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English Vocabulary Exercises | Love

English Vocabulary Exercises | Love

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with the following words:

in love | going out | boyfriend | kissed | girlfriend | romantic | relationship | date

  • Peter had never had a .
  • Anna had never had a .
  • When they started  together, they were both very nervous.
  • For their first , Peter wanted to take her somewhere , so he booked a table at an Italian restaurant.
  • He walked her home. When he left, they  goodnight.
  • The next day Anna told her best friend that she was  with Peter and that this was the first really serious  in her life.



  1. girlfriend
  2. boyfriend
  3. going out
  4. date
  5. romantic
  6. kissed
  7. in love
  8. relationship

English Vocabulary Exercises | Friends

English Vocabulary Exercises | Friends

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences with the following words:

a. made
b. true friends
c. made friends with
d. met him through
e. pleased
f. friendly with
g. got to know
h. introduced

1. “How do you know Susan?” “Rachel and Peter  me to her.”

2. “How do you know Paul?” “I Steve and Peter.”

3. I really enjoyed my time at university. I  so many new friends.

4. People say that Philip is a bit reserved but I  him quite well when we had to work on that report together.

5. We had a great time on holiday in Spain. We a nice couple who were staying in the apartment next to ours.

6. I didn’t know you were the people next door to us. I saw you there last night.

7. lt’s when you are having a difficult time that you know who your really are.

8. “Anna, can I introduce you to an old friend of mine? This is Zoe. We were at college together.” “Hi, Anna, to meet you.”


  • 1h
  • 2d
  • 3a
  • 4g
  • 5c
  • 6f
  • 7b
  • 8e

English Vocabulary Exercises | Friends

English Vocabulary Exercises | Friends

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Match the words on the left with the sentences on the right:

1. workmate → 

2. partner → 

3. classmate → 

4. pen-friend → 

5. flatmate → 


1. workmate → We work for the same firm.

2. partner → We live together, but aren’t married.

3. classmate →  We study together.

4. pen-friend → We write every month.

5. flatmate → We share a flat.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Friends

English Vocabulary Exercises | Friends

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with the following words:

lifelong | mine | old  | acquaintance | close | best

  1. I hear you work with Peter. Did you know he was a friend of ?
  2. I suppose Sandra is my   friend. We ring each other most evenings.
  3. I’m going up to see some   friends in Scotland next week. I haven’t seen them for over 30 years!
  4. I wouldn’t say he was a  friend. We used to work together and we go for a drink now and again.
  5. I met Martin at university. It was the start of a  friendship.
  6. I wouldn‘t really call Sam a friend. He’s just an  I know him through Kirsty and Paul.


  1. mine
  2. best
  3. old 
  4. close
  5. lifelong
  6. acquaintance

English Vocabulary Exercises | Friends

English Vocabulary Exercises | Friends

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Match the beginning and end of sentences:

1. I didn’t like Linda at first but now we get on 

2. We live in different towns now but we still try to see 

3. Tom and I get on very well. We’ve got so much 

4. Sarah’s my best friend. I know I can always rely on 

5. Even if we move to different countries, we’d always stay 

6. Paul and I do everything together. We really enjoy 

7. I think we’re friends because we come from 

8. l’ve known Tina since we were at school. We go back 


  1. I didn’t like Linda at first but now we get on very well.
  2. We live in different towns now but we still try to see each other whenever we can.
  3. Tom and I get on very well. We’ve got so much in common.
  4. Sarah’s my best friend. I know I can always rely on her.
  5. Even if we move to different countries, we’d always stay in touch.
  6. Paul and I do everything together. We really enjoy each other’s company.
  7. I think we’re friends because we come from similar backgrounds.
  8. l’ve known Tina since we were at school. We go back a long way.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Family

English Vocabulary Exercises | Family

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Complete the expressions with the following verbs in the appropriate form:

tell | look | run | get | take

  1. She just like her mother.
  2. She’s her father’s nose.
  3. He after his father.
  4. It in the family.
  5. You can’t them apart.


  1. looks
  2. got
  3. takes
  4. runs
  5. tell

English Vocabulary Exercises | Family

English Vocabulary Exercises | Family

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Complete with the end of the sentences with the following group of words :

  • a.The house with my wife’s family.
  • b.A baby from China.
  • c. Her real mother one day
  • d. The children.
  • e. A family just yet
  1. We‘re not planning to start 
  2. They help us take care of 
  3. We adopted 
  4. We share 
  5. She might want to find 


  • 1e
  • 2d
  • 3b
  • 4a
  • 5c

English Vocabulary Exercises | Family

English Vocabulary Exercises | Family

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Complete each sentence with the correct answer:

1. A girl/woman who has the same mother and father as I do is my

2. A boy/man who has the same mother and father as I do is my .

3. My father’s brother is my

4. My father’s sister is my .

5. The son of my father’s brother is my .

6. My mother’s mother is my

7. My father’s father is my

8. The man who I am married to is my .

9. The woman who I am married to is my .

10. My male child is my .

11. My female child is my .


  1. A girl/woman who has the same mother and father as I do is my sister
  2. A boy/man who has the same mother and father as I do is my brother
  3. My father’s brother is my uncle
  4. My father’s sister is my aunt
  5. The son of my father’s brother is my cousin
  6. My mother’s mother is my grandmother
  7. My father’s father is my grandfather
  8. The man who I am married to is my husband
  9. The woman who I am married to is my wife
  10. My male child is my son
  11. My female child is my daughter

English Vocabulary Exercises | Family

English Vocabulary Exercises | Family

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Put the words in order:

  1. fathre →
  2. osn →
  3. rbthoer →
  4. sesitr →
  5. othemr →
  6. necul →
  7. aarndgfther →
  8. atnu →
  9. nriachgdld →
  10. agdtuehr →


  1. fathre → father
  2. osn → son
  3. rbthoer → brother
  4. sesitr → sister
  5. othemr → mother
  6. necul → uncle
  7. aarndgfther → grandfather
  8. atnu → aunt
  9. nriachgdld → grandchild
  10. agdtuehr → daughter

English Vocabulary Exercises | Family

English Vocabulary Exercises | Family

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences with the following group of words:

  • the whole family
  • a very close family
  • a big family
  • family tree
  • a big family reunion
  1. I come from . I’ve got four brothers and two sisters.
  2. We’re . We see each other almost every day and if ever I’m in trouble, I know I can turn to one of them for help.
  3. It’s my son’s eighteenth birthday next week. We’re hoping to get together.
  4. My wife and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary soon. We’re planning to have .
  5. When I was researching my , I found out that my great-great-grandfather came over to England from Ireland 120 years ago.


  1. a big family
  2. a very close family
  3. the whole family
  4. a big family reunion
  5. family tree