Tag: Worksheet

Gerund or Infinitive? | Exercise with answers (+free PDF)

Gerund or Infinitive? | Exercise 

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Gerund or Infinitive (with or without to)?  Choose the right answer:

  1. His jokes made us .
  2. They practised  the piano.
  3. I told him  up.
  4. She was busy  for her exams.
  5. There is no reason for .
  6. We can  him.
  7. I am glad  you.
  8. Give up .
  9. It is difficult  the question.
  10. I enjoy  with you.
  11. John is fond of  pizzas.
  12. We will  old one day.
  13. I am interested in  judo.
  14. We cannot  our car here.
  15. Paul is bad at  compliments.


  1. laugh
  2. playing
  3. to shut up
  4. studying
  5. crying
  6. trust
  7. to see
  8. smoking
  9. to answer
  10. being
  11. eating
  12. be
  13. learning
  14. park
  15. giving

Gerund or Infinitive? | Exercise with answers (+free PDF)

Gerund or Infinitive? | Exercise 

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Gerund or Infinitive (with or without to)?  Choose the right answer:

  1. We managed  in time.
  2. We asked her  her question.
  3. He insisted on  the bill.
  4. I used  up early.
  5. I am used to  up early.
  6. I would rather  at home.
  7. I spent a lot of time  the essay.
  8. Why should they  this?
  9. I am looking forward to  from you soon.
  10. You had better  the bus.
  11. My friends encouraged me  for this job.
  12. I didn’t mean  your feelings.
  13. I must apologize for  late.
  14. The job involves  reports for the boss.
  15. He refused  his friends.


  1. to arrive
  2. to repeat
  3. paying
  4. to get
  5. getting
  6. stay
  7. writing
  8. do
  9. hearing
  10. take
  11. to apply
  12. to hurt
  13. being
  14. preparing
  15. to betray

Gerund or Infinitive? | Exercise with answers (+free PDF)

Gerund or Infinitive? | Exercise 

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Gerund or Infinitive (with or without to)?  Choose the right answer:

  1. We go  every day.
  2. Let it .
  3. He dreams of  a writer.
  4. They enjoy .
  5. It is not easy  good friends.
  6. My friend is afraid of 
  7. Tina is good at .
  8. He wanted  a new video game.
  9. I am crazy about .
  10. You must  to my party.
  11. I hope  you again soon.
  12. We enjoy .
  13. He dreamt about  an artist.
  14. I’d love  another holiday in Japan.
  15. Why not  to the cinema tonight?


  1. swimming
  2. be
  3. becoming
  4. cycling
  5. to find
  6. flying
  7. reading
  8. to buy
  9. kissing
  10. come
  11. to see
  12. dancing
  13. being
  14. to spend
  15. go

Gerund or Infinitive? | Exercise with answers (+free PDF)

Gerund or Infinitive? | Exercise 

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Gerund or Infinitive (with or without to)?  Choose the right answer:

  1. Don’t you dare  to me like that!
  2. Do you happen  any money with you?
  3. Do you enjoy ?
  4. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate  me.
  5. I am looking forward to  you again soon.
  6. The song made me .
  7. What about  out tonight?
  8. He swore never  that again.
  9. How dare you  that?
  10. Do you mind  the window?
  11. It’s no problem  you up at 5 o’clock.
  12. Let them .
  13. It was rather wicked  her like that.
  14. She got an offer  in South Korea.
  15. Can you see the spider  up the wall?


  1. talk
  2. to have
  3. singing
  4. to call
  5. seeing
  6. smile
  7. eating
  8. to do
  9. say
  10. opening
  11. picking
  12. go
  13. to threaten
  14. to work
  15. crawling

Irregular verbs | Quiz (with answers)

Irregular verbs | Quiz

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Quiz 1

Put the missing forms of the verb in the Simple Past and Past participle:

Ex: speak – spokespoken

  1. begin –  – 
  2. cut –  – 
  3. forbid –  – 
  4. lose –  – 
  5. smell –  – 
  6. wear –  – 
  7. send –  – 
  8. lean –  – 
  9. fall –  – 
  10. beat –  – 


