Tag: Worksheet

Active and Passive voice | Exercises with answers

Active and Passive voice | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Make passive sentences in the present perfect:

Ex: the camera / sell → The camera has been sold.

1. the rent / pay / not

2. the money / spend

3. the room / book / not

4. the people / inform / not

5. the postcard / send

6. the pencils / count

7. the door / close

8. the trees / plant

9. the beds / make

10. the mail / write


  1. The rent has not been paid
  2. The money has been spent
  3. The room has not been booked.
  4. The people have not been informed
  5. The postcard has been sent
  6. The pencils have been counted
  7. The door has been closed
  8. The trees have been planted
  9. The beds have been made
  10. The mail has been written

Active and Passive voice | Exercises with answers

Active and Passive voice | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Make passive sentences as in the following example:

Ex: The pig / feed → The pig is fed.

1. the letter / send

2. the songs / sing / not

3. the window / open

4. the food / eat / not

5. the shop / close / not

6. the documents / print

7. the shoes / buy

8. the car / wash

9. the litter / throw away

10. the book / read / not


  1. The letter is sent.
  2. The songs are not sung.
  3. The window is opened.
  4. The food is not eaten.
  5. The shop is not closed.
  6. The documents are printed.
  7. The shoes are bought.
  8. The car is washed.
  9. The litter is thrown away.
  10. The book is not read.

Active and Passive voice | Exercises with answers

Active and Passive voice | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Form passive voice sentences at the appropriate time:

Ex : This Museum / build / in 1886 → This museum was built (ou has been built) in 1886 

1. Sake / make / in Japan

2. The Euro / use / in France

3. The butter / keep / in the fridge

4. The murderer / arrest / policemen / yesterday

5. The injured / take to a hospital / now

6. Workers / soon / replace / robots

7. The emails / send / last week

8. The soccer match / cancel / yesterday

9. German / speak / in Switzerland?

10. My car / repair / at the moment


  1. Sake is made in Japan.
  2. The Euro is used in France.
  3. The butter is kept in the fridge.
  4. The murderer was arrested (= has been arrested) by policemen yesterday.
  5. The injured are being taken to a hospital now.
  6. Workers will soon be replaced by robots.
  7. The emails were sent (= have been sent) last week.
  8. The soccer match was canceled (=has been canceled) yesterday.
  9. Is German spoken in Switzerland?
  10. My car is being repaired at the moment.

Change active voice to passive voice | Exercises

Change active voice to passive voice | Exercises

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Put these sentences from active to passive form at the appropriate time:

Ex: Tina took the pen. → The pen was taken by Tina.

1. I have seen a movie.


2. Sam opens the door.


3. A thief stole my camera.


4. Will the mechanic repair the car?


5. They have not read the message.


6. Somebody hit me.


7. You do not write the letter.


8. Did Paul send the letter?


9. Kevin will buy a new phone.


10. You have not sent this email.


11. Millions of tourists will visit the park.


12. Your parents don’t help you.


13. We stopped the train.


14. My partner will sign the contract.


15. I have opened the box.





  1. A movie has been seen by me.
  2. The door is opened by Sam.
  3. My camera was stolen by a thief.
  4. Will the car be repaired by the mechanic?
  5. The message has not been read by them.
  6. I was hit by somebody.
  7. The letter is not written by you.
  8. Was the letter sent by Paul?
  9. A new phone will be bought by Kevin.
  10. This email has not been sent by you.
  11. The park will be visited by millions of tourists.
  12. You are not helped by your parents.
  13. The train was stopped by us.
  14. The contract will be signed by my partner.
  15. The box has been opened by me.

Grammar Exercises with answers | Passive Voice

Grammar Exercises with answers | Passive Voice

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Choose the correct answer:

1.    The plan  by the congress.

 has approved
 has been approved
 is been approved
 had approved

2.    The wallet  on the pavement.

 has found
 was found
 has been find

3.    New Zealand  by the Maoris.

 was discovered
 had discovered
 has discovered

4.    We  to the concert, but we didn’t go.

 ‘ll be invidted
 were invited
 were inviting
 have invited

5.    The building  by a great architect.

 is being built
 has being built
 is been built
 is being building

6.    The director  for his movie.

 was been rewarded
 has been rewarded
 had rewarded
 has been rewarding

7.    The room was smelling nice, it .

 has been
 were cleaned
 had been cleaned
 have been cleaned

8.    He disappeared two months ago. He  since.

 isn’t seen
 hasn’t seen
 hasn’t been seen
 havn’t been seen

9.    It is time for the match 

 to play
 to be played
 is played
 has been played

10.    I want yours homeworks  by 2pm.

 to finish
 to be finished
 be finished
 to have been finished



  1. has been approved
  2. was found
  3. was discovered
  4. were invited
  5. is being built
  6. has been rewarded
  7. had been cleaned
  8. hasn’t been seen
  9. to be played
  10. to be finished

Grammar Exercises | Passive Voice

Grammar Exercises | Passive Voice

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Choose the correct answer:

