Tag: Worksheet

a, an, the or nothing? | Exercise for beginners

a, an, the or nothing? | Exercise for beginners

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Choose between a, an, the or nothing (Ø):

  1. There’s  extremely large dog in the garden!
  2. She’s just got  university degree.
  3. Have you fed  cats?
  4. See you on   Friday.
  5. Who invented  internet?
  6. I am  oldest in my class.
  7. My father is   honest person.
  8. We went to  same University.
  9. My sister is going out with  German boy.
  10. Have you got  sisters?


  1. There’s an extremely large dog in the garden!
  2. She’s just got a university degree.
  3. Have you fed the cats?
  4. See you on Ø Friday.
  5. Who invented the internet?
  6. I am the oldest in my class.
  7. My father is an honest person.
  8. We went to the same University.
  9. My sister is going out with a German boy.
  10. Have you got Ø sisters?

Articles exercise: a, an, the or nothing?

Articles exercise: a, an, the or nothing?

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Choose between a, an, the or nothing (Ø):

1. There is more  water in the lake than there was   week ago.
2.  water of the Atlantic Sea is usually cold.
3. In Japan many houses are made of  wood.
4.   olive oil is produced in Spain.
5. My favorite kind of food is  rice.

6.This is  exception.
7. Simon has become  driver.
8. It was  very long way to go.
9. We stopped at  door of his house.
10.  cover of my grammar book is blue.


1. There is more Ø water in the lake than there was a week ago.
2. The water of the Atlantic Sea is usually cold.
3. In Japan many houses are made of Ø wood.
4. Ø olive oil is produced in Spain.
5. My favorite kind of food is Ø rice.
6. This is an exception.
7. Simon has become a driver.
8. It was a very long way to go.
9. We stopped at the door of his house.
10. The cover of my grammar book is blue.

Grammar Exercise | Articles (a, an, the or zero article)

Grammar Exercise | Articles (a, an, the or zero article)

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Choose between a, an, the or nothing (Ø):

1. She is  very nice woman.
2. They are  brave boys.
3. Tina and Sam were  good friends.
4. She told me  story of her life.
5. This is  good example.
6.  roof of  house was on fire.
7. We are  students.
8. Those are  interesting books.
9. Look at  top of that building.
10. I am  good teacher.


1. She is a very nice woman.
2. They are Ø brave boys.
3. Tina and Sam were Ø good friends.
4. She told me the story of her life.
5. This is a good example.
6. The roof of the house was on fire.
7. We are Ø students.
8. Those are Ø interesting books.
9. Look at the top of that building.
10. I am a good teacher.

Articles exercise: a, an, the or nothing? (for beginners)

Articles exercise: a, an, the or nothing? (for beginners)

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Choose between a, an, the or nothing (Ø):

1. It is  good book.

2. I bought   interesting book.

3. This is   book that you wanted.

4. I like to read   mangas.

5. Do you go to work by   train?

6. Paris is   largest city in France.

7. He is   engineer at a big company.

8. Do you have   car?

9. She wrote   letter to her friend in Thailand.

10. Open  door, please.


1. It is a good book.
2. I bought an interesting book.
3. This is the book that you wanted.
4. I like to read Ø mangas.
5. Do you go to work by Ø train?
6. Paris is the largest city in France.
7. He is an engineer at a big company.
8. Do you have a car?
9. She wrote a letter to her friend in Thailand.
10. Open the door, please.

Articles exercise: a / an / the

Articles exercise: a / an / the

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Choose between a, an, the or nothing (Ø):

1. I need  paper. (le matériaux)
2. I need  paper. (le magazine)
3. Sorry! I broke  glass. (un verre pour boire)
4. The windows are made of  glass (le matériaux)
5. This new car is made of  plastic .
6. The worker put  brick into the truck.
7. We don’t like  coffee sold at Starbucks.
8. I like  olive oil you have bought for me.
9. There was a lot of  rain last summer.
10.  coffee is served very hot in Italy.


1. I need Ø paper.
2. I need a paper.
3. Sorry ! I broke a glass.
4. The windows are made of Ø glass.
5. This new car is made of Ø plastic.
6. The worker put a brick into the truck.
7. We don’t like the coffee sold at Starbucks.
8. I like the olive oil you have bought for me.
9. There was a lot of Ø rain last summer.
10. Ø coffee is served very hot in Italy.

Adjective and adverb | Exercises with answers

Adjective and adverb | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 10

  1. The time passed .
  2. We were all  dressed.
  3. When Matthew applied for a new job, he got an  answer.
  4. Our strategy is simple. And  effective.
  5. She is a  cook.
  6. Alice was  hurt in a car accident.
  7. That new TV must be  expensive.
  8. We’re  grateful for all your help.
  9. He asked a  question.
  10. They replied  to all of my inquiries.



  1. slowly
  2. warmly
  3. immediate
  4. amazingly
  5. wonderful
  6. seriously
  7. terribly
  8. enormously
  9. direct
  10. politely

Adjective and adverb | Exercise with answers

Adjective and adverb | Exercise with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 9

  1. He sings .
  2. The cost of electricity is by around 10 % a year.
  3. She thinks Japanese is an   language.
  4. He should pass the test .
  5. He’s an guitar player.
  6. The tournament was  organised.
  7. The dog barks .
  8. The dog is .
  9. He is not rich, and spends money .
  10. Linda is a  girl.



  1. well
  2. increasing
  3. easy
  4. easily 
  5. excellent
  6. excellently 
  7. angrily
  8. angry
  9. carefully
  10. careful

Adjective and adverb | Exercise with answers

Adjective and adverb | Exercise with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate adjective or adverb:

Example:  She works slow/slowly. → She works slowly.

  1. I felt  relieved to receive this email.
  2. She answered  to the teacher.
  3. Could you please shut the door ?
  4. He accepted the invitation .
  5. Sam spoke  to the crowd.
  6. Tina felt after she lied to her friend.
  7. It started to rain .
  8. Is she  ill?
  9. The food here is .
  10. The old library was destroyed in the fire.


  1. greatly
  2. cleverly
  3. quietly
  4. thankfully
  5. confidently
  6. miserable
  7. heavily
  8. seriously
  9. extremely good
  10. totally

Adjective or adverb? | Exercise with answers

Adjective or adverb? | Exercise with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate adjective or adverb:

Example:  She works slow/slowly. → She works slowly.

  1. That’s the  solution to this problem.
  2. The attack affected tourism.
  3. They spoke  about the company’s future.
  4. Where can I get a  Japanese meal?
  5. Kevin jumped over the gate .
  6. He tried to stay .
  7. It is six o’clock.
  8. Her English isn’t perfect yet, but it’s good.
  9. I’m  answering all of my emails.
  10. He could move.


  1. logical
  2. hardly
  3. optimistically
  4. typical
  5. easily
  6. quiet
  7. nearly
  8. pretty
  9. gradually
  10. hardly

Adjective and adverb? | Exercise with answers

Adjective and adverb | Exercise with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 7

  1. The team played  yesterday.
  2. I know him .
  3. The manager was really .
  4. Sam is a  learner.
  5. This changed the situation.
  6. The party was  a success.
  7. She spoke  to him.
  8. Check your lesson .
  9. His performance was .
  10. They were  married.



  1. beautifully
  2. well
  3. really
  4. quick
  5. dramatically
  6. quite
  7. rudely
  8. carefully
  9. amazing
  10. recently