Category: Worksheet

Irregular verbs | Quiz (with answers)

Irregular verbs | Quiz

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Quiz 7

Put the missing forms of the verb in the Simple Past and Past participle:

Ex: speak – spokespoken

  1. choose –  – 
  2. stand –  – 
  3. fly  –  – 
  4. throw –  – 
  5. misunderstand –  – 
  6. hang –  – 
  7. write –  – 
  8. light –  – 
  9. buy –  – 
  10. swell –  – 



  1. choose – chose – chosen
  2. stand – stood – stood
  3. fly – flew – flown
  4. throw – threw – thrown
  5. misunderstand – misunderstood – misunderstood
  6. hang – hung – hung
  7. write – wrote – written
  8. light – lit – lit
  9. buy – bought – bought
  10. swell – swelled – swollen

Irregular verbs | Quiz (with answers)

Irregular verbs | Quiz

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Quiz 6

Put the missing forms of the verb in the Simple Past and Past participle:

Ex: speak – spokespoken

  1. freeze –  – 
  2. lay  –  – 
  3. awake –  – 
  4. burst –  – 
  5. send –  – 
  6. mow –  – 
  7. grow –  – 
  8. overthrow –  – 
  9. win –  – 
  10. blow –  – 



  1. freeze – froze – frozen
  2. lay – laid – laid
  3. awake – awoke – awoken
  4. burst – burst – burst
  5. send – sent – sent
  6. mow – mowed – mown
  7. grow – grew – grown
  8. overthrow – overthrew – overthrown
  9. win – won – won
  10. blow – blew – blown

Irregular verbs | Quiz (with answers)

Irregular verbs | Quiz

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Quiz 5

Put the missing forms of the verb in the Simple Past and Past participle:

Ex: speak – spokespoken

  1. mishear –  – 
  2. leap –  – 
  3. get  –  – 
  4. teach –  – 
  5. sew –  – 
  6. forgive –  – 
  7. leave –  – 
  8. cling –  – 
  9. bite –  – 
  10. break –  – 


  1. mishear – misheard – misheard
  2. leap – leapt – leapt
  3. get – got – got
  4. teach – taught – taught
  5. sew – sewed – sewn
  6. forgive – forgave – forgiven
  7. leave – left – left
  8. cling – clung – clung
  9. bite – bit – bitten
  10. break – broke – broken

Irregular verbs | Quiz (with answers)

Irregular verbs | Quiz

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Quiz 4

Put the missing forms of the verb in the Simple Past and Past participle:

Ex: speak – spokespoken

  1. come –  – 
  2. fight –  – 
  3. grind –  – 
  4. stick –  – 
  5. mean –  – 
  6. find –  – 
  7. begin –  – 
  8. draw –  – 
  9. forecast –  – 
  10. build –  – 


  1. come came come
  2. fight fought fought
  3. grind ground ground
  4. stick stuck stuck
  5. mean meant meant
  6. find found found
  7. begin began begun
  8. draw drew drawn
  9. forecast forecast forecast
  10. build built built

Irregular Verbs Worksheets (with answers + PDF)

Irregular Verbs Worksheets 

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Complete the following sentences by putting the verb in brackets in the appropriate form:

  1. The police finally (catch)  the murderer.
  2. My friend (choose)  a nice present for his mum’s birthday.
  3. I (hear)  a stange noise outside.
  4. She (speak)  italian to the waitress.
  5. We (swim)  500 metres.
  6. I (lend)  her 100 €.
  7. She (keep)  her promise.
  8. I (feel)  bad to leave her by herself.
  9. We (drive)  all night long.
  10. Tom was (hide)  in the garage.


