
Expressions of agreement and disagreement pdf

Expressions of agreement and disagreement pdf

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Count me in!
Don’t beat about the bush!
Exactly! / Precisely!
Far from it. / Not by a long way.
Fine! / Agreed!
I agree with you (on that point).
I beg to differ.
I couldn’t agree more.
I couldn’t have put it better myself.
I don’t agree with you.
I don’t approve of…
I don’t believe a single word of it.
I don’t believe a word of it.
I don’t see your point.
I entirely take your point about…
I grant you that.
I have nothing against it.
I hold the same view.
I must admit you’re right.
I quite agree with you.
I see things differently.
I strongly disapprove of…
I suppose you’re right.
I take your point.
I think so.
I won’t say no.
I’ll admit it. / I’ll give you that.
I’m afraid I don’t share your opinion.
I’m all for it!
I’m dead against it.
I’m of a different mind/opinion.
I’m on your side.
I’m with you in what you say.
If this is acceptable to you.
In no case. / By no means. / Not on any account.
It stands to reason.
It’s a deal!
It’s fine by me.
It’s open to question.
Let’s leave it at that!
Let’s say no more! / Let’s drop it!
Needless to say,…
No offence meant/intended, but…
No way! / It’s out of the question!
Not in the least!/ In no way!
Not quite.
Of course!
Opinions differ.
Over my dead body!
Right on!
That’s just how I feel.
This is exactly what I had in mind.
We are divided on/over the issue.
We’re in complete agreement.
We’re on the same wavelenght. / mind.
We’re thinking along the same lines.
You need to get your story straight!
You’re getting off the subject!
You’re not entirely wrong.
You’re quite right to say that…
You’re quite right.
Your answer is off the point!


How to give advice in English pdf

How to give advice in English pdf

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I advise you to…
In your position, I would do…
Have you considered…
Have you thought about…
It might be a good idea to …
I decided to follow your advice and …
I took your advice , and I …
I reckon you should … now
I recommend …ing
I recommend (that) you …
I suggest …ing
I suggest (that) you …
I’ll do that for you if you like.
I would strongly advise you to …
I suggest you …
The best advice I can give you is…
My advice would be to …
Perhaps we could…
Why don’t you …?
How about …?
If I were in your position, I’d …
If I were in your shoes, I’d …
If I were you, I would do…
If you take my advice, you should….
Tina will help you if you ask her.
You should …
You should perhaps…
You must …
You have to …
You’d better……
You could …
You might try …ing
You could always…
Would you like to …?
You’d (really) better ….
Do you think it’s a good idea to…
What should I do?
What do you advise me to do?
What do you suggest?
What’s your advice?
If you were me what would you do?


