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English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Complete the following dialogues with these words:

amazed | disgusted | exhausted | horrified | stunned | terrified

1. You must have been quite frightened when the pilot announced that he was going to land in Kuwait.
> I was absolutely  .

2. Did you say you saw people in the sea?
> Yes! In the middle of winter! I was absolutely  .

3. What a long day! You must be tired.
> I’m absolutely  .

4. Did you see the news last night? English football fans in trouble again! I don’t know what they’re thinking about.
> Yes, I was absolutely  . I just don’t understand why they have to do it.

5. I hear Tony’s just lost his job. How’s he taking it?
> He was absolutely . He thought he had a job for life.

6. Did you read about the murder of that little girl?
> Yes, I think the whole country is  that that sort of thing can happen.



  1. terrified
  2. amazed
  3. exhausted
  4. disgusted
  5. stunned
  6. horrified

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

‘Get’ is a common verb to use with emotions. Use the correct form of these expressions:

  • get a bit tired
  • get a bit worried
  • get really excited
  • get bored
  • get nervous
  • get a bit confused
  • get really iealous
  • get embarrassed

1. My boyfriend doesn’t like it if I speak to other boys when we’re out. He .

2. Lisa said she‘d be home by eleven. I‘m beginning to .

3. Can’t we go out and do something? I’m  just watching TV.

4. Shall we stop and have a rest soon? I’m .

5. We‘re taking the children camping next weekend. They’re   about it.

6. Don’t keep asking him about his girlfriend. Can’t you see he’s  ?

7. These instructions aren’t easy to follow. I’m  .

8. l’ve got my driving test next month. I’m already   about it.


  1. gets really jealous
  2. get a bit worried
  3. getting bored
  4. getting a bit tired
  5. getting really excited
  6. getting embarassed
  7. getting a bit confused
  8. getting nervous

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Use the correct form of these verbs in the situations below:

show | hide | get | be (2)

1. lf you love Kay, you’ve got to tell her. Don’t   your feelings from her.

2. Why   you in such a bad mood today? Have I upset you?

3. Ann’s a very emotional person. She isn’t afraid to   her feelings in public.

4. I’ve   mixed feelings about leaving. I’ll be glad to say goodbye to this place, but I‘ll miss all my friends.

5. You seem to   in a good mood this morning! Have you won the lottery?


  1. lf you love Kay, you’ve got to tell her. Don’t hide your feelings from her.
  2.  Why are you in such a bad mood today? Have I upset you?
  3. Ann’s a very emotional person. She isn’t afraid to showher feelings in public.
  4. I’ve got mixed feelings about leaving. I’ll be glad to say goodbye to this place, but I‘ll miss all my friends.
  5. You seem to be in a good mood this morning! Have you won the lottery?

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Match the situations with the following feelings:

  1. I can’t believe I got so drunk. → 
  2. I didn‘t expect the film to be so violent. → 
  3. Why didn’t you phone to say you’d be late? → 
  4. There’s a huge spider in the bath! → 
  5. They talked about computers all evening. → 
  6. I got the results back from the hospital today. They’re negative, thank goodness! → 
  7. When my daughter became a doctor, I was really pleased. → 
  8. She came home to find we’d organised a big party for her. → 



  1. I can’t believe I got so drunk. → I feel so ashamed.
  2. I didn‘t expect the film to be so violent. → I was quite shocked by it.
  3. Why didn’t you phone to say you’d be late? → We were very worried.
  4. There’s a huge spider in the bath! → I‘m really frightened of them.
  5. They talked about computers all evening. → I was so bored.
  6. I got the results back from the hospital today. They’re negative, thank goodness! → I’m so relieved.
  7. When my daughter became a doctor, I was really pleased. → I felt so proud.
  8. She came home to find we’d organised a big party for her. → She was so surprised.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

English Vocabulary Exercises | Feelings and Emotions

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Match the situations with the following feelings:

1. I didn’t understand any of the questions.


2. A huge dog came running towards me.


3. We’re taking the kids to the zoo on Saturday.


4. l’ve got my driving test tomorrow.


5. l’ve been up since half past five.


