meal, I get sleepy.

6. Don’t eat that apple. It’s (rotten/rot).

7. Meat that doesn’t have a lot of fat is called (unfat/lean) meat.

8. Fresh squeezed juice is very (nutritious/nutritional).

9. In a restaurant, you can order your steak “rare”, “medium”, or “well ” (cooked/done).

10. I once got food (poison/poisoning) from eating raw fish.


  1. The front-left burner doesn’t work on that stove.
  2. I know a fantastic recipe for mushroom soup.
  3. Pass me the hot sauce. This meal is too bland.
  4. What are we going to have for dessert?
  5. I can’t eat that much. Whenever I eat a heavy meal, I get sleepy.
  6. Don’t eat that apple. It’s rotten.
  7. Meat that doesn’t have a lot of fat is called lean meat.
  8. Fresh squeezed juice is very nutritious.
  9. In a restaurant, you can order your steak “rare”, “medium”, or “well done“.
  10. I once got food poisoning from eating raw fish.

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Use the correct form of these verbs in the following sentences: 

  • boil | do | set | heat | dry | open

1. Let’s a bottle of wine. Can you get the corkscrew out of the drawer?

2. The kettle’s just . Would you like a cup of tea?

3. Here’s the cutlery. Could you the table, please?

4. The problem with having a dinner party is that someone has to the dishes!

5. I’ll the dishes if you like. Where do you keep the tea towels?

6. If the soup’s a hit cold, why don’t you it up in the microwave?


  1. Let’s open a bottle of wine. Can you get the corkscrew out of the drawer?
  2. The kettle’s just boiled. Would you like a cup of tea?
  3. Here’s the cutlery. Could you set the table, please?
  4. The problem with having a dinner party is that someone has to do the dishes!
  5. I’ll dry the dishes if you like. Where do you keep the tea towels?
  6. If the soup’s a hit cold, why don’t you heat it up in the microwave?

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Complétez les phrases à l’aide des mots suivants:

  • plate | microwave | mop | dishwasher | cutting board | blender | utensils | chair | rag | cupboard
1. Most people cut vegetables on a .

2. I’m going to make a shake in the .

3. Could you please wipe that spill with the that’s on the counter?

4. Put the dishes in the . I’ll wash them later.

5. Put an extra on the table. My brother is bringing his girlfriend.

6. P1: We don’t have enough for everyone. P2: That’s OK, we’ll share a fork.

7. Put the popcorn in the and set it to 4 minutes.

8. Make sure you the floor before dinner. This kitchen is filthy!

9. The cans of food are all in the .

10. Get a from the living room for your mom to sit on.



  1. Most people cut vegetables on a cutting board.
  2. I’m going to make a shake in the blender.
  3. Could you please wipe that spill with the rag that’s on the counter?
  4. Put the dishes in the dishwasher. I’ll wash them later.
  5. Put an extra plate on the table. My brother is bringing his girlfriend.
  6. P1: We don’t have enough utensils for everyone. P2: That’s OK, we’ll share a fork.
  7. Put the popcorn in the microwave and set it to 4 minutes. 
  8. Make sure you mop the floor before dinner. This kitchen is filthy!
  9. The cans of food are all in the cupboard.
  10. Get a chair from the living room for your mom to sit on.

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Vocabulary Exercise with answers | The Kitchen

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences using the following words:

  • freezer | paper towels | knife | spoon | toaster | curtains | napkin | salad | refrigerator | oven
1. After you take the bread out of the , put butter on it while it’s still hot.

2. You have to pre-heat the to 300 degrees.

3. Put the ice in the .

4. Make sure that you close the door. Otherwise, the food inside will go bad.

5. That isn’t very sharp.

6. You eat soup with a .

7. After eating, my mother wiped her mouth with a .

8. Close the or the neighbors will see you.

9. Get the . I spilled the spaghetti on the floor.

10. Add some tomatoes to the .


  1. After you take the bread out of the toaster, put butter on it while it’s still hot.
  2. You have to pre-heat the oven to 300 degrees.
  3. Put the ice in the freezer.
  4. Make sure that you close the refrigerator door. Otherwise, the food inside will go bad.
  5. That knife isn’t very sharp.
  6. You eat soup with a spoon.
  7. After eating, my mother wiped her mouth with a napkin.
  8. Close the curtains or the neighbors will see you.
  9. Get the paper towels. I spilled the spaghetti on the floor.
  10. Add some tomatoes to the salad.