Category: Conversation

Common English phrases: Forgetting things

Common English phrases: Forgetting things

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Can you refresh my memory?
I can’t remember off the top of my head
I have a vague recollection of…
I have no recollection of…
I lost my train of thought.
I simply forgot to do it.
I’ve completely forgotten.
I’m not sure i’m the best person to answer that
it completely slipped my mind.
it doesn’t ring a bell.
it went in one ear and out the other.
it will come to me in a minute
it’s on the tip of my tongue.
My mind went blank
Sorry, I forgot.
What was I thinking of?
(I’m afraid) I can’t remember.
(I’m afraid) it doesn’t ring a bell.
(Sorry) I have no memory of…



Useful English sentences: Guessing things

Useful English sentences: Guessing things

To download and print this free English phrases list,  click here.

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About 6-ish
Around / about 10 o’clock
At a guess, I’d say she’s 24.
Chances are she’s 24.
I’d say she’s 23.
If I had to take a guess, I’d say he’s 25
Knowing (the Brazilians), he likes football.
Off the top of my head, I think she’s 29.
Probably about 26.
We’re talking maybe late twenties.



How to write a cover letter in English

How to write a cover letter in English

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Dear Sir or Madam
I would like to apply for the position of…
Although I have no previous experience in…, I have had…
As indicated in your advertisement…
As you can see from my enclosed résumé, my experience and qualifications match this position’s requirements.
As you will see in the enclosed CV, I have a good experience in sales…
Currently I am working for… and my responsibilities include…
I look forward to hearing from you soon. / Yours faithfully,
I am an experienced user of…
I am available for an interview
I am aware of
I am particularly interested in this job, as…
I am sending my resume as an attachment.
I am writing in response to your advertisement posted on…
I am writing to you about your advertisement.
I am writing to you in reference to your advertisement.
I am writing to you to apply for the position of….
I believe it is time for me to move to another company / department … like yours
I believe my qualifications match your requirements
I believe my qualifications would match your requirements.
I have …years experience of working…
I have an excellent command of…
I have worked as a … (/in) ….
I wish to apply for the post of…which you advertised in…on… .
I would define myself as a …..
I’ll do my best to…
In addition to my responsibilities as…, I also developed…skills.
In my current position I have worked … developed… created …
My area of expertise is…
My strengths are…
Please find my résumé / CV attached / enclosed.
Should you be interested in my application…
Should you need further information.
To carry out an internship
To have a sense of responsibility
To speak fluent English
To Whom It May Concern …
Your advertisement in (source) for the position of ( job) sparked my interest.
Yours faithfully,
Kind/Best regards,



English useful phrases: Talking about time and space

English useful phrases: Talking about time and space

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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He’s always on the move.
all over the place
all roads lead to Rome
He vanished into thin air.
He was pacing back and forth
in high places
It’s just a stone throw away.
It’s just on our doorstep.
it’s a small world
Rome was not built in a day
Scatered to the four winds.
the old world
The place was bursting at the seams.
There wasn’t a soul to be seen in the street.
there’s a time and place for everything
To be walking single file.
to come to the right place
To pull up stakes.
To sleep under the stars.
We came the long way around.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do



How to talk about the future in English

How to talk about the future in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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It’s going to happen (quite / very) soon.
..will happen in our lifetimes
All right, I’ll get on it.
Any second / minute / day now,
Are you doing anything tomorrow?
As soon as I can.
Before long,
Busy tomorrow?
Economic recovery is just around the corner.
Everything Tom predicted came true.
Go outside first thing in the morning when you wake up
Got any plans for tomorrow?
Have you got anything on tomorrow?
Have you got anything planned for tomorrow
How’s tomorrow looking?
I can’t predict what’ll happen.
I can’t wait until…
I’ll do it later.
I’ll do it right away.
I’ll do my best.
I’m (really / so) looking forward to..
I’m (really) dreading…
I’m counting the days till…
I’m saving up to…
I’m trying to put off… as long as I can
I’ve set my heart on…
In (just) a few minutes..
In (just) a moment / minute..
In the distant future, the sun will disappear.
In the near future…
It was bound to happen sooner or later.
Not long now.
One day, I’m going to have to…
Paul does a pretty good job of forecasting the weather.
Someday people will live on mars.
Sooner or later I’ll get round to…
Sooner or later.
The children are counting the days to Christmas.
The elections are just around the corner.
The first cuts in our budget are a sign of things to come.
This study foreshadows great changes in our system of education.
Time will tell.
Tina’s prediction proved true.
We’re planning to move in the near future.
What are you doing tomorrow?
What results do you anticipate?
What’s happening tomorrow?
What’s on the cards for tomorrow?
What’s your plan for tomorrow?



