Category: Worksheet

English Vocabulary Exercises | The Five Senses

English Vocabulary Exercises | The Five Senses

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Match the two parts of the sentences:

1. Come and smell 

2. Come and taste 

3. l was just looking at 

4. I always listen to 

5. Feel 



1. Come and smell these roses. Aren’t they lovely?

2. Come and taste this soup. lt’s delicious.

3. l was just looking at your photos of the wedding. They‘re fantastic.

4. I always listen to the radio in the morning.

5. Feel this blouse. Do you think it’s silk?

English Vocabulary Exercises | The Five Senses

English Vocabulary Exercises | The Five Senses

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Match the beginning of each sentence with two of the comments to the right:

1. Shall I open the window? 

2. Do you have to wear that shirt? 

3. Why don’t you have a shave? 

4. We just spoken to Tina on the phone. 

5. Where on earth did you get this wine? 



1. Shall I open the window? It stinks in here.

2. Do you have to wear that shirt? It makes you look like a clown.

3. Why don’t you have a shave? Your face feels so rough.

4. We just spoken to Tina on the phone. She sounded very upset.

5. Where on earth did you get this wine? It tastes like vinegar.

English Vocabulary Exercises | The Five Senses

English Vocabulary Exercises | The Five Senses

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Match the two parts of each sentence:

  1. I love the sound of 
  2. I hate the smell of 
  3. I hate the taste of 
  4. I love the feel of 
  5. I love the sight of 



  1. I love the sound of birds singing outside my window.
  2. I hate the smell of cheap aftershave.
  3. I hate the taste of whisky. lt’s much too strong for me.
  4. I love the feel of silk. It’s so soft.
  5. I love the sight of my own home when I’m back from holiday.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 14

Complete the expressions below with these words:

blame | mean | fault | realise | more | help

1. What   can I say?

2. I didn’t   to do it.

3. I couldn’t   it.

4. It wasn’t my .

5. Don’t  me.

6. I didn’t  .


  1. What more can I say?
  2. I didn’t mean to do it.
  3. I couldn’t help it.
  4. It wasn’t my fault.
  5. Don’t blame me.
  6. I didn’t realise.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 13

Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences below:

  1. It doesn’t take much to make him angry. He’s always losing .
  2. When Sarah finds out I’ve broken her camera, she’s going to go .
  3. He‘s very bad-tempered. He’s always shouting .
  4. I know you’re angry but that’s no reason to raise .
  5. I’ve never seen him so angry. He was shaking .
  6. When my dad found out I’d crashed the car, he hit .



  1. It doesn’t take much to make him angry. He’s always losing his temper.
  2. When Sarah finds out I’ve broken her camera, she’s going to go mad.
  3. He‘s very bad-tempered. He’s always shouting and swearing.
  4. I know you’re angry but that’s no reason to raise your voice.
  5. I’ve never seen him so angry. He was shaking with rage.
  6. When my dad found out I’d crashed the car, he hit the roof.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 12

Use the following words to complete the idioms in the sentences below:

nerves | enough | crazy | death | straw

1. Will you please stop interrupting? You‘re driving me  

2. Will you shut up? You’rc really getting on my  

3. We had just’about  of this. My train has been late every day this week.

4. Right, that’s the last . The food was cold, the wine was warm and now they’ve got the bill wrong. I’m going to call the manager and complain.

5. I’m sick to   of this. If they ask me to work on Saturday morning again, I’m quitting the job.


  1. crazy
  2. nerves
  3. enough
  4. straw
  5. death

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 11

Match up the halves of these more formal sentences. Notice the nouns in colour.

  1. It gives me great pleasure  
  2. He was overcome with grief 
  3. We wish you great joy and happiness 
  4. It was with great sadness 
  5. Martin was a huge disappointment 
  6. One can see the misery 



  1. It gives me great pleasure to announce that the winner is Mr C. Gough.
  2. He was overcome with grief when his wife passed away.
  3. We wish you great joy and happiness in your future life together.
  4. It was with great sadness that I left my home town after so many years.
  5. Martin was a huge disappointment to his father.
  6. One can see the misery this war has caused on every street corner.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 10

Look at the following expressions and decide if you say them when somebody is happy (H) or sad (S):

  1. Congratulations! → 
  2. What’s the matter? → 
  3. I feel a bit sorry for her. → 
  4. Cheer up! → 
  5. Well done! → 
  6. I’m really sorry to hear that. → 
  7. That’s a pity. → 


  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Sad
  • Sad
  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Sad

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 9

Use the correct form of these verbs in the sentences below:

laugh | frown | cry | smile | moan

1. Come on, everybody!  ! I’m trying to take a picture.

2. When Keith told that story about the time he was stuck in a lift, it was so funny, I couldn’t stop  .

3. Diana’s very upset. I can hear her upstairs   in her room.

4. It wasn’t a very relaxing holiday. My husband   about everything! First it was the hotel, and then it was the rain. Then, when the sun did come out, it was too hot! I wish we’d stayed at home!

5. Why do you keep  ? Is something the matter? Are you unhappy about something?


  1. smile
  2. laughing
  3. crying
  4. moaned
  5. frowning

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 8

We use a lot of idiomatic expressions when we are talking about people’s moods. Complete the expressions with these nouns:

heart | world  | tears | joy | moon

1. We won 3-0 today. It was a great result. We’re over the  

2. My Dad was killed in a car accident when he was 30. It broke my mother’s  

3. When we heard we‘d managed to get tickets for their only UK concert, we were jumping for 

4. I knew she was upset, but it took me by surprise when she suddenly burst into  

5. I can‘t believe how lucky I am. I’m so happy. I’m on top of the 


  1. moon
  2. heart
  3. joy
  4. tears
  5. world