Category: Conversation

Sentences about anger in English

Sentences about anger in English

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Damn you!
Do it now, or else…
Don’t be silly!
Don’t bite my head off.
Don’t show me your face.
Don’t take it out on me!
Don’t talk nonsense/Stop yapping.
Don’t try any nonsense with me.
Don’t waste my time.
Don’t you dare tell her about this?
Don’t you dare tell lies to me?
Enough is good!
For f*ck’s sake!
For God’s sake, leave me alone!
Get lost!
Get out of my hair!
Get out of my way!
Good riddance!
He flared up at me.
He got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.
He was outraged.
He was rubbed up the wrong way when we started talking about promotion.”
He’s such a grumpy old man!
He’s always telling lies.
He’s furious with them.
His behaviour pisses me off.
How could you have been so silly?
How could you have been so silly?
How dare you say that!
How on earth can you live in such a filthy place?
I can’t accept this view!
I can’t put up with him!
I can’t stand him any longer.
I can’t stand it any longer!
I could really do without it.
I don’t believe it!
I don’t care.
I don’t think that’s very clever!
I don’t want to see your face.
I get so irritated by Paul I can’t be around her.
I get so mad at her when she lies to me.
I hate it when you’re in a crotchety mood.
I have enough of that boy!
I haven’t got time for this non-sense.
I was absolutely livid when I found out.
I was really pissed off by her attitude.”
I won’t have it!
I won’t put up with that!
I won’t stand being treated like that.
I won’t swallow that!
I won’t tolerate living among them.
I’m sick and tired of…
I’ve had all I can take of…
I’ve had it up to here with…
I’ll report it to the HO if you don’t do it.
I’m fed up with his lies.
I’m sick and tired of telling you!
I’m sick of all this!
I’m so incensed I can’t think straight!
I’m so mad right now I can’t talk to you.
I’m tired of them!
I’m warning you!
I’ve heard as much as I can hear!
If you dare say that again, I’ll hit you.
It drives me crazy when people talk loudly in the cinema.
It gets to me when…
It makes me see red!
It really gets on my nerves.
It really gets up my nose when they start talking about soccer.
It really ticks me off when you do…
It’s driving me up the wall.
It’s all because of you.
It’s none of your business!
Leave me alone, will you?
Look here, I’ve come to the end of my patience.
Look, this is getting us nowhere.
Mind your own business!
My brother works me up. He knows how to make me angry.
My dad blew up when he saw the bill.
My father was furious when we broke the window while playing ball in the house.
My girlfriend was furious with me when I forgot to pick her up from the airport.
Oh, stop complaining. You make me mad.
Neils was livid when he found out his phone was stolen.
Shame on you!
She goes bananas if parks in her parking space.
She totally lost it. You should go and apologise. She’s really angry with you.
She was in a foul mood all last week.
She went ballistic when I broke her mobile phone.
She went postal. I’ve never seen anyone get so angry.
She will go mental when she finds out what you did.
She’s in a very snappy mood today.
She’s cross with you because you have disobeyed.
Stop shouting or I’ll go away.
Stop shouting your head off.
Talking about politics is like a red rag to a bull to him.
That gets on my nerves!
That pisses me off.
That really gets to me.
That serves you right!
That ticks me off.
That’s the last straw!
That’s the limit!
The heat was beginning to get to me so I went indoors.
The things I do are my business, not yours.
There is no reason why I should stay here.
This is ridiculous!
This is too much!
Thomas is indignant that he was not given the raise he was expecting.
Those people really drive me up the wall!
Tina lost her temper and began shouting at Paul.
What a nuisance!
What a pain!
What has that got to do with it?
What irritates me most is that nobody believes me.
What nonsense!
What on earth have you been doing?
Who do you take me for?
Why are so angry with her?
Why the hell didn’t you wait for me?
You are mean.
You are responsible for this.
You are talking nonsense.
You are very short-tempered.
You can’t escape from this.
You can’t get away like this.
You have got to sh*tting me!
You wouldn’t dare!
You’d better watch what you say.