How to describe a picture in English pdf

How to describe a picture in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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At the top / At the bottom there is …
Behind / In front of … you can see …
Between … there is …
Both pictures depict ..
During the day, at night, in the evening, in the winter, after school …
From my point of view
He could be …ing
I (don’t) like the picture because …
I can see…
I don´t know the word for it, but…
I don´t know what it is called
I like / I don´t like the picture because….
I think (that)
In both pictures…
In my opinion,
In the foreground/background there is …
In the foreground/background you can see …
In the middle/centre there are …
It can/could/might be a scene of…
It dates from…
It is addressed to …. It aims at + BVing
It is obvious that the artist wants to criticise / express / show …
It makes me think of …
It might be a …
It might be a symbol of …
It represents
It seems as if …
It symbolises…
It was drawn / painted / taken / made by… (+ auteur)
It was published in 2014.
It was taken by/in …
It’s a black-and-white/coloured photo
It’s a kind / a sort of…
It’s an advertisement for…
It’s not very clear but, probably…
It’s used for…
It’s what you do when you…
Maybe / Perhaps…
Maybe it’s a…
On the left/right there are …
The atmosphere is relaxing/peaceful/depressing
The issue raised is …
The lady / The man seems to …
The photo was taken by…
The photo/picture shows a landscape
The picture is composed of two parts.
The problem illustrated here is …
The scene takes place in the street, at school….
There are two main characters
There is / there are…
This document is a painting, a map…
To conclude / as a conclusion….
What I mean…
What I´m trying to say…



English useful phrases: Expressing Disappointment

English useful phrases: Expressing Disappointment

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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What a shame!
Are you disappointed with me?
But what good will it do?
Disappointment was written in his face.
Her disappointment was visible.
Her hopes were dashed
How disappointing!
I had high hopes for …
I had hoped that I’d be able to meet him.
I thought he could do better.
I was so looking forward to …
I wish that someone had let me know.
I’m disappointed in you, Paul.
I’m disappointed in your decision, but I respect it.
I’d very much hoped that I’d be able to meet him.
I’d very much hoped that I’d get selected this time.
I’m disappointed in him.
I’m sorry to hear that.
I’ve never been so disappointed in my life.
It was an absolute waste of money.
It wasn’t as good as I thought it would be.
It’s a great shame.
It’s a little bit disappointing, isn’t it!
It’s most unfortunate.
It’s very upsetting that this has happened.
Lady Gaga announced her retirement, much to the dismay of her fans.
Oh dear! I’ve spilt the milk.
Oh no, what a letdown!
Oh no, what a shame!
Oh well, never mind.
Oh, damn!
Oh, dear! What fools we were!
Oh, no!
Oh, no! Not again!
Oh, that’s a nuisance!
Paul, now utterly disheartened, abandoned his project altogether.
That stinks.
That’s so disappointing!
That’s too bad.
That’s a great pity.
That’s a pity.
The failure to get the job came as a blow.
Things always go wrong.
Tina’s disappointment was apparent.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t reach there in time.
What we had been led to expect was …
What’s the point of giving a party now?
When I think of it!
You look so sad.