6. I forgot my Dad’s birthday again.


7. My Mum and Dad arrived at the club and started dancing!


8. You only say you don’t like Paul because you haven’t got a boyfriend.


  1. I didn’t understand any of the questions. → l was really confused.
  2. A huge dog came running towards me. → I was really scared.
  3. We’re taking the kids to the zoo on Saturday. → They’re really excited.
  4. l’ve got my driving test tomorrow. → I’m really nervous.
  5. l’ve been up since half past five. → I’m starting to feel really tired.
  6. I forgot my Dad’s birthday again. → l feel so guilty.
  7. My Mum and Dad arrived at the club and started dancing! → l was so embarrassed.
  8. You only say you don’t like Paul because you haven’t got a boyfriend. → You’re just jealous.




English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 15

Complete the sentences with the following words:

nosey | pessimistic | impatient | childish

1. Haven’t you finished? Come on! Hurry up! I’ve got to go out in ten minutes.
> Oh, don’t be so !

2. How much do you earn?
> Don’t be so !

3. Well, if you won’t let me watch what I want to watch, I’m not doing the washing up.
> Oh, don’t be so !

4. I know I won’t get this job. I don’t know why I bothered applying.
> Don’t be so !


  1. impatient
  2. nosey
  3. childish
  4. pessimistic

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 14

Which words are appropriate for the next two sentences?

nice | nasty | mean | lovely | sweet | unkind | kind | rude | spiteful | horrible

1. He said I was fat.
> Really? What a/an) thing to say.
2. I can’t believe you’re forty-five. You look much younger than that.
> What a thing to say. Thank you.


  1. mean, spiteful, nasty, unkind, rude, horrible
  2. nice, sweet, kind, lovely

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Complete the following sentences with a noun formed from the adjectives in parentheses:

  1. Thousands would have died in last year’s famine in Ethiopia, if it wasn’t for the of ordinary people. (generous)
  2. They’ve always shown me great (kind)
  3. The theatre’s sent me tickets for the wrong day again. I can’t believe their (careless)
  4. Considering how ill I’ve been, I thought my boss would show a bit more (sympathetic)
  5. She handled the situation very well. She showed great ( sensitive)
  6. You’ve been such a great help. I’d like to buy you dinner as an expression of my (grateful)
  7. I do wish those children would show a little more sometimes. (patient)
  8. He just told me to shut up and walked off. I’ve never known such (rude)
  9. You don’t like him because of his accent? You could show a bit more sometimes. (tolerant)
  10. I think one day we might doubt the of this decision. (wise)


  1. generosity
  2. kindness
  3. carelessness
  4. sympathy
  5. sensitivity
  6. gratitude
  7. patience
  8. rudeness
  9. tolerance
  10. wisdom

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 12

Complete the dialogues with the following words:

fussy | pushy | selfish | pessimistic | intolerant | optimistic

1. I know I’m going to get this job – the interview went so well.
> I think you’re being a bit . Hundreds of people have applied for it.

2. I’m trying to persuade Liz to give up her job and come and live with me in Scotland.
> Aren’t you being a bit ? You know how important her career is.

3. l’ve looked at fifteen flats and I haven’t seen one l really like.
> Don‘t you think you’re being a bit ? You’ll never find one that’s perfect.

4. Why haven’t they phoned me back? I know I’m not going to get this job.
> Aren’t you being a bit ? You only had the interview yesterday.

5. Do you think Ann will come on holiday with me?
> Slow down! You’ve only just met her! Aren’t you being a bit ?

6. I hope Bob doesn’t become manager. I don’t like his accent.
> Don’t you think you’re being a bit ? You can’t dislike him just because of the way he speaks!


  1. optimistic
  2. selfish
  3. fussy
  4. pessimistic
  5. pushy
  6. intolerant

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 11

Complete the dialogues with the following sentences:

very kind | very tactful |  a bit clumsy | very rude

1. I invited Sue and Gerry for dinner. They turned up an hour and a half late and didn’t even apologise!
> Really, that was  of them, wasn’t it?

2. Sarah spilt coffee all over the carpet. It made a terrible mess.
> Oh dear. That was  of her, wasn’t it?

3. Mary knew how busy I was, so she offered to collect the kids from school for me.
> That was  of her.

4. Sue said she had a headache, but she knew that Chris, her first husband, was going to be at the party.
> That was  of her. It would have been very embarrassing if she’d turned up.


  1. very rude
  2. a bit clumsy
  3. very kind
  4. very tactful