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English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

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Exercise 12

Complete the dialogues with the following words:

fussy | pushy | selfish | pessimistic | intolerant | optimistic

1. I know I’m going to get this job – the interview went so well.
> I think you’re being a bit . Hundreds of people have applied for it.

2. I’m trying to persuade Liz to give up her job and come and live with me in Scotland.
> Aren’t you being a bit ? You know how important her career is.

3. l’ve looked at fifteen flats and I haven’t seen one l really like.
> Don‘t you think you’re being a bit ? You’ll never find one that’s perfect.

4. Why haven’t they phoned me back? I know I’m not going to get this job.
> Aren’t you being a bit ? You only had the interview yesterday.

5. Do you think Ann will come on holiday with me?
> Slow down! You’ve only just met her! Aren’t you being a bit ?

6. I hope Bob doesn’t become manager. I don’t like his accent.
> Don’t you think you’re being a bit ? You can’t dislike him just because of the way he speaks!


  1. optimistic
  2. selfish
  3. fussy
  4. pessimistic
  5. pushy
  6. intolerant

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 11

Complete the dialogues with the following sentences:

very kind | very tactful |  a bit clumsy | very rude

1. I invited Sue and Gerry for dinner. They turned up an hour and a half late and didn’t even apologise!
> Really, that was  of them, wasn’t it?

2. Sarah spilt coffee all over the carpet. It made a terrible mess.
> Oh dear. That was  of her, wasn’t it?

3. Mary knew how busy I was, so she offered to collect the kids from school for me.
> That was  of her.

4. Sue said she had a headache, but she knew that Chris, her first husband, was going to be at the party.
> That was  of her. It would have been very embarrassing if she’d turned up.


  1. very rude
  2. a bit clumsy
  3. very kind
  4. very tactful

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 10

Match the beginning and end of sentences:

  1. It was a bit cheeky of you 
  2. It’s very brave of you 
  3. It was very generous of you 
  4. It was very clever of you 
  5. It was a bit dishonest of you 

a. to finish this crossword so quickly.

b. not to tell them they’d given you too much change.

c. to go to India on your own.

d. to ask the teacher how old she is.

e. to pay for all the drinks.


  1. It was a bit cheeky of you to ask the teacher how old she is.
  2. It’s very brave of you to go to India on your own.
  3. It was very generous of you to pay for all the drinks.
  4. It was very clever of you to finish this crossword so quickly.
  5. It was a bit dishonest of you not to tell them they’d given you too much change.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 9

Use these pairs of adjectives in the following sentences:

  • wise / sensible
  • careless / silly
  • horrible / nasty
  • strange / funny

1. I locked my keys in the house this morning.
>That was a very  thing to do.

2. I gave my neighbours’ little boy some money for his holidays and his parents took it from him!
> Really? What a  thing to do.

3. I’m thinking of getting myself a private pension.
>Good idea.That’s a very  thing to do.

4. They’ve been married for 25 years and then one day she just walked out and never came back.
> Really? What a  thing to do!


  1. careless / silly
  2. horrible / nasty
  3. wise / sensible
  4. strange / funny

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 7

Here are 8 types of personalities, use them in the following sentences:

a gossip | a big-head | an extrovert | a laugh | a couch potato | a snob | a coward | a liar

1. You shouldn’t believe a word Justin says. He’s a terrible .

2. Maria’s a terrible . She’s always talking about everybody else in the office.

3. Roberto’s quite an , isn’t he? He’s got hundreds of friends!

4. Martin’s such a . He never stops telling people how wonderful he is.

5. You can’t keep running away from your responsibilities. You’re such a .

6. Just because Dave didn’t go to university doesn’t mean he’s any less intelligent than you. Don’t be such a .

7. Emma’s husband’s such a . He just sits around all day watching TV.

8. Billy knows hundreds of jokes. He’s such a !


  1. liar
  2. gossip
  3. extrovert
  4. big-head
  5. coward
  6. snob
  7. couch potato
  8. laugh

