Category: Worksheet

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Indicate for each of the following sentences if something was free, cheap or expensive :

1. Do you like my jacket? It’s made of pure silk.
> Really? It must have cost you a packet. → 

2. I thought the hotel was quite reasonable — considering how nice it was. → 

3. Wow! Two weeks in Barbados! It must have cost a fortune. → 

4. I’m not going to New York until February. The flights are a bit pricey at this time of the year. → 

5. I got this Beatles CD in the second-hand shop for a pound. lt was a real bargain! → 

6. I like the new car. Was it expensive?

> It didn‘t cost me a penny. My brother gave it to me. → 

7. New York was fantastic but the trip cost me an arm and a leg. → 

8. We had to get tickets at the last minute so we had to pay through the nose for them. It was a real rip~off. → 


  1. expensive
  2. cheap
  3. expensive
  4. expensive
  5. cheap
  6. free
  7. expensive
  8. expensive

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Complete the expressions below with cost or price:

1. half 

2. total 

3. tag

4. of living

5. two for the  of one

6. list

7. fair 

8. included at no extra 


  1. half price
  2. total cost
  3. price tag
  4. cost of living
  5. two for the price of one
  6. price list
  7. fair price
  8. included at no extra cost

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Complete the dialogues with the following sentences:

  • keep the receipt | make a list | got this | get a refund | try this on | pick up a bargain

1. I’ve got to go to the supermarket later. Is there anything you want?
> Yes, lots of things. Why don’t you so you don’t forget anything?

2. I really need a new coat.
> Well, wait till after Christmas. You might in the sales.

3. Can I , please?
> Certainly, the changing rooms are over there.

4. I don’t believe it! We only had this alarm clock for three weeks and it’s broken.
> Well, why don’t you take it back and see if you can ?
> I’m not sure if I can do that. I didn’t .

5. Have you  in dark blue?
> I’m afraid not.
Never mind. I’ll take the black, then.


  1. make a list
  2. pick up a bargain
  3. try this on
  4. get a refund, keep the receipt
  5. got this

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Who says each of the following sentences? the customer or the shop assistant?

1. Can I help you? → 

2. No, thank you. I’m just looking. → 

3. Are you being served? → 

4. Your receipt’s in the bag. → 

5. Okay, thank you. I’ll take it. → 

6. Thank you. I think I’ll leave it for now. → 


  1. the shop assistant
  2. the customer
  3. the shop assistant
  4. the shop assistant
  5. the customer
  6. the customer

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2: supermarkets

Complete the sentences with the following words:

  • aisle | checkout | baskets | plastic bag | organic | trolley

1. I hate carrying those wire  I use a at the supermarket.

2. I think working on a  must be a really boring job.

3. If everyone uses one  every time they go shopping, that’s an awful lot of pollution.

4. Could you tell me where the coffee is, please?
> Third on the right.

5. Excuse me, are these potatoes ?

> No, the section is over there, sir.


  1. baskets, trolley
  2. checkout
  3. plastic bag
  4. aisle
  5. organic, organic

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Faites correspondre ces magasins avec les choses que l’on y achète:

  • greengrocer’s | baker‘s | butcher‘s | chemist’s | ironmonger’s | florist’s | off-licence | newsagent’s
  1. Meat →  
  2. Flowers →  
  3. Bread and cakes  →  
  4. Magazines and newspapers  →  
  5. Fruit and vegetables  →  
  6. Wine and spirits  →  
  7. Medicine  →  
  8. Tools, nails, candles etc… →  


  1. Meat → butcher’s
  2. Flowers → florist’s
  3. Bread and cakes  → baker’s
  4. Magazines and newspapers  → newsagent’s
  5. Fruit and vegetables  → greengrocer’s
  6. Wine and spirits  → off-licence
  7. Medicine  → chemist’s
  8. Tools, nails, candles etc… → ironmonger’s

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Faites correspondre les questions avec les réponses ci-dessous :

  1. What was the weather like? > 
  2. What was the food like? > 
  3. What was the hotel like? > 
  4. What were the people like? > 
  5. What was the beach like? > 



  1. What was the weather like? > Glorious! Warm and sunny every day.
  2. What was the food like? > Absolutely delicious.
  3. What was the hotel like? > The room was very comfortable and they did great food.
  4. What were the people like? > Very warm and friendly.
  5. What was the beach like? > A bit crowded, actually – and not as clean as I expected.

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Complete the following dialogues with the words and sentences below:

  • long weekend | tourists | brochures | break | high season | abroad | travel agent’s

1. Have you decided where you’re going on holiday this year?
> No, not yet. I might call in at the on the way home and pick up a few .

2. I’m really fed up with work at the moment.
I need a .
> Why don’t you take next Friday off and have a in Paris or Amsterdam?

3. Are you going to Wales again this year?
> Not likely! I’m going somewhere  where I can be sure of some sun.

4. I fancy a few days in Venice this summer.
> In August? Right in the middle of the ! You must be crazy. The place’ll be absolutely full of .


  1. travel agent’s, brochure
  2. break, long weekend
  3. abroad
  4. high season, tourists

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Match the verb on the left with the word or sentence on the right:

1. stay 

2. send 

3. look round 

4. hire 

5. go 

6. go on 

7. take 

8. buy 




1. stay in a hotel or a guest house
2. send some postcards
3. look round the museums and art galleries
4. hire a car
5. go sightseeing
6. go on excursions and trips
7. take some photos
8. buy some souvenirs

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Vocabulary Exercises | Holidays

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Which word corresponds to each word list below?

tour | holiday | resort | trip

  1. summer, package, beach, adventure → 
  2. holiday, tourist, seaside, popular → 
  3. coach, sightseeing, package, guided → 
  4. coach, boat, day, business → 


  1. holiday
  2. resort
  3. tour
  4. trip