Category: Conversation

How to make suggestions in English

How to make suggestions in English

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In your position, I would do…
… if it suits you.
Can I give you a hand ?
Can I make a suggestion? / May I make a suggestion?
Do you mind if I make a suggestion?
Have you considered…
Have you thought about…
How about …?
I advise you to…
I decided to follow your advice and …
I reckon you should … now
I recommend …ing
I recommend (that) you …
I suggest you …
I took your advice , and I …
I would strongly advise you to …
I’ll tell you what, lets….
I’ll do that for you if you like.
If I may make a suggestion, …
If I were in your shoes, I’d … / If I were in your position, I’d …
If I were you, I would do…
If I were you, I would…
If you need anything, …
If you take my advice, you should….
It is advisable to…
It might be a good idea to …
It would be a good thing to…
It would be better to… / It would be proper to…
It would be proper for you to…
It would be sensible to…
It would be wise to…
Make sure to…
May I advise you to… ?
May I suggest you … ?
My advice would be to …
My offer still stands. / My offer still holds.
Perhaps we could…
The best advice I can give you is…
What about… / How about (+v-ing) ?
What I suggest is that we…
What would you think about… (+v -ing) ?
Why don’t we… ?
Why don’t you …?
Would you like to …?
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to… ?
Wouldn’t it be better to… ?
You could …
You could always…
You might try …ing
You must … / You have to …
You should (perhaps)…
You’d (really) better ….
You’d be well advised to…
You’d better make sure.
You’d better…


How to say something is expensive in English

How to say something is expensive in English

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That’s too expensive.
Buy this car would definitely break the bank
I can’t afford it
I paid through the nose for that TV
I paid top dollar
It costs an arm and a leg
It must have cost a small fortune / That must have cost you a pretty penny!
It’s a rip off / That’s daylight robbery
That’s a bit steep / pricey
That’s exorbitant
That’s a little outside my budget
They must have seen you coming


How to Explain Something in English

How to Explain Something in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Can you explain . . .
after all
as a matter of fact
as much as anything
at bottom
by extension
Can I get back to you on that?
Can we save that until later?
Can you tell me why . . .
due to unforeseen circumstances
for example / for instance
for one reason or another
for reasons of economy/safety/security etc
Here’s what happened:
i mean (to say)
I’ll explain (a little) later.
I’m sorry. I can’t tell you that (right now).
in case
in other words / to put it another way
in that
in the first place
it’s just that…
it’s not that…it’s just that
judging by/from something
Let me explain.
Let me tell you why . . .
on this/that account
pure and simple
so to speak
that is to say
The reason is . . .
the rest is history
the thing is
the whole point
there it is/there you are/there you go
There’s a (good) reason for this:
to put it in a nutshell
to put it mildly
to put it simply
We’ll come to that later.
We’ll get to that in a few minutes.
Well, . . .
What happened . . .
you see


English conversation: at the bar

English conversation: at the bar

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Let’s go for a drink.
This round is on me.
Another round of drinks, please.
Can I treat you to a drink? / Can I buy you a drink?
Do you serve alcohol?
Don’t drink and drive.
He’s a bit tipsy.
He’s completely sloshed/wasted/plastered.
Here’s to… (your health / the New Year / our success)!
I had a hangover. / I was hung over.
I’d like to have a soft drink.
I’ll meet you down the pub.
I’d like to make a toast.
I’m the designated driver.
It’s on me.
Put it on my tab.
She’s trying to drown her sorrows.
Waiter! A coffee please.
What types of sandwiches do you have?
What would you like to drink?
What would you like to drink?
Why don’t we have a game of darts? /   Lets have a game of darts.
Would you like to order something to eat?
a pint of beer
brown beer
draught beer
half a pint
ice cubes
pub quiz
soft drink
sparkling water
still water
tap water
to order a drink


How to say what you like in English

How to say what you like in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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I love reading horror novels.
Do you feel like going to the cinema?
I am eager to read that book.
I enjoy going out with friends.
I love watching movies.
I loved that movie.
It looks great!
She’s so pleased with her new smartphone!
That sounds like a great opportunity!
That would be fantastic!
As you like. I don’t mind.
I don’t care.
It’s all the same to me.
I don’t mind doing the housework.
I can’t stand that kind of music.
I am fed up with that situation.
I hate/loathe cooking.
I’m sorry but I can’t take it anymore.


