
Common errors in English grammar exercises PDF

Common errors in English grammar exercises PDF

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The following sentences contain errors (missing or excess words, spelling mistakes…). There may be several mistakes in some sentences. Correct them!

Exercise 2


  • Tom is best student in the class. → Tom is the best student in the class.
  • There is some books on the table. → There is are some books on the table.
  1. She is more pretty than her cousin. →  
  2. It’s time two go! →  
  3. They’ve been married during six years. →  
  4. Me and Paul are going to the cinema. →  
  5. There is much noise here. →  
  6. Sam not like doing sport. →  
  7. We should contact they’re parents →  
  8. How many wine did you drink last night?  →  
  9. This bag is more cheap than the other one. →  
  10. How much books do you have? →  


  • She is more pretty than her cousin. → She is prettier than her cousin.
  • It’s time two go! → It’s time to go!
  • They’ve been married during six years. → They’ve been married for six years.
  • Me and Paul are going to the cinema. → Paul and I are going to the cinema.
  • There is much noise here. → There is a lot of noise here.
  • Sam not like doing sport. → Sam doesn’t like doing sport.
  • We should contact they’re parents. → We should contact their parents.
  • How many wine did you drink last night?  → How much wine did you drink last night?
  • This bag is more cheap than the other one. → This bag is cheaper than the other one.
  • How much books do you have? → How many books do you have?

Common errors in English sentences: exercise with answers

Common errors in English sentences: exercise

Click here to download this exercise in PDF.

The following sentences contain errors (missing or excess words, spelling mistakes…). There may be several mistakes in some sentences. Correct them!


  • Tom is best student in the class. → Tom is the best student in the class.
  • There is some books on the table. → There is are some books on the table.

Exercise 3

  1. Where did you went yesterday? →  
  2. After school, I always go to home. →  
  3. It depends of the weather. →  
  4. Do you went to school yesterday? →  
  5. I win two thousand euros a month. →  
  6. Myself and John are going into town →  
  7. I’ve been studied a lot lately. →  
  8. Tina likes go shopping on the weekend. →  
  9. When did you born? →  
  10. What did you do yesterday? I did go to the library. →  
  11. He is dead three years ago. →  
  12. He has a lot of luggages. →  
  13. I want that she leaves. →  
  14. The last year I visited Rome. →  
  15. What means this word? →  


  1. Where did you went yesterday? → Where did you go yesterday?
  2. After school, I always go to home. → After school, I always go home.
  3. It depends of the weather. → It depends on the weather.
  4. Do you went to school yesterday? Did you go to school yesterday?
  5. I win two thousand euros a month. → I earn two thousand euros a month.
  6. Myself and John are going into town → John and I are going into town
  7. I’ve been studied a lot lately. → I’ve been studying a lot lately.
  8. Tina likes go shopping on the weekend. → Tina likes to go shopping on the weekend.
  9. When did you born? → When were you born?
  10. What did you do yesterday? I did go to the library. → What did you do yesterday? I went to the library.
  11. He is dead three years ago. → He died three years ago.
  12. He has a lot of luggages. → He has a lot of luggage.
  13. I want that she leaves. → I want her to leave.
  14. The last year I visited Rome. → Last year I visited Rome.
  15. What means this word? → What does this word mean?

Error correction exercise | English Grammar

Error correction exercise | English Grammar (with PDF)

Click here to download this exercise in PDF.

The following sentences contain errors (missing or excess words, spelling mistakes…). There may be several mistakes in some sentences. Correct them!


  • Tom is best student in the class. → Tom is the best student in the class.
  • There is some books on the table. → There is are some books on the table.


