
English Vocabulary Exercises | Food

English Vocabulary Exercises | Food

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Exercise 2

A balanced diet:  Among each group of words in orange, which one is less suitable with the word in blue? 

1. fast
junk                           food

2. simple
plain                          food

3. strong
hard                           flavour

4. healthy
fit                               food

5. main
light                          meal

6. thin
healthy                        diet


  1. easy
  2. fat
  3. hard
  4. fit 
  5. fast
  6. thin

English Vocabulary Exercises | Food

English Vocabulary Exercises | Food

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Match the following sentences:

  1. Have you had breakfast? → 
  2. What time do you have lunch? → 
  3. What are we having for dinner? → 
  4. Do you want some supper? → 
  5. We’ve only got time for a snack. → 
  6. I hope you’ve got a good appetite. → 
  7. I’m starving. → 
  8. We had a barbecue in the back garden. → 


  1. Have you had breakfast? → the first meal of the day
  2. What time do you have lunch? → the meal eaten around midday
  3. What are we having for dinner? → the main evening meal
  4. Do you want some supper? → a small meal eaten just before you go to bed
  5. We’ve only got time for a snack. → a quick and easy meal
  6. I hope you’ve got a good appetite. → the desire for food
  7. I’m starving. → very hungry
  8. We had a barbecue in the back garden. → when you grill food outside

English Vocabulary Exercises | Diet and Health

English Vocabulary Exercises | Diet and Health

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Match two nouns with each of the verbs:

weight | a gym | a diet | a few kilos | chocolates | a health club | a crash diet | anything sweet

  1. to join →  / 
  2. to lose →   / 
  3. to put on →   / 
  4. to go on →   / 
  5. to resist →   / 
  6. to cut out →   / 


  1. join → a gym / a health club
  2. lose → weight / a few kilos
  3. put on → weight / a few kilos
  4. go on → a diet / a crash diet
  5. resist → chocolates / anything sweet
  6. cut out → chocolates / anything sweet

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 10

Match diseases with their probable causes: 

  • stress | the sun | smoking | a mosquito bite | dirty water | unprotected sex 
  1. AIDS → 
  2. typhoid → 
  3. heart disease → 
  4. skin cancer → 
  5. malaria → 
  6. lung cancer → 


  1. AIDS → f. unprotected sex
  2. typhoid → e. dirty water
  3. heart disease → a. stress
  4. skin cancer → b. the sun
  5. malaria → d. a mosquito bite
  6. lung cancer → c. smoking

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 9

Choose the verb that you think is most appropriate:

twisted | stung | cut | got | hit | broken | sprained | got | burnt 

  1. I’ve  my arm.
  2. I’ve  my wrist.
  3. I’ve  my thumb.
  4. I’ve  my hand.
  5. I’ve  a nosebleed.
  6. I  my head.
  7. I  an electric shock.
  8. I got  by a bee.
  9. I  my ankle.


  1. I’ve broken my arm.      
  2. I’ve sprained my wrist.        
  3. I’ve cut my thumb.           
  4. I’ve burnt my hand.          
  5. I’ve got a nosebleed.        
  6. I hit my head.         
  7. I got an electric shock.            
  8. I got stung by a bee.          
  9. I twisted my ankle.  

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 8

Complete the sentences with the following words:

agony | blood | black | pain | scratch | blisters

  1. She’s in a lot of
  2. I’m  and blue all over.
  3. There was everywhere.
  4. My feet are covered in
  5. It’s just a 
  6. It was absolute !


  1. She’s in a lot of pain
  2. I’m black and blue all over.
  3. There was blood everywhere.
  4. My feet are covered in blisters
  5. It’s just a scratch
  6. It was absolute agony!

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 7

Complete the dialogue with the following sentences:

1. You’ve got blood on your face.
> I know, I’ve just shaving.

2. What have you done to your hand?
> I taking something out of the oven last night. I don’t think it’s too serious.

3. Have you ever been horse-riding?
> Yes, once, but I fell off and quite badly. I’ve never done it since.

4. What’s the matter? > I’ve just myself on that rose bush.


  1. cut myself
  2. burnt myself
  3. injured myself
  4. scratched myself

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Complete the following expressions with injury or wound:

  • a slight  
  • a knife  
  • an internal 
  • a deep 
  • a bullet 
  • a back 
  • a sports 
  • a stab 


  • a slight injury
  • a knife wound
  • an internal injury
  • a deep wound
  • a bullet wound
  • a back injury
  • a sports injury
  • a stab wound

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Match diseases with symptoms:

hay fever | food poisoning | flu | an allergy | measles | bronchitis

1. I’ve got a terrible cough and pains in my chest, and I seem to be constantly short of breath.


2. I feel absolutely awful. My temperature is 41°c, and I’ve got a headache and a runny nose. I’ve or a sore throat – it’s agony every time I swallow.


3. I can’t go near cats. I come out in a horrible red rash.


4. She’s been off school for two weeks now. She’s got a temperature and she’s covered in little red spots. She’s completely lost her appetite – she hasn’t eaten a thing for the last three days.


5. I think it must be something I are. I was sick all night. I still feel sick now and I’ve got a terrible stomach-ache.


6. It’s the same every summer. My eyes get really itchy and I can’t stop sneezing.




  1. bronchitis
  2. flu
  3. an allergy
  4. measles
  5. food poisoning
  6. hay fever

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

English Vocabulary Exercises | Health Problems

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Complete the following dialogue with the proposed sentences:

1. What’s the matter? > I think I ate my dinner too quickly 

2. Maybe we should take the boat. It’s much cheaper than flying.
> Oh no, I’d rather not 

3. I think 

> Well, why don’t you have a glass of hot lemon and honey and get an early night?


> Well, it’s your own fault. You shouldn’t have opened that second bottle of wine!

5. You look exhausted. You’ve been working too hard recently. If you don’t slow down a

6. Are you all right? You’ve gone as white as a sheet!
> No, I need to sit down. I 


  • 1 → I’ve got indigestion.
  • 2 → I always get seasick.
  • 3 → I‘ve caught a cold.
  • 4 → I’ve got a bit of a hangover.
  • 5 → You’ll make yourself ill.
  • 6 → I feel dizzy.