
Expressing opinion in English (PDF included)

Expressing opinion in English

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As far as I’m concerned…
As for me / As to me,…
For me,
Frankly, I think…
From my point of view, …
Generally speaking, I think…
Honestly, I think…
I am sure / I am certain that …
I am under the impression that
I assume that …
I believe that…
I bet that …
I consider
I dare say that …
I feel that
I find
I gather that …
I grant that / I admit that
I guess that …
I have a poor opinion of…
I have no doubt that …
I have the feeling that …
I hold the opinion that …
I hold the view that …
I mean
I personnally feel
I presume
I realize that…
I reckon…
I suppose
I tell you what I think
I think
I would say that …
I would suggest that…
I’m of the opinion that…
I’d like to point out that…
I’m convinced
I’m quite convinced that
I’m utterly convinced that…
If you ask me…
In my experience…
In my humble opinion…
In my opinion (view)… / To my mind, …
It goes without saying that …
It is considered…
It is generally accepted that…
It is my impression that …
It is thought that…
It seems to me that …
My belief is that
My conviction is that …
My impression is that
My impression is that …
My opinion is that
My own feeling on the subject is that …
My view is that
Personally, I think…
Rumour has it that…
Some people say that…
Speaking for myself…
Speaking personally, …
That’s my view of…
That’s my view.
The way I see it…
To be quite honest / frank…
What I mean is…
What I reckon is…
What I think is …
Word got round that…
You know what I think?


English conversation Choices and decisions

English conversation Choices and decisions

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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After much hesitation, …
Be honest!
Do you have anything in mind for… ?
Go for it!
Have you made any plans for… ?
Have you made up your mind?
Have you settled on a… ?
Honest to God!
I can’t make up my mind.
I chose not to
I chose to…
I chose…
I consider…/ I’m considering…
I did it from choice.
I didn’t have a free choice.
I don’t know what to do.
I had no other alternative but to…
I had no other choice / option.
I have half a mind to…
I have made up my mind to…
I have my doubts about… / I hesitate to…
I have no decision-making authority.
I have taken / made the decision to…
I haven’t made my decision yet.
I leave it up to you.
I plan on…
I plan to…
I was of a mind to…
I was thinking of…
I was toying with the idea of…
I’m about to…
I’m afraid there is no alternative.
I’m afraid you’ve made the wrong choice.
I’m determined to…
I’m not sure.
I’m quite determined to…
I’m resolved to…
I’m still undecided whether…
I’m still undecided.
I’m uncertain/ undecided about…
I’ve decided on… / I’ve settled on…
I’ve made my choice.
I’ve set my heart on…
I’ve taken it into my head to…
I’ve taken my pick.
It’s a choice you have to make.
It’s entirely up to you.
It’s for you to decide.
It’s not for me to decide. / It’s not for me to choose.
It’s the only option for you.
It’s the only option for you.
It’s the safest option.
It’s up to you.
It’s your decision. / The decision is yours.
Leave it to me to…
Let me go straight to the point:
Let me think it over.
Make the right choice!
My aim is to…
My ambition is to…
My decision is final.
My top priority is to…
No need to think twice about it!
Period! (US) / Full stop! (UK)
That’s what decided me.
There is a choice!
There isn’t much choice.
Think it over! / Give it some thought!
We have reached the decision to…
What did you have in mind for… ?
Who makes the decision?
with the aim of
with the intention of… / with a view to…
Without a moment’s hesitation.
You don’t have to choose sides.
You have a very wide choice.
You have the option of…
You’ve chosen the easy way / answer.
You’ve made the right choice.