Acronyms and abbreviations list in English

Acronyms and abbreviations list in English

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2B To Be
A.I. Artificial intelligence
A.m. or AM Ante Meridiem
Abs Abdominals
abt About
ads advertisements
AD Anno Domini
AFAIK As Far As I Know
AFK Away From Keyboard
Aka, AKA or a.k.a Also Known As
AML All My Love
Anws Answer
AOB Any Other business
ASAP As Soon As Possible
ATM Automatic Telling Machine
Atm At the Moment
B&B Bed and Breakfast
B4 Before
B.C. Before Christ
BAC Back At Computer
BAE Before Anyone Else
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
BBIAF Be Back In A Few
BC Because
BFF Best Friend Forever
Bf Boyfriend
BRB Be Right Back
BS Bullshit
BTW By The Way
BYOB (at the restaurant) Bring Your Own Booze
Bring Your Own Bottle
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CM Call Me
CUL See You Later
CUT See You Tomorrow
Cya See you later (« see ya »)
CYA Cover Your Ass
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration
Dl DownLoad
DIY Do It Yourself
DW Don’t Worry
DYT Don’t You Think
e.g. Exempli Gratia
ETA Estimated time of arrival
EVRY1 Everyone
EZ Easy
FO Fuck Off
F.A.Q. Frequently Asked Questions
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FTW For The Win
FU Fuck You
Fucked Up
FYE For Your Entertainment
FYI For Your Information
G.B. Great Britain
G2G Got To Go
gents. Gentlemen
Gf Girlfriend
GFN Go For Now
GG Good Game
GP General Practioner
G.P.O. General Post Office
Gl Good Luck
GTG Got To Go
GTFO Get The Fuck Out
HT Hi There
HMP Help Me Please
H.I.V. Human Immunodificiency Virus
H.Q. Head Quarters
HF Have Fun
IAC In Any Case
IC I See
Idc I Don’t Care
Idk I Don’t Know
i.e. Id Est
IHA I Hate
IINM If I’m Not Mistaken
IIRC If I remember correctly
IKR I know right
IMO In My Opinion
IMHO In My Honest Opinion
IOU I Owe You
IT Information Technology
IRL In Real Life
Jk Just Kidding
K.O. Knock Out
L.A.P.D. Los Angeles Police Department
L8r Later
Lmao Laughing My Ass Off
LMC Let Me See
Lol Laugh Out Loud
Ltd Limited Liability
LMAO laughing my ass off
Luv Love
MILF Mother I’d Like To Fuck
N.B. Nota Bene
NYPD New York Police Department
NP No Problem
OMG Oh My God!
OMFG Oh My Fucking God!
omw On my way
PLS Please
PM Prime Minister
P.m or PM Post Meridiem
POS Piece Of Shit
ROFL Rolling On the Floor Laughing
RGDS Regards
RIP Rest In Peace (Requiescat In Pace)
Sci-Fi Science Fiction
SOAB Son Of A Bitch
STFU Shut The Fuck Up
Sup What’s Up
Tbh To be honest
TM Trust Me
TTYL Talk To You Later
THX Thank you / Thanks
U2 You Too
UFO Unidentified Flying Object
U You
U.S.S. United States Ship
Ur Your
V.A.T. Value Added Tax
V.I.P. very important person
Wb Welcome Back
WBMBF Wanna Be My Boy Friend
WBMGF Wanna Be My Girl Friend
Wd Well Done
WE or W/e Whatever
WTF What / Who The Fuck ?
WTH What / Who The Hell ?
What / Who The Heck ?
WP Well Played
WU What’s Up
WUWH Wish You Were Here
Xmas Christmas
XOXO Hugs and kisses
Ya You
Ybl You’ll Be Sorry
Y.H.A. Youth Hostel Association
YOLO You Only Live Once
Yw You’re Welcome
N.A.T.O. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
USSR Union of the Socialist Sovietic Republics
U.N.O. United Nations Organisation
E.E.C. European Economic Community
I.B.R.D. International Bank for the
Reconstruction and Development
I.M.F. International Monetary Fund
V.A.T. Value Added Tax
I.Q. Intellectual Quotient
D.N.A. Desoxyribo-Nucleic Acid
W.H.O. World Health Organisation
W.T.O. World Trade Organisation
EU European Union
UK United Kingdom
PRC Popular Republic of China
NY New York
CA California
DC District of Columbia


How to ask for help in English

How to ask for help in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Could you help me for a second?
Are you free now?
Can / May I ask a favor?
Can you give me a hand?
Could you lend me a …, please?
Could you please explain to me …?
Could you please help me out with…?
Could you spare a moment?
Do you have a minute?
Do you have any free time on/at… (day/time)?
Do you know anything about …?
Give me a hand with this, will you?
I am having a problem with …. Do you think you can help me?
I can’t manage. Can you help me?
I could do with some help, please.
I could really use your assistance with… if you don’t mind
I heard that you have some experience with …, and I could really use your help.
I heard you’re really good at/with …. Is their any chance that you could help me?
I know your good at/with …, and I really could use some help.
I need some help, please.
I was wondering if you could please show me how to ….
I wonder if you could help me with this?
If you don’t mind, I really need your help with ….
If you’re not too busy may I ask a favor?
Is it possible for you to …?
Is there any chance that you could give me a hand with…?
Is there any chance you have time to…?
Lend me a hand with this, will you?
Please can you do me a favor?
Please help me with …
Please, give me a hand.
Would you mind showing me …?


How to say no in English (Politely Decline)

How to say no in English (Politely Decline)

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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absolutely not
I beg to differ.
I disagree.
I do not agree at all
I do not agree.
I don’t think so.
I know where you’re coming from, but…
I refuse
I see what you mean, but…
I see your point, but…
I totally disagree.
I’d love to, but…
I’d rather not.
I’m afraid I disagree.
I’m sorry, but I don’t agree.
That’s not very likely.
With all due respect,…
It’s not going to happen.
Are you out of your mind?
Bad idea
Count me out.
Forget it
Hell no !
I sure as hell hope not.
In a word, no.
No chance.
No Way
Not in my life time.
Not on my watch.
Over my dead body.
That is absurd.
That’s crazy.
When hell freezes over.
When pigs fly.
You can’t be serious