  1. caught
  2. chose
  3. heard
  4. spoke
  5. swam
  6. lent
  7. kept
  8. felt
  9. drove
  10. hidden

Irregular Verbs Worksheets (with answers + PDF)

Irregular Verbs Worksheets 

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences by putting the verb in brackets in the appropriate form:

  1. It (begin)  to snow this morning.
  2. Tom (ride)  a camel in India.
  3. The boat (sink)  very quickly.
  4. The cat (leap)  right into my arms.
  5. The patient (bleed)  too much, the doctors couldn’t save him.
  6. I (tell)  him not to worry about this.
  7. He (wake)  up late this morning.
  8. The snake (wind)  around her leg!
  9. I (spend)  too much money during the last week.
  10. He (mow)  the lawn yesterday?



  1. began
  2. rode
  3. sank
  4. leapt
  5. bled
  6. told
  7. woke
  8. wound
  9. spent
  10. mowed

Irregular Verbs Worksheets (with answers + PDF)

Irregular Verbs Worksheets 

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Complete the following sentences by putting the verb in brackets in the appropriate form:

  1. The old car was (forsake)  in the backyard.
  2. He (hold)  the door for me when I was carrying my groceries.
  3. I’ve (put)  the keys on the table.
  4. She (have)  a baby last month.
  5. I (leave)  the house at 8pm
  6. My parents (give)  me a cat for my birthday.
  7. My feet are (swell)  because I’ve been walking all day.
  8. Who (teach)  you how to speak chinese?
  9. I (know)  the answer yesterday.
  10. I (forget)  to buy some eggs.


  1. forsaken
  2. held
  3. put
  4. had
  5. left
  6. gave
  7. swollen
  8. taught
  9. knew
  10. forgot

Irregular Verbs Worksheets (with answers + PDF)

Irregular Verbs Worksheets 

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Complete the following sentences by putting the verb in brackets in the appropriate form:

  1. Hiromi (teach)  me to speak Japanese in a year. She was a great teacher.
  2. I (see)  Tina last week – she looked very well.
  3. Eight people (ring)  while she was out.
  4. I (leave)  my sunglasses at school this morning. I had to go back.
  5. I (tear)  my pant when I fell off my scooter.
  6. I think you misunderstood me. I (mean)  ‘bad’ not ‘brad’!
  7. I (hurt)  my arm playing tennis this morning. I can’t go to the gym this afternoon.
  8. I’m sorry that I (forget)  to call you last night.
  9. Lunch was great. I (have)  lasagna.
  10. She (drink)  all the milk yesterday.


  1. taught
  2. saw
  3. rang
  4. left
  5. tore
  6. meant
  7. hurt
  8. forgot
  9. had
  10. drank

Irregular Verbs Worksheets (with answers + PDF)

Irregular Verbs Worksheets 

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Complete the following sentences by putting the verb in brackets in the appropriate form:

  1. Sarah (say)  she was going to the supermarket.
  2. He (build)  his house by himself.
  3. We (sit)  on the floor because they was no chair left for us.
  4. I always (think)  she was kind of creepy.
  5. Have you (see)  my keys? I can’t find them.
  6. She (forget)  to lock the door.
  7. When he (see)  , he got scared and (run)  .
  8. She (keep)  a photo of him in her wallet.
  9. I’ve (make)  lasagna for dinner.
  10. She (quit)  smoking when she got pregnant.


  1. said
  2. built
  3. sat
  4. thought
  5. seen
  6. forgot
  7. saw / ran
  8. kept
  9. made
  10. quit

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers 10

Irregular Verbs | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 10

In what form are the following verbs? Infinitive, Simple Past and/or Past Participle? Choose the right answer(s):

1. say → 

2. put → 

3. seen → 

4. swam → 

5. cost → 

6. got → 

7. build  → 

8. knew → 

9. were → 

10. caught → 


1. say → Infinitive
2. put →  Infinitive, Simple Past and Past Participle
3. seen →  Past Participle
4. swam →  Simple Past
5. cost →  Infinitive, Simple Past, Past Participle
6. got →  Simple Past and Past Participle
7. build →  Infinitive
8. knew →  Simple Past
9. were →  Simple Past
10. caught →  Simple Past and Past Participle