  1. He swimmed across the lake. →  
  2. I don’t have no money. →  
  3. What you can do in Thailand? →  
  4. I could to go to the library tomorrow. →  
  5. Do you want that I make breakfast? →  
  6. I’m thinking to buy a new car. →  
  7. Our house is near to the beach. →  
  8. It was more then enough →  
  9. This exercise is more easy than the others. → 
  10. That’s what he told to me… →  


  1. He swimmed across the lake. He swam across the lake.
  2. I don’t have no money. I don’t have any money.
  3. What you can do in Thailand?What can you do in Thailand?
  4. I could to go to the library tomorrow. I could go to the library tomorrow.
  5. Do you want that I make breakfast? → Do you want me to make breakfast?
  6. I’m thinking to buy a new car.I’m thinking of buying a new car / I’m thinking about buying a new car.
  7. Our house is near to the beach.Our house is near the beach / Our house is close to the beach.
  8. It was more then enough.It was more than enough.
  9. This exercise is more easy than the others. This exercise is easier than the others.
  10. That’s what he told to me…That’s what he told me…

Word order exercises pdf

Word order exercises pdf

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

Exercise 1

Ex: green I bike my . → My bike is green.

1.   your  is  name  what ?


2.   is  Paul  name  my  .


3.   like  I  mushrooms  don’t .


4.   very  car  is  my  old .


5.   years  is  28   old  Tony .


6.   you  student  are  a ?


7.   London  to  I  go  want  to .


8.   lives  Rome  she  in .


9.   he  German  speak  can ?


10.   Japanese  they  speak  can .


11.   umbrella  borrow  I  your  can ?


12.   a   want  bike  I  new .


13.   hard  works  very  mother my .


14.   old  are  how  you ?


15.   not  cinema  going  to  I  am  the .


16.   books  at  I  home  read .


17.   Russia  from  is  she .


18.   like  do  pancakes  you ?


19.   she  in  does  germany  live ?


20.   the  is  driving  very  taxi  fast .




  1. What is your name?
  2. My name is Paul.
  3. I don’t like mushrooms.
  4. My car is very old.
  5. Tony is 28 years old.
  6. Are you a student?
  7. I want to go to London.
  8. She lives in Rome.
  9. Can he speak German?
  10. They can speak Japanese.
  11. Can I borrow your umbrella?
  12. I want a new bike.
  13. My mother works very hard.
  14. How old are you?
  15. I am not going to the cinema.
  16. I read books at home.
  17. She is from Russia.
  18. Do you like pancakes?
  19. Does she live in Germany?
  20. The taxi is driving very fast.

Word order exercises with answers

Word order exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

Exercise 2

Ex: green I bike my . → My bike is green.

1.   finished  homework  you  your  have  ?


2.   had  for  Paul  chicken  dinner .


3.   party  a  having   birthday  we  are .


4.   are  TV  at  moment  we  not  the  watching .


5.   party  enjoyed  much we  very  the .


6.   room  in  their  not   children  are  the .


7.   a  Tokyo  week  were  in  for  we    .


8.   learning  is  to  swim  how  Kevin  .


9.    messy  is  Veronica´s  very  room .


10.   Tina and John meet after school .


11.   was  movie  boring  the   really .


12.   cinema  new  opens  week  the  next .


13.   are  what  looking  you  at   ?


14.   home  take  father  you   my  can  .


15.   she  to  father  is  her  listening  not .


16.   a  tatoo  my  new  has  friend .


17.   is  Barcelona  city  my  favourite .


18.   to  breakfast  school  after  I  go  .


19.   Tuesday  opens  store  on  the new  .


20.   at  the  not  moment  at  he  is  home .





  1. Have you finished your homework?
  2. Paul had chicken for dinner.
  3. We are having a birthday party.
  4. We are not watching TV at the moment.
  5. We enjoyed the party very much.
  6. The children are not in their room.
  7. We were in Tokyo for a week.
  8. Kevin is learning how to swim.
  9. Veronica´s room is very messy.
  10. Tina and John meet after school.
  11. The movie was really boring.
  12. The new cinema opens next week.
  13. What are you looking at?
  14. My father can take you home.
  15. She is not listening to her father.
  16. My friend has a new tatoo.
  17. My favourite city is Barcelona.
  18. I go to school after breakfast.
  19. The new store opens on Tuesday.
  20. He is not at home at the moment.

Word order exercises with answers

Word order exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

Exercise 5

Ex: green I bike my . → My bike is green.