  1. begin – began – begun
  2. cut – cut – cut
  3. forbid – forbade – forbidden
  4. lose – lost – lost
  5. smell – smelt – smelt
  6. wear – wore – worn
  7. send – sent – sent
  8. lean – leant – leant
  9. fal – fell – fallen
  10. beat – beat – beaten

Irregular verbs | Quiz (with answers)

Irregular verbs | Quiz

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Quiz 3

Put the missing forms of the verb in the Simple Past and Past participle:

Ex: speak – spokespoken

  1. fling –  – 
  2. eat –  – 
  3. grow –  – 
  4. let –  – 
  5. read –  – 
  6. sit –  – 
  7. upset –  – 
  8. know –  – 
  9. bet –  – 
  10. bleed –  – 


  1. fling – flung – flung
  2. eat – ate – eaten
  3. grow – grew – grown
  4. let – let – let
  5. read – read – read
  6. sit – sat – sat
  7. upset – upset – upset
  8. know – knew – known
  9. bet – bet – bet
  10. bleed – bled – bled

Irregular verbs | Quiz (with answers)

Irregular verbs | Quiz

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Quiz 2

Put the missing forms of the verb in the Simple Past and Past participle:

Ex: speak – spokespoken

  1. drive –  – 
  2. become –  – 
  3. feed –  – 
  4. forget –  – 
  5. undergo –  – 
  6. wake –  – 
  7. melt –  – 
  8. know –  – 
  9. smell –  – 
  10. forbid –  – 


  1. drive – drove – driven
  2. become – became – become
  3. feed – fed – fed
  4. forget – forgot – forgotten
  5. undergo – underwent – undergone
  6. wake – woke – woken
  7. melt – melted – melted
  8. know – knew – known
  9. smell – smelt – smelt
  10. forbid – forbade – forbidden

Irregular verbs | Quiz (with answers)

Irregular verbs | Quiz

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Quiz 9

Put the missing forms of the verb in the Infinitive, Simple Past and Past participle:

Ex: speak – spokespoken

  1.  – bit – 
  2.  –  – forgiven
  3.  choose –  – 
  4.   – drew – 
  5.  do –  – 
  6.  –  – flown
  7.  put –  – 
  8.  –  – got
  9.  – drank – 
  10.  bring –  – 
  11.  cut –  – 
  12.  – stung – 
  13.   – made
  14.  know –  – 
  15.  – wrote – 



  1. bite – bit – bitten
  2. forgive – forgave – forgiven
  3. choose – chose – chosen
  4. draw – drew – drawn
  5. do – did – done
  6. fly flew – flown
  7. put – put – put
  8. get got – got
  9. drink – drank – drunk
  10. bring – brought brought
  11. cut – cutcut
  12. sting – stung – stung
  13. make made – made
  14. know – knewknown
  15. write – wrote – written

Irregular verbs | Quiz (with answers)

Irregular verbs | Quiz

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Quiz 8

Put the missing forms of the verb in the Simple Past and Past participle:

Ex: speak – spokespoken

  1. dream –  – 
  2. bind –  – 
  3. overlay –  – 
  4. sweep –  – 
  5. keep –  – 
  6. go –  – 
  7. give –  – 
  8. make –  – 
  9. flee –  – 
  10. bet –  – 



  1. dream – dreamt – dreamt
  2. bind – bound – bound
  3. overlay – overlaid – overlaid
  4. sweep – swept – swept
  5. keep – kept – kept
  6. go – went – gone
  7. give – gave – given
  8. make – made – made
  9. flee – fled – fled
  10. bet – bet – bet

Irregular verbs | Quiz (with answers)

Irregular verbs | Quiz

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Quiz 7

Put the missing forms of the verb in the Simple Past and Past participle:

Ex: speak – spokespoken

  1. choose –  – 
  2. stand –  – 
  3. fly  –  – 
  4. throw –  – 
  5. misunderstand –  – 
  6. hang –  – 
  7. write –  – 
  8. light –  – 
  9. buy –  – 
  10. swell –  – 



  1. choose – chose – chosen
  2. stand – stood – stood
  3. fly – flew – flown
  4. throw – threw – thrown
  5. misunderstand – misunderstood – misunderstood
  6. hang – hung – hung
  7. write – wrote – written
  8. light – lit – lit
  9. buy – bought – bought
  10. swell – swelled – swollen