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 8

Transform words into their opposites by adding either: un, dis, in, or im

  1. reliable
  2. honest
  3. sensitive
  4. pleasant
  5. loyal
  6. tolerant
  7. patient
  8. mature
  9. friendly
  10. decisive
  11. ambitious
  12. selfish


  1. unreliable
  2. dishonest
  3. insensitive
  4. unpleasant
  5. disloyal
  6. intolerant
  7. impatient
  8. immature
  9. unfriendly
  10. indecisive
  11. unambitious
  12. unselfish

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Complete the dialogue with the following adjectives:

bossy | sensitive | fussy | nosey

1. How much do you earn in your new job?
> That’s a bit  of you!

2. You can do the washing up while I’m out.
> You can be so  at times!

3. Jenny’s really upset about what you said.
> She’s too .

4. I can’t eat these vegetables. They’ve been cooked in oil.
> Oh,don’t be so .


  1. nosey
  2. bossy
  3. sensitive
  4. fussy

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Complete with the following words:

moody | amusing | stubborn | arrogant | selfish | silly

1.Lucy never thinks about anyone but herself.
> Yes, she can be a bit  sometimes.

2.Oh, Laura‘s impossible. One minute life is wonderful and the next minute she’s in her room crying.

> Yes, she can he a bit , can’t she?

3. I really don’t like Bob. He seems to think that he’s more important than anybody else.

> He certainly can be very .

4. Martin’s such good fun. He’s got a great sense of humour.
> Yes, he can he very  at times.

5. I wish Joe would stop playing practical jokes all the time. It gets very tiring.
> Yes, he can be really  at times. I wish he’d grow up and behave like an adult.

6. I told Emma that she shouldn’t leave university but she never listens to me.
> No, she really can be very  when she wants, can’t she?


  1. selfish
  2. moody
  3. arrogant
  4. amusing
  5. silly
  6. stubborn

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Find the opposite adjectives:

1. generous ≠ 

2. hard-working ≠ 

3. outgoing ≠ 

4. easy-going ≠ 

5. cheerful ≠ 


  1. generous ≠ mean
  2. hard-working ≠ lazy
  3. outgoing ≠ shy
  4. easy-going ≠ tense
  5. cheerful ≠ miserable

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences with the appropriate expressions:

1. I think Mark took some money from my bag while we were out.
> No, he’s  to do a thing like that.

2. I’m still waiting for Lisa to say sorry for sending that fax to the wrong address.
> You’ll wait a long time! Lisa’s  to admit anything‘s her fault.

3. Jenny left a window open when she went out this morning. Anybody could’ve got in.
> Are you sure it was jenny. She’s  to do anything like that.

4. Apparently, Amy asked Tom if he’d like to go out tomorrow night.
> I don’t believe you. She’s  to ask a boy out!

5. Julie got the highest mark in the class, but she didn’t say a word.
> No, she wouldn’t. She’s  to say anything about it.

6. I thought Martin was a good friend but he’s been telling everybody that I’m boring.
> Are you sure? Martin’s  to say something like that behind your back.


1. I think Mark took some money from my bag while we were out.
> No, he’s far too honest to do a thing like that.

2. I’m still waiting for Lisa to say sorry for sending that fax to the wrong address.
> You’ll wait a long time! Lisa’s much too proud to admit anything‘s her fault.

3. Jenny left a window open when she went out this morning. Anybody could’ve got in.
> Are you sure it was jenny. She’s far too sensible to do anything like that.

4. Apparently, Amy asked Tom if he’d like to go out tomorrow night.
> I don’t believe you. She’s much too shy to ask a boy out!

5. Julie got the highest mark in the class, but she didn’t say a word.
> No, she wouldn’t. She’s far too modest to say anything about it.

6. I thought Martin was a good friend but he’s been telling everybody that I’m boring.
> Are you sure? Martin’s much too loyal to say something like that behind your back.