Sentences about fear in English

Sentences about fear in English

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Are you afraid of the dark?
At the beginning of an exam, I always have butterflies in my stomach.
At the beginning of the interview the candidate was shaking like a leaf.
Having to go down to the car park at night gives me the heebie-jeebies.
He makes my skin crawl.
He’s on the edge of his seat watching that horror movie!
His crimes struck horror into the nation’s heart.
I can’t watch horror films. They give me goose bumps.
I felt a bit uneasy when I walked home in the dark.
I get nervous at the dentist’s and usually break out in a cold sweat.
I get scared really easily.
I get scared when I’m at home all by myself.
I got so scared that my heart missed a beat.
I had a terrifying experience last week.
I have a terrible fear of spiders
I saw fear on Sarah’s face.
I was horrified by the sound of her voice.
I’m frightened of spiders.
It makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
It was such a terrifying ordeal. I’m glad that it’s over.
My blood ran cold.
My brother is scared stiff of heights.
My cats are easily spooked before a thunderstorm.
Paul is afraid of his own shadow!
Sam nearly jumped out of his skin when the car jumped!
Some of the scenes were so frightening that they sent shivers down my spine.
Some people get the jitters when they have to make a speech.
Spiders scare the hell out of me
The building began to shake and we were all petrified.
The children were scared stiff of the monster.
The look in the prisoner’s eye made my blood run cold!
The noises were frightening.
They gave me the fright of my life.
This story is not for the faint-of-heart.
They closed the shop early for fear that the storm would be as bad as predicted.
When I saw the bear I was scared shitless.
When you jumped out, it scared the living daylights out of me!


Flirting sentences in English ♡

♡ Flirting sentences in English ♡

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What’s your name? What’s your name?
Where are you from?
I am French.
What do you do for a living?
Are you a student?
What do you work in?
Have you ever been to France?
This is the first time I’ve been here.
Can we stay in touch?
Can I take your phone number?
It was nice to meet you.
Do you want to do something tonight?
Do you want a drink?
Ask me some questions.
Can I kiss you?
Can I see you tomorrow?
Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?
Do you have a light, please?
Do you like…?
Do you want to have coffee with me?
I can’t stop thinking about you.
I had a great time yesterday.
I just broke up with my boyfriend / girlfriend.
I like your haircut/haircut.
I like your personality.
I want to be your boyfriend.
I’m going to the movies, you want to come with me?
I’m no electrician, but I can light up your day.
If you’d like, could we meet again?
Kiss me. Kiss me.
We should meet again!
We’ve met before, haven’t we?
What flavor do you wear?
What kind of guy/girl are you?
What’s your sign?
Where do you live?
You can ask me anything.
You don’t talk much.
you have beautiful skin.
You look cute.
You smell good.
You want a massage?
You’re a handsome man.
You’re exactly my type.
You’re pretty.
You’re sexy.
Are you a time traveler? Cause I see you in my future!
Are you Netflix? Because i could watch you for hours.
Do you like Star wars? Because yoda only one for me!
You don’t need makeup, you’re already very beautiful.


How to talk about your job in English

How to talk about your job in English

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I’m a doctor
I am in charge of marketing.
I am in charge of training employees.
I am responsible for customer accounts.
I am responsible for watering the plants.
I do a bit of painting.
I earn my living as a nurse  .
I have my own business
I import French food.
I mainly handle claims.
I mainly write reports.
I make websites (for a living).
I program computers.
I recruit and train employees.
I repair jet engines.
I represent (the) XYZ (company).
I take care of corporate accounts.
I take care of corporate accounts.
I usually answer customers’ questions.
I usually answer telephones.
I work as a teacher.
I work for a restaurant.
I work for ABC Company.
I work for myself je travaille Ă  mon compte
I work in … the cinema industry
I work in an office / a restaurant
I’m a professional dancer.
I’m an underwriter.
I’m in marketing.
I’m in the car business.
I’m looking for a job
I’m not working at the moment
I’m responsible for sales.
I’m retired
I’m self-employed
I’m unemployed
I’m with ABC.
I’ve got a full-time job
I’ve got a part-time job
I’m responsible for …
My day job is hairdressing.
Our company is located in…
Our headquarters is in…
Our major products are…
Parler de son entreprise:
The name of our company is…
We are in the computer business.
We build storage units.
We design software.
We manufacture…
We produce small appliances.
We produce…
We sell…
We’re in computers
We’re in the insurance business.
What (type of business) do you do?
What are you in charge of?
What business are you in?
What company do you work for?
What do you do (in your job)?
What do you do at ABC Company?
What do you do exactly?
what do you do for a living?
what do you do?
What does your company do?
What is the name of your company?
What is your main job?
what line of work are you in?
what sort of work do you do?
Where are you located?
Which company are you with?
Who do you represent?
who do you work for?


Oral presentation sentences pdf

Oral presentation sentences pdf

To download and print this free English phrases list,  click here.

