Category: Worksheet

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Match the beginnings with the appropriate sentence ends:

  1. Tony isn’t very sensitive. 
  2. Mark’s so aggressive. 
  3. Simon’s very thoughtful. 
  4. He’s so absent-minded. 
  5. Joe isn’t very self-confident. 
  6. He’s so vain. 

a. He’s always buying me little presents.

b. He’s always looking in the mirror.

c. He’s always worrying about what people think of him.

d. He‘s always saying the wrong thing.

e. He keeps forgetting where he’s put things.

f. He keeps getting into fights.


  1. Tony isn’t very sensitive. He‘s always saying the wrong thing.
  2. Mark’s so aggressive. He keeps getting into fights.
  3. Simon’s very thoughtful. He’s always buying me little presents.
  4. He’s so absent-minded. He keeps forgetting where he’s put things.
  5. Joe isn’t very self-confident. He’s always worrying about what people think of him.
  6. He’s so vain. He’s always looking in the mirror.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

English Vocabulary Exercises | Personality

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Is it a positive or negative characteristic?

  1. She’s got so much personality. → 
  2. She’s a bit difficult at times. → 
  3. She isn’t easy to get on with. → 
  4. She’s got a great sense of humour. → 
  5. She’s a bit of a pain sometimes. → 
  6. She’s great fun. → 
  7. She can be a pain in the neck. → 
  8. She’s my kind of person. → 


  1. She’s got so much personality. → Positive
  2. She’s a bit difficult at times. → Negative
  3. She isn’t easy to get on with. → Negative
  4. She’s got a great sense of humour. → Positive
  5. She’s a bit of a pain sometimes. → Negative
  6. She’s great fun. → Positive
  7. She can be a pain in the neck. → Negative
  8. She’s my kind of person. → Positive

English Vocabulary Exercises | Wedding

English Vocabulary Exercises | Wedding

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Complete with the following words:

  • destroyed our marriage
  • broke up
  • get a divorce
  • left him
  • got custody of the children
  • saved our marriage
  • didn’t work out
  • separated

1. His wife  two years ago for another man.

2. I was so happy when I got married but things  and we split up three years ago.

3. Our marriage  after my wife discovered I’d been seeing somebody else.

4. My wife and I  last year. We hadn’t been very happy for a while. We‘ve now decided that the best thing is to .

5. A few years ago my husband started seeing another woman. I tried to forgive him but it was impossible. In the end it 

6. Things started to go wrong after about three years. I guess we just got bored of each other. Then I had a baby and things got much better. I think that’s what 

7. I got divorced five years ago. Unfortunately, my ex-wife  and now I only see them at the weekend and for a few weeks during the summer.


1. His wife left him two years ago for another man.

2. I was so happy when I got married but things didn’t work out and we split up three years ago.

3. Our marriage broke up after my wife discovered I’d been seeing somebody else.

4. My wife and I separated last year. We hadn’t been very happy for a while. We‘ve now decided that the best thing is to get a divorce.

5. A few years ago my husband started seeing another woman. I tried to forgive him but it was impossible. In the end it destroyed our marriage.

6. Things started to go wrong after about three years. I guess we just got bored of each other. Then I had a baby and things got much better. I think that’s what saved our marriage.

7. I got divorced five years ago. Unfortunately, my ex-wife got custody of the children and now I only see them at the weekend and for a few weeks during the summer.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Wedding

English Vocabulary Exercises | Wedding

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Put the sentences in order (put the numbers in the boxes):

a. Their friends throw confetti at them. → 

b. They cut the cake and make speeches. → 

c. Her father walks down the aisle with her. → 

d. They leave for their honeymoon. → 

e. They spend ages taking photographs! → 

f. The bride arrives at the church late. → 

g. The couple make their wedding vows. → 

h. They go to a hotel for the wedding reception. → 

i. The happy couple walk back up the aisle, man and wife! → 


  • f. The bride arrives at the church late.
  • c. Her father walks down the aisle with her.
  • g. The couple make their wedding vows.
  • i. The happy couple walk back up the aisle, man and wife!
  • a. Their friends throw confetti at them.
  • e. They spend ages taking photographs!
  • h. They go to a hotel for the wedding reception.
  • b. They cut the cake and make speeches.
  • d. They leave for their honeymoon.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Wedding