1.   before  they  friends  used  to  be .


2.   go  often to  how  do you  cinema  the ?


3.  do  my  after  I  dinner  always  homework   .


4.   how  sisters  got  brother and  have  you  many  ?


5.  does  cooking  Sundays  on  my sister  the  .


6.    to  always  the  take  bus  school  we   .


7.    man  hat  with  is  the  red  who  the  ?


8.  you  speak  who   to  did ?


9.  lost  bag before  I  my  the yesterday  day.


10.  are  make  when  people  they  sad  I   laugh .


11.   movie  enjoy  did  the  you   ?


12.   was  near  the    there  a  tree  river .


13.   one  like  do  you  which   ?


14.   around  the  goes  the  earth  sun .


15.   on  are  sofa my  the  parents  sitting .


16.   from  you  where  are ?


17.   now  going  am  home I  .


18.   is raining  it  not .


19.   you  do  live  where ?


20.   broke  he  glasses  my .



  1. They used to be friends before.
  2. How often do you go to the cinema?
  3. I always do my homework after dinner.
  4. How many brother and sisters have you got?
  5. My sister does the cooking on Sundays.
  6. We always take the bus to school.
  7. Who is the man with the red hat?
  8. Who did you speak to?
  9. I lost my bag the day before yesterday.
  10. I make people laugh when they are sad.
  11. Did you enjoy the movie?
  12. There was a tree near the river.
  13. Which one do you like?
  14. The earth goes around the sun.
  15. My parents are sitting on the sofa.
  16. Where are you from?
  17. I am going home now.
  18. It is not raining.
  19. Where do you live?
  20. He broke my glasses.

Word order in english sentences exercises

Word order in english sentences exercises

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

Exercise 4

Ex: green I bike my . → My bike is green.

1.  call  home  when  you  will  you  me  get ?


2.   last  were I called  you  sleeping  when  you  night ?


3.  exercise  do  how  do  you  often  ?


4.  we  early  morning  the  should  take  flight  ?


5.  weekdays  up late on my parents don’t stay .


6.   kitchen  in breakfast  the  Sam  always  has  .


7.  countries  Paul  likes  to  different  travel  to .


8.   beer  drinks  a  she  sometimes  .


9.   in  was  Paris  weekend  how  your  ?


10.  goes  to  never  games  football  mother   my  .


11.  her  brushes  dinner  teeth  after  always   she .


12.  minutes  in  leaves  five  the  train  .


13. week-end  every  bedroom  I  my clean .


14.   the  go  home  lunch  I not  do break  during .


15.  the  job  going  offer  you  to  are  accept  ?


16.  every  they  Monday  go  swimming  .


17.  Saturday  to  the  every  the  go  club  girls .


18.  last  how  many  did  make  you  cakes  night ?


19.   breakfast  sometimes  7:00  at  she  has  .


20.   instrument  his  is  piano  favourite  the  musical .




  1. Will you call me when you get home?
  2. Were you sleeping when I called you last night?
  3. How often do you do exercise?
  4. Should we take the early morning flight?
  5. My parents don’t stay up late on weekdays.
  6. Sam always has breakfast in the kitchen.
  7. Paul likes to travel to different countries.
  8. She sometimes drinks a beer.
  9. How was your weekend in Paris?
  10. My mother never goes to football games.
  11. She always brushes her teeth after dinner.
  12. The train leaves in five minutes.
  13. I clean my bedroom every week-end.
  14. I do not go home during the lunch break.
  15. Are you going to accept the job offer?
  16. They go swimming every Monday.
  17. The girls go to the club every Saturday.
  18. How many cakes did you make last night?
  19. She sometimes has breakfast at 7:00.
  20. His favourite musical instrument is the piano.

Word order in english grammar: exercise with answers

Word order in english grammar: exercise with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

Exercise 3

Ex: green I bike my . → My bike is green.

1.   homework   friends  my  with  their  I  help  .


2.   next  sitting  to  friend  my  best  is  me  .


3.   go  don’t  there  you  why  ?