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A list of useful phrases to discuss and illustrate what you want to say:

All the more so if…
All the more so as… / Especially as…
As you’ve quite rightly pointed out, …
For most of us, …
I may have expressed myself badly.
If you take a close look at…
In the words of…
It goes hand in hand with…
It is a well-known fact that
It is often claimed that…
it is often forgotten that…
It remains to be seen whether…/It’s open to question if…
It shouldn’t be forgotten that…
It turns out that…
Let’s consider…
Let’s get to the heart of the matter.
That is the question!
That’s the heart of the matter.
That’s the main issue.
The issue at stake here…
The question is whether…
What would you like to discuss?


English sentences: Structuring what you want to say

Structuring what you want to say

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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At first glance/sight…
After all / All in all
All things considered,…
And so on.
Briefly,… / Put briefly, …
Either… or…
Firstly / Secondly
In fact, … / As a matter of fact,… /The thing is,…
In the first place / In the second place…
Lastly, …
Neither… nor…
On the one hand / On the other hand
The fact is that…
The funny thing is…
Then …
To begin with, … / First,…
To make a long story short,…
To sum up, …


Polite phrases in english pdf

Polite phrases in english pdf

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Do you know Paul?
Bye. Take care.
Could you do me a favour ?
Could you give me a cup of tea, please ?
Could you give me a hand, please ?
Do you want me to go with you?
Enjoy the rest of your trip.
Have a nice afternoon!
Have a nice evening!
Have a nice week-end!
Have a safe trip back!
Hello! Do come in!
How about going to the cinema?
How are you doing?
How’s it going?
I apologize
I can’t. I’m sorry.
I had a great time.
I have to go.
I wonder if you’d mind helping me.
I’d like to invite you to lunch.
I’d rather not go out tonight.
I’d rather not go to the cinema tonight.
I’m afraid I can’t help you.
I’m sorry for being late.
I’m sorry, I didn’t catch what you said.
If you come to Paris again, do let me know.
If you don’t mind.
It was lovely meeting you.
Let’s keep in touch!
Let’s meet at four o’clock.
May I offer you a drink?
No, thank you.
Now I’ve got to go.
Safe journey!
So nice of you to come and visit us!
Sorry, but I have to take my train.
Thank you for inviting me.
Thank you very much!/Thanks a lot
Thanks! That sounds like fun.
What day is it?
What time does it start / end?
When is it?
Would you excuse me, please?
Would you like to come for dinner?
Would you mind repeating, please ?


Useful english phrases: Changing your mind

Useful english phrases: Changing your mind

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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(Actually,) I’ve changed my mind. /  I’ve had a change of heart.
After further consideration…
Come to think of it…
Did I really say that?
Hang on a minute / a second.
I’ve had a bit of a rethink.
On reflection…
On second thoughts…
What was I thinking?


How to express your intentions in English

How to express your intentions in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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By all means / in any way
Did you mean to… ?
How do you intend to… ?
I didn’t mean to hurt/offend you.
I didn’t mean to. / It was unintentional. / I didn’t do it on purpose.
I don’t have the slightest intention of…
I don’t mind…
I fully intend to…
I have every intention of…
I intend to…
I intended no harm.
I mean…
I wouldn’t mind…
I’m not going to… / I have no intention of…
I’m not prepared to…
I’m not thinking of…
I’m willing to…
I’ve set my mind/sights on…
It was not my intent to break something.
It’s the thought that counts
No matter what / At all costs
Nothing is further from my mind.
She’s determined to stay here, she’s intent on staying here.
To be well-/ill- intentioned, to have good/bad intentions
What are your intentions?
What do you intend to do?
With a view to doing sth


Shopping for Clothes: useful expressions

Shopping for Clothes: useful expressions

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Go and get dressed.
Blue is your colour!
He is wearing a green coat.
I’m going to get dressed / get undressed.
It matches the colour of your shoes.
My dress size is 10.
This really fits you.
What is your dress size?
You look great in that dress.
You should try it on.
Can I try this on?
Do you do alterations?
I’d like to take up this shirt.
I’ve got exactly what you’re looking for.
The changing rooms are over there.
This skirt needs letting out.
This really fits you.
It matches the colour of your eyes.
It’s neither too big nor too small.
It’s too long / short / tight / loose.
That shirt looks really nice on you!
This jumper doesn’t fit me.
This suits you really well.
You look great in that dress.
You look really smart in this suit, sir.
I’m looking for a blue skirt.
Do you have a sleeveless dress?
Her handbag matches her shoes.
I don’t like striped shirts.
I prefer wearing casual clothes.
It is a flowery red dress.
It’s very gaudy.
She has bought an evening dress.
She is always very fashionable.
These trousers are too sloppy.
These trousers are totally old fashioned.
This dress is too low-cut.
This is very smart.
What is your dress size?
Do you have this in a larger size?
He has grown out of his shoes.
It’s 10.
What is your shoe size?
You can take off your shoes.