How to talk about the weather in English

How to talk about the weather in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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What’s the weather like today?
It’s cloudy
It’s clearing up.
Can you believe this weather?
That storm was horrible.
Will it be windy tomorrow?
It’s been so cold!
It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?
The weather is dreadful.
It’s pouring down.
It’s raining.
It’s sunny.
It’s windy.
The downpour caused a lot of flooding.
The sun has just come out.
The clouds are passing.
We’ve been pretty lucky with the weather this winter, haven’t we?
We’re looking forward to it warming up!
Where can I find a weather forecast?
Not a cloud in the sky!
Nice weather, isn’t it?
Glorious day, isn’t it?
What’s the temperature?
It’s cold / warm / hot.
It’s freezing cold today!
It’s scorching hot.
It’s stifling hot.
The bitter cold was unexpected.
I’m really cold.
Autumn is often chilly and damp.
Did you hear the weather forecast?
The weather forecast is good.
There might be some rain over Lyon.
Chilly temperatures are expected
It will be cloudy with sunny spells over Paris.
Heavy snow falls are expected.
The bitter cold is expected to continue into Friday.
Thunderstorms are expected this afternoon.
We are expecting the temperature to cool down this week.
Snow and ice continue to cause travel disruption.
They’re calling for 10 centimetres of snow on Tuesday.


English conversation: How to remind people to do things

English conversation: How to remind people to do things

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

Remember to do it.
Can / Could I remind you to…?
Don’t forget to do it.
I hope you haven’t forgotten about / to…
I hope you haven’t forgotten to…
I just need you to remind
I’d like to remind you about / to…
I’d like to remind you about…
May I remind you that…
Sorry to be a bore but do remember to…
You haven’t forgotten about …, have you?
You haven’t forgotten about / to…, have you?
You will remember to do it.
You won’t forget to do it, will you?
I completely / totally forgot
I have a vague recollection of…
I remember…
I’ll never forget… / I’ll always remember…
If I remember correctly… / As far as I can recall…
It completely slipped my mind!
It doesn’t ring a bell.
It’s on the tip of my tongue.
Let me remind you


How to Get to Know Someone in English

How to Get to Know Someone

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Are you doing anything this evening?
Are you free this evening?
Come at any time.
Have you ever been to. . . ?
How long are you here for?
How long do you intend to stay?
How long have you been here?
How long have you been waiting?
How soon are you leaving?
I’m here for a couple of days
I’m here on business.
I’m leaving in a few days.
I’m leaving on Thursday.
I’m leaving the day after tomorrow.
I’m on holiday.
I’m only passing through.
I’ve been here for a week.
If you ever visit Lyon, feel free to come and visit us!
Is it your first time here / in London?
It’s my first time here. / It’s the first time I’ve been here.
What do you do ? / What do you do for a living? / What’s your occupation? / What business are you in? / What line of business are you in?
What do you do in your spare time?
Whereabouts in Madrid do you live ?


How to Invite Someone in English

How to Invite Someone in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

What are you doing right now / this evening / this weekend?
Would you like to come for dinner?
I’d like to invite you to lunch.
Would you like to go… ?
for a coffee?
 for a drink?
for a meal?
out somewhere?
for a walk?
How about going to the cinema?
My round
Do you know a good restaurant?
Would you like to go to the concert with me?
You should come.
Sure. Thank you for inviting me.
Thanks! That sounds like fun.
OK. Let’s meet at 4:30pm.
How do we get there?
What’s the cover charge?
I can’t. I’m sorry. / I’m afraid I can’t.
yes, I’d love to!
Thanks. But I have an appointment at that time.
I’d rather not go out tonight.
What about tomorrow?
What time shall we meet?
Where will we meet?
I’ll pick you up (at 7).
I’ll be coming later. Where will you be?
Let’s meet at 8 in front of the entrance.
If I’m not there by 9, don’t wait for me.
I’m looking forward to our meeting.
Sorry I’m late.
Welcome! Do come in!
It’s so nice of you to come and visit us!
May I offer you a drink?
Now I’ve got to go.
It was lovely meeting you.
Thanks for asking me out.
Thank you. Bye… Take care.
Let’s keep in touch!


Expressing certainty in English PDF

Expressing certainty in English PDF

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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As far as I know…
For sure / One thing is certain…
I agree / I accept that / I admit.
I can quite believe it.
I don’t deny it.
I don’t doubt that…
I have no doubt that…
I knew it!
I never doubted it.
I never doubted…
I stand my ground.
I stick by it.
I still think (believe) that
I take your word for it.
I thought as much.
I’d swear to it. / I’d stake my life on it.
I’m absolutely positive.
I’m certain / I’m convinced / I’m positive.
I’m convinced that…
I’m sure that…
I’m telling you just what I think.
It never occured to me that…
It’s clear / It’s definite.
It’s pretty obvious that
Let’s face the facts!
Mark my words!
No doubt in my mind whatsoever.
Not as far as I know.
Stick to the facts!
Take my word for it!
There is little doubt that…
There is no denying it. /It’s undeniable.
There is no denying that…
There is no doubt that…
There’s no doubt about it.
There’s not the shadow of a doubt
Without a doubt / No doubt
Without the shadow of a doubt !
You can be sure of that.