English conversation: Affirm your preferences

Affirm your preferences

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Affirm your preferences
What do you prefer? / What do you like best?
I don’t mind at all. / I really don’t care. / I couldn’t care less.
I don’t mind. / I have no preference. / It’s all the same to me. it makes no difference to me.
It leaves me cold.
I have a marked preference for…
I have no particular preference on the subject.
I prefer… / I like… better.
I thought I’d better let you know.
I very much prefer…
I’d rather keep my options at the moment.
I’m far more attracted to…
I’m inclined to favour…
In order of preference…
It doesn’t matter whether…
It makes no difference.
NavrĂ© de vous dĂ©cevoir, mais…
Rather than / In preference to…
That makes a really big difference to me!
That makes all the difference!
There’s nothing I like more than…
What difference does it make?
What I like most is…
What’s your favorite —?
Which do you prefer? / Which do you like best?


English expressions: Talk about your tastes

English expressions: Talk about your tastes

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

I’m very fond of…  / I enjoy … very much.
I advocate…
I can hardly wait to…
I can’t stand… / I can’t bear…
I don’t feel like it at all. / It doesn’t appeal to me at all.
I don’t feel like…
I feel drawn towards…
I feel like…
I fell in love for…
I have a weakness for…  / I have a soft spot for…
I have absolutely no desire to…
I have an aversion to…
I insist!
I loathe… / I detest…
I look forward to… / I can’t wait to…
I particularly loathe…
I support…
I’d very much like to…
I’m a believer in… / I’m an advocate of…
I’m apt to… / I’m inclined to…/ I’m prone to…
I’m attracted to…
I’m biaised
i’m biased against…
I’m crazy about…
I’m dying for… / I’m craving for…
I’m in favour of…
I’m indisposed to…
I’m interested in…
I’m keen on…
I’m keen to…
I’m not a great supporter of…
I’m not that keen.
I’m not thrilled by…
I’m not too keen on…
 I’m into soccer.
 I’m really into tennis.
If you insist.
It’s not my kind of…
There’s nothing like…
What about you? / How about you?
What I dislike most is…
What I hate most is…


How to apologize in English (expressing apology)

How to apologize in English pdf

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Apologies if…
Excuse me
Excuse me. Do you know what time it is?
How stupid / careless / thoughtless of me.
I am so sorry for…
I apologize for being late.
I apologize for…
I beg your pardon?
I beg your pardon.
I demand an apology.
I don’t want to impose on / upon your hospitality.
I don’t want to impose.
I don’t want to interrupt.
I don’t want to keep you waiting.
I don’t want to take up your time.
I don’t want to waste your time.
I made a stupid mistake…
I must apologize for…
I owe you an apology
I shouldn’t have…
I was only trying to…
I wouldn’t like to bother you.
I’d like to apologize for being late. / I must apologize for being late / Please accept my apologies for being late
I’m really sorry.
I’m so sorry for being late.
I’m sorry but I have no time to talk.
I’m very sorry for stepping on your foot.
I’d like to apologize for…
I’m ashamed of…
I’m genuinely sorry.
I’m so sorry !
I’m very / deeply / terribly / extremely sorry
If you will excuse me, …
It was all my fault.
It was not my intention to…
It’s my fault that…
My bad
No problem. / Not at all. / It’s OK. / No worries. / Don’t worry about it. / It’s quite all right.
Pardon (me)
Pardon me for this.
Please accept our (sincerest) apologies.
Please don’t be mad at me.
Please excuse my (ignorance)
Please forgive me for… (+ Verb-ing)
Please, accept my apologies for…
Please, forgive me for…
Sorry I’m late.
Sorry to interrupt, but…
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to…
That’s the end of it. / Think nothing of it.
That’s my fault.
There is no excuse for …
Apology accepted
Don’t mention it
Don’t worry about it
Forget about it
I forgive you
I understand.
It doesn’t matter
It’s all good
Never mind.
No harm done
No need to apologize.
No worries
That’s all right
That’s OK
You couldn’t help it