4.  meet  I  new   I  am  shy  when  people  not  .


5.   the  now  door  Sam  is  opening  .


6.   twice  grandmother  week  I  visit  my  a  .


7.   to  go  this  the  library  does  bus  ?


8.   every  day  takes  the  Veronica  train  to  work .


9.   is  ten  past  it  quarter  .


10.   the   are  to  movie  tomorrow  we  going .


11.  him  the  I told  accident  about .


12.   her  not  ride  she  does  often  bike.


13.   to   walk  likes  school  Linda to  .


14.   decided  they  what  have ?


15.   weekends   work  sometimes  on  I  have  to .


16.   day  sleep  going  all  I  am  to  .


17.   on  a  you  stain  shirt   your  have  .


18.   morning  never  radio the  I  listen  to  in  the .


19.   talking  friends on  I am to the my phone  .


20.   doesn’t  she  sunglasses  to  wear   like . 




  1. I help my friends with their homework.
  2. My best friend is sitting next to me.
  3. Why don’t you go there?
  4. I am not shy when I meet new people.
  5. Sam is opening the door now.
  6. I visit my grandmother twice a week.
  7. Does this bus go to the library?
  8. Veronica takes the train to work every day.
  9. It is quarter past ten.
  10. Tomorrow we are going to the movie.
  11. I told him about the accident.
  12. She does not often ride her bike.
  13. Linda likes to walk to school.
  14. What have they decided?
  15. I sometimes have to work on weekends.
  16. I am going to sleep all day .
  17. You have a stain on your shirt.
  18. I never listen to the radio in the morning.
  19. I am talking to my friends on the phone.
  20. She doesn’t like to wear sunglasses.

Verb to be: am, is or are? | Exercises for beginners

Verb to be (present simple): am, is or are? | Exercises for beginners

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Choose between am, is or are:

  1. They  teachers.
  2.  hot.
  3. He  a student.
  4.  you going to the movie?
  5.  he going to the park?
  6. Tom and Sarah  friends.
  7.  at school.
  8. Where  my coffee?
  9. He  coming to my party.
  10. What  she doing now?
  11. That answer  wrong.
  12.  twelve years old.
  13. Why  they sick?
  14. It  a lion.
  15. These  turtles.


  1. They are teachers.
  2. I am hot.
  3. He is a student.
  4. Are you going to the movie?
  5. is he going to the park?
  6. Tom and Sarah are friends.
  7. I am at school.
  8. Where is my coffee?
  9. He is coming to my party.
  10. What is she doing now?
  11. That answer is wrong.
  12. I am twelve years old.
  13. Why are they sick?
  14. It is a lion.
  15. These are turtles.

Grammar exercise | Do or Make

Grammar exercise | Do or Make

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Choose between Make or Do:

  1. Have you finished  your homework?
  2. What a mess you’ve ! Can’t you tidy up a bit?
  3. Could you call the restaurant and  a reservation for me?
  4. My friend  me a huge favour and lent me some money.
  5. Don’t worry about getting everything correct. Just  your best.
  6. He’s somewhere in town  arrangements.
  7. It’s been a pleasure  business with you.
  8. She  very badly on the exam, so she’ll have to retake it.
  9. First, I must  a list of all the things I need to do.
  10. My mother listens to the radio while she  the ironing.
  11. I have to  three exams and write a huge essay this term.
  12. I’ve  some changes to the document.
  13. I’m  some research for my thesis at the moment.
  14. Could I  a suggestion? How about going out for dinner?
  15. Sarah spends ages  her hair in the morning.
  16. You’re not trying hard enough!  an effort!
  17. Hello? I’d like to  a credit card payment, please.
  18. Paul has decided to  a course in computing this summer.
  19. She loved university and  lots of friends.
  20. His business  a profit from the beginning.



  1. doing
  2. made
  3. make
  4. did
  5. do
  6. making
  7. doing
  8. did
  9. make
  10. does
  11. do
  12. made
  13. doing
  14. make
  15. doing
  16. Make
  17. make
  18. do
  19. made
  20. made