1. The letters  from the envelopes.
 had removed
 had been removed

2. The offer  by the company.
 has accepted
 has been accepted

3. The rooms  for the customers.
 were reserving
 had reserved
 had been reserved

4. They  the party on time.
 had been started
 were starting
 had started

5. He  the key under the table.
 had hidden
 had been hidden

6. Nothing  in the appartment.
 had left
 had been left

7.    I  to become a teacher.
 have always wanted
 am always wanted
 was always wanted
 am always wanting

8.    Paul  by a dog yesterday.
 were bitten
 was bitten
 were biting
 has bitten

9.    This castle  in 1752 by the king of France.
 was built
 was build
 has built

10.    The thieves  by the police.
 have arrested
 have been arrested
 was arrested
 had arrested

11.    We  for the test.
 have preparing
 are preparing
 had preparing
 have been prepared

12.    It  since monday.
 is raining
 has been raining
 have been raining
 was raining

13.    I  for twelve hours.
 have been working
 has been working
 was working
 am working

14.    The students  to leave their phone on the table.
 have asked
 are asked
 has asked
 are asking

15.    The teacher  the boys for fighting each other.
 has been punished
 is punished
 was punished


  1. had been removed
  2. has been accepted
  3. had been reserved
  4. had started
  5. had hidden
  6. had been left
  7. have always wanted
  8. was bitten
  9. was built
  10. have been arrested
  11. are preparing
  12. has been raining
  13. have been working
  14. are asked
  15. punished

Passive Voice | Exercise + PDF

Passive Voice | Exercise + PDF

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Write sentences on the passive voice using the present perfect tense (has/have been + past participle):

Ex: that castle / visit → that castle has been visited.

  1. the work / do → 
  2. the truth / tell → 
  3. the dog / bite / not → 
  4. the cure / find →
  5. the chapter / study →
  6. the thieves / arrest / not → 
  7. the bag / lose → 
  8. the houses / repair → 
  9. the tee-shirt / wear → 
  10. the date / decide / not → 


  1. The work has been done.
  2. The truth has been told.
  3. The dog has not been bitten.
  4. The cure has been found.
  5. The chapter has been studied.
  6. The thieves have not been arrested.
  7. The bag has been lost.
  8. The houses have been repaired.
  9. The tee-shirt has been worn.
  10. The date has not been decided.

Passive voice | Exercises with answers

Passive voice | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Make sentences in passive form using the Simple Past tense (was/were):

Ex: the documents / sign → the documents were signed. 

  1. the TV / sell →
  2. these jowels / steal / not →
  3. the bike / find / not  →
  4. the law / change  →
  5. the meeting / interrupt  →
  6. the door / lock / not →
  7. the kids / adopt / not  →
  8. the president / elect  →
  9. the new Iphone / announce  →
  10. the house / build  →


  1. The TV was sold.
  2. These jewels were not stolen.
  3. The bike was not found.
  4. The law was changed.
  5. The meeting was interrupted.
  6. The door was not locked.
  7. The kids were not adopted.
  8. The president was elected.
  9. The new Iphone was announced.
  10. The house was built.

Active / Passive voice Exercise: find the missing word

Active / Passive voice Exercise: find the missing word

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

There is a word missing in each of the following sentences… find it!

1. Applications be accepted until 5:00 PM on Friday.

2. I being sent to work in the Paris office.

3. The documents all be signed by next week.

4. Burgundy known for its excellent wines.

5. The Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.

6. The document being sent right now.

7. She attacked by a dangerous dog.

8. I noticed that a window had left open.

9. My purse been stolen by somebody.

10. Seven people arrested at a nightclub last night.



  1. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 PM on Friday.
  2. I am being sent to work in the Paris office.
  3. The documents will all be signed by next week.
  4. Burgundy is known for its excellent wines.
  5. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
  6. The document is being sent right now.
  7. She was attacked by a dangerous dog.
  8. I noticed that a window had been left open.
  9. My purse had been stolen by somebody.
  10. Seven people were arrested at a nightclub last night.

Grammar exercise | Indefinite pronouns

Grammar exercise | Indefinite pronouns

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Choose the correct answer:

  1.  in the world wants war.
  2. I don’t know  here in this town.
  3.  is fine so far. I hope it will last.
  4.  ate the same thing for lunch: pasta.
  5. I’ve got  in my eye.
  6.  would listen to me.
  7. ‘What’s wrong? ‘ at all.’
  8. I was laughed at by  when they saw my green hair.
  9. I’m looking for , a tall girl with blonde hair, have you seen her?
  10. Ask me  easier. This question is too hard.
  11. You can’t go  with this snow.
  12. We’re in the middle of  and our car broke down… We’re not lucky !
  13. I’d follow Sarah , I love her so much !
  14. I know my keys are here  in this room, I’ll find them soon.
  15. I got scared when he came out of .


  1. Nobody in the world wants war.
  2. I don’t know anybody here in this town.
  3. Everything is fine so far. I hope it will last.
  4. Everybody ate the same thing.
  5. I’ve got something in my eye.
  6. Nobody would listen to me.
  7. ‘What’s wrong? ‘Nothing at all.’
  8. I was laughed at by everybody when they saw my green hair.
  9. I’m looking for somebody, a tall girl with blonde hair, have you seen her?
  10. Ask me something easier. This question is too hard.
  11. You can’t go anywhere with this snow.
  12. We’re in the middle of nowhere and our car broke down… We’re not lucky !
  13. I’d follow Sarah anywhere, I love her so much !
  14. I know my keys are here somewhere in this room, I’ll find them soon.
  15. I got scared when he came out of nowhere.