How to Start a Conversation in English pdf

How to Start a Conversation in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Are you a friend of Mrs Dawson?
Are you going out this evening?
Are you having a good time?
Are you still working for Samsung?
Beautiful day, isn’t it?
Can / Could / May I ask you a question?
Can we get down to business?
Can you spare me a few minutes, please?
Did you catch the news today?
Did you get here OK?
Do take a seat. / Do sit down.
Do you do any sport in your free time?
Do you feel like a drink?
Do you have any hobbies?
Do you know many people here?
Do you know what time is it please?
Do you mind me asking…?
Drinks on me.
Excuse-me, have you got a light?
Have we met before?
Have you been here before?
Have you read any good books recently?
Have you worked here long?
Hi, I’m …. .  I wanted to introduce myself.
Hi, I’m …. . What brings you here?
How are things? / How’s life?
How are you getting on?
How did you become a dentist?
How do you know her?
How old’s your baby?
How was the traffic this morning?
How was the weather in London when you left?
How’s business?
How’s business? [informal]
I almost didn’t recognize you!
I like your bag!
I love the coffee here. Have you tried it before?
I love your dress. Can I ask where you got it?
I really like your new hairstyle.
I’d like to talk to you.
Is everything OK?
Is this your first visit here?
Isn’t it a lovely day?
It looks like it’s going to snow.
It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? / Long time no see!
It’s good to see you again!
Looking forward to the weekend?
Lovely day today, isn’t it?
Lovely weather, isn’t it?
Nice day, isn’t it?
Nothing wrong, I hope?
Please come in. / Come in please.
Please take a seat
Pretty nice place, huh?
There’s something I want to tell you.
What advice can you give me?
What are you happy about?
What are you worried about?
What can I do for you?
What do you think about this transit strike?
What do you think of the food here?
What do you think of the new Iphone?
What does your name mean?
What have you been up to?
What time do you leave for work?
What TV shows do you like to watch?
What was the last concert you went to?
What will you have?
What would you like to drink?
What you been up to lately?
What’s happening? / What’s going on?
What’s your puppy’s name?
What’s the next trip you have planned?
What’s the strangest compliment you’ve ever gotten?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
What’s your favorite thing to do around here on the weekends?
Where did you study?
Where did you work before you started here?
Where’s the last place you traveled?
Will you join me?
Won’t you have a drink?
Would you care to join me?
Would you do something for me?
Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?
You look great today.
You look in great shape!


English conversation: Exchanging contact details

Exchanging contact details

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

Give me a call./ Give me a ring. / Ring me up.
I’m ex-directory. [UK] / I’m unlisted. [US]
I’Il email you all the details.
I’ll write it down for you.
Feel free to contact me. / Feel free to get in contact with me. / Feel free to get in touch with me.
Give me a buzz. [familier]
What’s the country code for Ireland?
Ring me on. . .
Here are my contact details. / Here is my address and phone number.
Would you like to exchange contact details / telephone numbers / email addresses?
Could you spell that out for me, please ? / Would you mind spelling that out for me, please?
You can get in touch with me at this number: . . .
You can reach me on. . .
You can reach me at. . .
Will you give me your phone number?
Would you write that down for me, please?


How to introduce yourself and someone else in English

How to introduce yourself and someone else in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

What’s your name?
Allow me to introduce Mr William. [formal]
Have you met before?
Haven’t we met before?
Hi Tina. I’m Paul.
Hi. i’m Paul.
I ’ve been sent by. . .
I don’t think we’ve met before. / I don’t believe we’ve  actually met yet.
I just wanted to introduce myself / May I introduce myself?
I’d like to introduce you to my friend.
I’d like to introduce you to Mr Jackson / There is someone here I’d like you to meet, this is Mr Jackson.
I’m originally from France, but I live in Spain.
May I introduce Sam to you?
My name is…
This is Mr Thomas. / Let me introduce Mr Thomas.
This is my boss, Mr Allen.
This is my friend, Tina.
We haven’t been introduced.
What is your name again ?
What part of the States do you come from?
Where are you from ? / Where do you come from?
Who sent you?
What’s your name? — My name is Kevin.
Can you give me your address, please?
Don’t forget your passport!
Here’s my ID (Identity Card).
How old are you ? — I’m 24 (years old).
I was born on May the 15th.
I’m Peter Smith.
So what do you do with yourself?
What do you do?
When is your birthday? When were you born?
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
Where do you work?