English Vocabulary Exercises | Wedding

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Complete with the following words:

bride | groom | best man | clergyman | guests | bridesmaids

  1. The two people getting married are the  and the .
  2. They are being married by the .
  3. The two little girls are the .
  4. The man standing on the groom’s right is his .
  5. The wedding  are watching the ceremony.


  1. The two people getting married are the bride and the groom.
  2. They are being married by the clergyman.
  3. The two little girls are the bridesmaids.
  4. The man standing on the groom’s right is his best man.
  5. The wedding guests are watching the ceremony.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Wedding

English Vocabulary Exercises | Wedding

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following words and verbs:

get engaged | propose to | set a date | arrange | ask

1. I’ve got some news. I’m really excited. Mark  me to marry him last night. I said yes!

2. I remember the day my husband  me. We were on holiday in Greece. It was very romantic.

3. Have you heard? Martin and Lisa have just . They’re planning to get married next year.
> Really? That’s fantastic. Have they ?

4. In some countries parents  their children’s marriages. They look for a suitable partner for their son or daughter to marry.


1. I’ve got some news. I’m really excited. Mark asked me to marry him last night. I said yes!

2. I remember the day my husband proposed to me. We were on holiday in Greece. It was very romantic.

3. Have you heard? Martin and Lisa have just got engaged. They’re planning to get married next year.
> Really? That’s fantastic. Have they set a date?

4. In some countries parents arrange their children’s marriages. They look for a suitable partner for their son or daughter to marry.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Love

English Vocabulary Exercises | Love

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 6

Complete the answer in four different ways:

Paul and Sarah have split up. Sarah found out that Paul was . . .

1. being 

2. seeing 

3. having 

4. cheating 


  1. being  unfaithful.
  2. seeing somebody else.
  3. having an affair.
  4. cheating on her.

English Vocabulary Exercises | Love

English Vocabulary Exercises | Love

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Use the expressions in the following situations:

  • finished with | never stop fighting | split up | had a huge row | weren’t right for


1. Do you think I should invite Jeff and Sue to the party?
> Haven’t you heard? They’ve finally decided to 

2. Didn’t you know I’m not seeing James any more? I  him last week. It was line while it lasted, but I think we both knew we  each other.

3. We invited Dave and Kate over for dinner last Saturday. It was really embarrassing. They  and Kate went home in the middle of the main course.

4. Julie and Dave  I’m surprised they stay together.

  1. split up
  2. finished with / weren’t right for
  3. had a huge row
  4. never stop fighting




English Vocabulary Exercises | Love

English Vocabulary Exercises | Love

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Match the beginning of sentences with him or him:

  1. She loves .
  2. She’s in love .
  3. She fell in love .
  4. She kissed .
  5. She lives .
  6. She married .


  1. She loves him
  2. She’s in love with him
  3. She fell in love with him
  4. She kissed him
  5. She lives with him
  6. She married him

English Vocabulary Exercises | Love

English Vocabulary Exercises | Love

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Match the beginning and end of the following sentences:

1. Sarah’s very happy at the moment. She’s seeing 

2. Have you heard about Oliver? He’s going out 

3. Have you heard about Kate and Kevin? They’ve started 

4. Apparently, John and Sarah have been seeing 

5. Did Linda tell you about Paul? He asked 



  1. Sarah’s very happy at the moment. She’s seeing some guy she met on holiday.
  2. Have you heard about Oliver? He’s going out with Samantha Smith, the singer.
  3. Have you heard about Kate and Kevin? They’ve started going out together.
  4. Apparently, John and Sarah have been seeing a lot of each other recently.
  5. Did Linda tell you about Paul? He asked her for a date.