Expressing cause and consequence in English

Expressing cause and consequence in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Because of / On account of
As a consequence of…/As a result of…
As a result of which…
Consequently / As a result…
Due to…
For no reason at all.
For some reason or another… /Somehow…
For that reason / On this account…
For the simple reason that…
For the very reason why…
If that is the case,…
In the same way, …
In view of / In the light of…
Largely because of…
On the pretext of…
Partly because of…
Seeing that / Given that / Considering that
Should it turn out that…
Should that be the case,…
Thanks to…
That being the case,…
That’s the reason why…
That’s why…
The result / upshot is that…
Thereby, …
With good reason.
With reason. / Justly. / Rightly.


How to make suggestions in English

How to make suggestions in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

In your position, I would do…
… if it suits you.
Can I give you a hand ?
Can I make a suggestion? / May I make a suggestion?
Do you mind if I make a suggestion?
Have you considered…
Have you thought about…
How about …?
I advise you to…
I decided to follow your advice and …
I reckon you should … now
I recommend …ing
I recommend (that) you …
I suggest you …
I took your advice , and I …
I would strongly advise you to …
I’ll tell you what, lets….
I’ll do that for you if you like.
If I may make a suggestion, …
If I were in your shoes, I’d … / If I were in your position, I’d …
If I were you, I would do…
If I were you, I would…
If you need anything, …
If you take my advice, you should….
It is advisable to…
It might be a good idea to …
It would be a good thing to…
It would be better to… / It would be proper to…
It would be proper for you to…
It would be sensible to…
It would be wise to…
Make sure to…
May I advise you to… ?
May I suggest you … ?
My advice would be to …
My offer still stands. / My offer still holds.
Perhaps we could…
The best advice I can give you is…
What about… / How about (+v-ing) ?
What I suggest is that we…
What would you think about… (+v -ing) ?
Why don’t we… ?
Why don’t you …?
Would you like to …?
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to… ?
Wouldn’t it be better to… ?
You could …
You could always…
You might try …ing
You must … / You have to …
You should (perhaps)…
You’d (really) better ….
You’d be well advised to…
You’d better make sure.
You’d better…


How to say something is expensive in English

How to say something is expensive in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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That’s too expensive.
Buy this car would definitely break the bank
I can’t afford it
I paid through the nose for that TV
I paid top dollar
It costs an arm and a leg
It must have cost a small fortune / That must have cost you a pretty penny!
It’s a rip off / That’s daylight robbery
That’s a bit steep / pricey
That’s exorbitant
That’s a little outside my budget
They must have seen you coming


How to Explain Something in English

How to Explain Something in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Can you explain . . .
after all
as a matter of fact
as much as anything
at bottom
by extension
Can I get back to you on that?
Can we save that until later?
Can you tell me why . . .
due to unforeseen circumstances
for example / for instance
for one reason or another
for reasons of economy/safety/security etc
Here’s what happened:
i mean (to say)
I’ll explain (a little) later.
I’m sorry. I can’t tell you that (right now).
in case
in other words / to put it another way
in that
in the first place
it’s just that…
it’s not that…it’s just that
judging by/from something
Let me explain.
Let me tell you why . . .
on this/that account
pure and simple
so to speak
that is to say
The reason is . . .
the rest is history
the thing is
the whole point
there it is/there you are/there you go
There’s a (good) reason for this:
to put it in a nutshell
to put it mildly
to put it simply
We’ll come to that later.
We’ll get to that in a few minutes.
Well, . . .
What happened . . .
you see


English conversation: at the bar

English conversation: at the bar

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

Let’s go for a drink.
This round is on me.
Another round of drinks, please.
Can I treat you to a drink? / Can I buy you a drink?
Do you serve alcohol?
Don’t drink and drive.
He’s a bit tipsy.
He’s completely sloshed/wasted/plastered.
Here’s to… (your health / the New Year / our success)!
I had a hangover. / I was hung over.
I’d like to have a soft drink.
I’ll meet you down the pub.
I’d like to make a toast.
I’m the designated driver.
It’s on me.
Put it on my tab.
She’s trying to drown her sorrows.
Waiter! A coffee please.
What types of sandwiches do you have?
What would you like to drink?
What would you like to drink?
Why don’t we have a game of darts? /   Lets have a game of darts.
Would you like to order something to eat?
a pint of beer
brown beer
draught beer
half a pint
ice cubes
pub quiz
soft drink
sparkling water
still water
tap water
to order a drink