Greetings in english for beginners pdf

Greetings in english for beginners

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

Good morning!
Good afternoon!
Good evening
Good night
How are you? How are you doing?
I’m fine, thank you. / I’m okay. Thanks. / Fine, and you?
How about you?
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
It’s good/nice to see you.
Nice/Good to see you again.
Pleased to meet you.
What brings you here?
How nice to see you!
What’s up?
Look who’s here!
So there you are!
I’ve got to go.
I hope we’ll meet again.
It was good meeting you.
It was great seeing you again.
It was great to catch up!
Keep in touch!
Keep me posted!
See you again sometime.
See you in the morning
See you later
See you tomorrow
See you tonight


How to say the date in English

How to say the date in English

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

Ask for the date in English:

Look at these examples:

  • What’s today’s date ? / What’s the date today ?
  • It’s May 5. / It’s the 5th of May.
  • What day is it today ? / What day is it ? / What’s today ?
  • Today’s Thursday, May 5th (May fifth). 

Be careful of the difference between ‘day’ and ‘date’.

  • Day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…
  • Date: July 14th, December 2nd, January 3rd…

Note: remember to capitalize the months! = January, not january

Why put “th”, “nd” or “rd” after the number?

These are ordinal numbers! Indeed, to say the date in English you should not use normal numbers but ordinal numbers:

Ex:  Today is the seventh of August (NOT:  Today is the seven of August  )

How to read ordinal numbers from 1 to 31:

Days of the Month
  1st    first
  2nd    second
  3rd    third
  4th    fourth
  5th    fifth
  6th    sixth
  7th    seventh
  8th    eighth
  9th    ninth
  10th    tenth
  11th    eleventh
  12th    twelfth
  13th    thirteenth
  14th    fourteenth
  15th    fifteenth
  16th    sixteenth
  17th    seventeenth
  18th    eighteenth
  19th    nineteenth
  20th    twentieth
  21st    twenty-first
  22nd    twenty-second
  23rd    twenty-third
  24th    twenty-fourth
  25th    twenty-fifth
  26th    twenty-sixth
  27th    twenty-seventh
  28th    twenty-eighth
  29th    twenty-ninth
  30th    thirtieth
  31st    thirty-first


How to read the date? A few examples:

1st May → the first of May
2nd April → the second of April
3rd December → the third of December
4th May → the fourth of May
5th March → the fifth of March
6th June → the sixth of June
7th October → the seventh of October
8th August → the eighth of August
9th May → the ninth May
10th July → the tenth of July
16th March → the sixteenth of March
23rd November → the twenty-third of November
26th May → the twenty-sixth of May
30th May → the thirtieth of May

May 1 → May the first
May 2 → May the second
May 23 → May the twenty-third
May 30 → May the thirthieth

Ordinals are also used to talk about centuries:

  • The 16th century 
  • The 12th century 
  • The 20th century 

How to say the date in British English and American English:

The English and Americans have a different way of saying the date. If in doubt, it is better to use the British way which seems the most obvious:

  • British (day/month/year) → the seventeenth of July
  • American (month/day/year) → July the seventeenth

The year:

It is not necessary to say the year if you are asked for a current date. On the other hand, if you are talking about a date in the past or the future, it is worth saying the year. Don’t forget to put a comma beforehand:

  • 15/04/2001 → The fifteenth of April two thousand and one (orally) / The fifteenth of April, 2001 (in writing).
  • When were you born ? → 1st May, 1983.
  • When did you arrive in New York ? → In 2011.
  • When is the next World Cup ? → In July of 2017.

Talk about the beginning, middle and end of the month:

Look at these examples:

  • at the beginning of August 
  • in mid-October 
  • at the end of May 
  • by the end of November 

