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Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Complete the dialogues with the following sentences:

  • keep the receipt | make a list | got this | get a refund | try this on | pick up a bargain

1. I’ve got to go to the supermarket later. Is there anything you want?
> Yes, lots of things. Why don’t you so you don’t forget anything?

2. I really need a new coat.
> Well, wait till after Christmas. You might in the sales.

3. Can I , please?
> Certainly, the changing rooms are over there.

4. I don’t believe it! We only had this alarm clock for three weeks and it’s broken.
> Well, why don’t you take it back and see if you can ?
> I’m not sure if I can do that. I didn’t .

5. Have you  in dark blue?
> I’m afraid not.
Never mind. I’ll take the black, then.


  1. make a list
  2. pick up a bargain
  3. try this on
  4. get a refund, keep the receipt
  5. got this

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Who says each of the following sentences? the customer or the shop assistant?

1. Can I help you? → 

2. No, thank you. I’m just looking. → 

3. Are you being served? → 

4. Your receipt’s in the bag. → 

5. Okay, thank you. I’ll take it. → 

6. Thank you. I think I’ll leave it for now. → 


  1. the shop assistant
  2. the customer
  3. the shop assistant
  4. the shop assistant
  5. the customer
  6. the customer

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2: supermarkets

Complete the sentences with the following words:

  • aisle | checkout | baskets | plastic bag | organic | trolley

1. I hate carrying those wire  I use a at the supermarket.

2. I think working on a  must be a really boring job.

3. If everyone uses one  every time they go shopping, that’s an awful lot of pollution.

4. Could you tell me where the coffee is, please?
> Third on the right.

5. Excuse me, are these potatoes ?

> No, the section is over there, sir.


  1. baskets, trolley
  2. checkout
  3. plastic bag
  4. aisle
  5. organic, organic

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Faites correspondre ces magasins avec les choses que l’on y achète:

  • greengrocer’s | baker‘s | butcher‘s | chemist’s | ironmonger’s | florist’s | off-licence | newsagent’s
  1. Meat →  
  2. Flowers →  
  3. Bread and cakes  →  
  4. Magazines and newspapers  →  
  5. Fruit and vegetables  →  
  6. Wine and spirits  →  
  7. Medicine  →  
  8. Tools, nails, candles etc… →  


  1. Meat → butcher’s
  2. Flowers → florist’s
  3. Bread and cakes  → baker’s
  4. Magazines and newspapers  → newsagent’s
  5. Fruit and vegetables  → greengrocer’s
  6. Wine and spirits  → off-licence
  7. Medicine  → chemist’s
  8. Tools, nails, candles etc… → ironmonger’s

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Faites correspondre les questions avec les réponses ci-dessous :

  1. What was the weather like? > 
  2. What was the food like? > 
  3. What was the hotel like? > 
  4. What were the people like? > 
  5. What was the beach like? > 



  1. What was the weather like? > Glorious! Warm and sunny every day.
  2. What was the food like? > Absolutely delicious.
  3. What was the hotel like? > The room was very comfortable and they did great food.
  4. What were the people like? > Very warm and friendly.
  5. What was the beach like? > A bit crowded, actually – and not as clean as I expected.

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Complete the following dialogues with the words and sentences below:

  • long weekend | tourists | brochures | break | high season | abroad | travel agent’s

1. Have you decided where you’re going on holiday this year?
> No, not yet. I might call in at the on the way home and pick up a few .

2. I’m really fed up with work at the moment.
I need a .
> Why don’t you take next Friday off and have a in Paris or Amsterdam?

3. Are you going to Wales again this year?
> Not likely! I’m going somewhere  where I can be sure of some sun.

4. I fancy a few days in Venice this summer.
> In August? Right in the middle of the ! You must be crazy. The place’ll be absolutely full of .


  1. travel agent’s, brochure
  2. break, long weekend
  3. abroad
  4. high season, tourists

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Match the verb on the left with the word or sentence on the right:

1. stay 

2. send 

3. look round 

4. hire 

5. go 

6. go on 

7. take 

8. buy 




1. stay in a hotel or a guest house
2. send some postcards
3. look round the museums and art galleries
4. hire a car
5. go sightseeing
6. go on excursions and trips
7. take some photos
8. buy some souvenirs

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Which word corresponds to each word list below?

tour | holiday | resort | trip

  1. summer, package, beach, adventure → 
  2. holiday, tourist, seaside, popular → 
  3. coach, sightseeing, package, guided → 
  4. coach, boat, day, business → 


  1. holiday
  2. resort
  3. tour
  4. trip

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Match the definitions with the corresponding words (‘guide’ has two different meanings):

  • a package holiday | a trip | a tour | a resort | a guide (x 2)
  1. A place where a lot of people go on holiday, usually by the sea. → 
  2. A journey to visit different places. → 
  3. A person who shows tourists around. → 
  4. A holiday where your travel and hotel are arranged for you. → 
  5. A short journey to a particular place. → 
  6. A book that gives tourist information about a place. → 


  1. A holiday where your travel and hotel are arranged for you. → a package holiday
  2. A short journey to a particular place. → a trip
  3. A journey to visit different places. → a tour
  4. A place where a lot of people go on holiday, usually by the sea. → a resort
  5. A person who shows tourists around. → a guide
  6. A book that gives tourist information about a place. → a guide


Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | The Bank

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 7

Make complete sentences:

  1. I’d like to open 
  2. I’d like to pay 
  3. I’d like to transfer 
  4. I’d like to withdraw 
  5. I’d like to cash 



  1. I’d like to open a new account.
  2. I’d like to pay this cheque into my account.
  3. I’d like to transfer £200 from my current to my savings account.
  4. I’d like to withdraw £300, please.
  5. I’d like to cash these travellers’ cheques.