English useful phrases Traveling by car

English useful phrases: Traveling by car

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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This car is easy to handle.
Be careful, there is a no-entry sign.
Fasten your seat belt.
Follow this road.
Go straight on.
He was fined for speeding.
I have passed my driving test.
I have to fill up the tank.
Make a right turn at the stop sign.
Signal. / Indicate.
Start the engine.
Take the first Cardiff exit.
The traffic is clear.
Turn right / left.
Looking for a lift? is a car share website.
Do you have a spare seat in your car?
Save money and petrol!
Why not share travel expenses?
My car has broken down.
Check the tyres / the battery.
I have got a puncture.
Please check the oil level.
Please check the water level.
Please switch the engine off.
The battery is flat.
The car has run out of petrol / gas.
The engine won’t start.
Drive off
Get pulled over
Have a near miss
Pull over
Slam the brakes on
Slow down
Speed up
Step on it



Useful expressions used at the Airport ✈️

Useful expressions used at the Airport ✈️

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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When does the next plane for London leave?
Can you confirm the time of arrival?
Can you confirm the time of departure?
Do you have any bags to check?
Everyone has to go through airport security before boarding the plane.
Fasten your seat belts, please.
Flight 800 is now boarding.
Here’s your boarding pass. (boarding pass = the paper that permits you to enter the plane)
How much luggage can I take on board?
If you leave your luggage unattended, it will be confiscated.
Immediate boarding gate 3.
Is the plane due to leave on lime?
Is there a flight to New York this evening?
Only one piece of hand luggage is allowed.
Please make your way to gale 78.
Show your boarding pass.
The 1456 flight from Chicago is on time.
The flight has been delayed.
This is the final call for flight 800.
This is the final call for flight BA476
Tum off your cell phone on the plane.
What airline are you flying with?
What is the purpose of your trip?
Where is the duty-free shop?
Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? (aisle = corridor)
Your flight has been canceled.
Your flight has been delayed.
Your flight leaves from gate 15.
Your seat number is 8F.



Essential travel phrases in English 🌎

Essential travel phrases 🌎

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

Good evening
Good morning
Good night
How are you?
I’m well, and you?
Good, thanks
Excuse me, where are the toilets?
Excuse me
You’re welcome
I’m sorry
Pardon me.
Perfect, thanks!
Thank you
Thank you so much.
A day ticket please.
Are there any public toilets nearby?
At what time does the flight number 12345 leave?
Bus stop
Train station
Do you have the Wifi?
Can I have some water?
Can I take this on board with me?
Can you help me, please?
Could we have the bill please?
Could you repeat (that), please?
Could you speak more slowly, please?
Do you have a room available?
Do you speak English?
How does it work for the WIFI?
How much does that cost?
How much is the hot dog?
I don’t speak English very well. .
I don’t understand.
I don’t eat…
I don’t feel well
I don’t understand
I have a reservation.
I lost my passport in the train. What should I do?
I need a doctor
I would like to book room for two nights.
I’ll be here for 5 nights.
I’ll have a glass of coke. Thanks.
I’m a vegetarian
I’m going to take the pizza.
Is it possible to change my seat?
Is the tip included?
May I see the menu?
Sorry, could you repeat please? I didn’t get it. / I didn’t understand.
the bill, please
What’s your name?
Which bus should I take to go to the city center?
Which floor is it?
Call the police!
Turn left
Turn right
Straight ahead
Where is…?
Where is the subway?
Where is the bathroom?
Where is breakfast served?
Where can I get a ticket?
Where’s the gate 6?
Where’s the bus station?
Which bus do I take to get to Merridown?
Can you get there by bus?
How frequent are the buses?
Is it direct?
What time is the last bus?
This seat is taken.
My flight was overbooked. (overbooked = there were too many passengers and not enough seats)
My flight was delayed/canceled.
My luggage was lost.
I was jet-lagged. (= I felt tired because of the time zone difference between my origin and destination)
My hotel was in a seedy area. (seedy = possibly unsafe)
I was mugged. (= I was robbed on the street)
The weather was miserable.
I got the runs. (= diarrhea)
The place was a tourist trap. (= made only for tourists; not authentic)
I couldn’t wait to get back home.
Have you been abroad?
Do you prefer travelling by car or by plane?
Have you ever hitchhiked?
How much luggage do you usually carry?
