
Simple Present Tense Negative | Exercise with answers

Simple Present Tense Negative | Exercise with answers

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Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with the negative form of the simple present tense:

  1. The children (be/not)   tired.
  2. Tina (have/not)   any brothers or sisters.
  3. I (drink/not)   alcohol.
  4. She (like/not)   snails.
  5. I (be/not)   from Spain.



  1. The children are not tired.
  2. Tina has not got any brothers or sisters.
  3. I do not drink alcohol.
  4. She does not like snails.
  5. I am not from Spain.

Simple Present Tense Negative | Exercise with answers

Simple Present Tense Negative | Exercise with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Put the sentences in the negative form of the simple present tense:

  1. They play soccer every week. ⇒ They  soccer every week.
  2. Tom is nice. ⇒ Tom  nice.
  3. This bike makes a lot of noise. ⇒ This bike  a lot of noise.
  4. I like tennis. ⇒ I  tennis.
  5. We are from Spain. ⇒ We from Spain.
  6. You wear shorts. ⇒ You  shorts.
  7. They speak French. ⇒ They  French.
  8. He watches movies. ⇒ He  movies.
  9. I am from Spain. ⇒ I from Spain.
  10. Paul draws nice pictures. ⇒ Paul  nice pictures.


  1. They play soccer every week. ⇒ They are not playing soccer every week.
  2. Tom is nice. ⇒ Tom is not nice.
  3. This bike makes a lot of noise. ⇒ This bike does’nt make (ou does not make) a lot of noise.
  4. I like tennis. ⇒ I don’t like tennis.
  5. We are from Spain. ⇒ We are not from Spain.
  6. You wear shorts. ⇒ You don’t wear shorts.
  7. They speak French. ⇒ They don’t speak French.
  8. He watches movies. ⇒ He doesn’t watch movies.
  9. I am from Spain. ⇒ I am not from Spain.
  10. Paul draws nice pictures. ⇒ Paul does not draw nice pictures.

Be going to | Exercise with answer (+PDF)

Be going to | Exercise with answer (+PDF)

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Complete the sentences with ‘be+going to’ to the present tense: 

  1. Julian (to collect)  the books from the library.
  2. (we/to miss)  our train?
  3. I (not/to sleep)  in this dirty bed.
  4. When (you/to book)   the table in the restaurant?
  5. He (not/to stay)  here any longer.
  6. (the man/to steal)  the wallet?
  7. My parents (not/to paint)  the hall in pink.
  8. Why (they/to work)  this Saturday?
  9. (you/to lay)  the table?
  10. The players (not/to throw)  the ball.



  1. Julian is going to collect the books from the library.
  2. Are we going to miss our train?
  3. I’m not going to sleep in this dirty bed.
  4. When are you going to book the table in the restaurant?
  5. He is not going to stay here any longer.
  6. Is the man going to steal the wallet?
  7. My parents are not going to paint the hall in pink.
  8. Why are they going to work this Saturday?
  9. Are you going to lay the table?
  10. The players are not going to throw the ball.

Superlative adjectives | Exercises with answers

Superlative adjectives | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Write the superlative form of the words in brackets:


  • The elephant is the _____  (heavy) animal in Africa → The elephant is the heaviest animal in Africa
  • Of all the people I know, Paul is the _____ (important).  → Of all the people I know, Paul is the most important.

1. It’s the  (ugly) city I’ve ever seen.
2. This is the  (high) mountain in Europe.
3. That’s the  (poor) country in Asia.
4. That’s the  (difficult) sport I’ve ever done.
5. The komodo dragon is the  (large) lizard in the world.
6. Dolphins are the  (friendly) animals on earth.
7. His house is the  (expensive) in the neighborhood.
8. Mat is the  (hard-working) student in our group.
9. Rabbits are the  (cute) animal in the world.
10. The  (far) I’ve ever travelled is from Paris to Rome.
11. Spain is the   (sunny) country in Europe.
12. My sister is the   (tidy) person I know.
13. Hong Kong is one of the  (crowded) city in the world.
14. Paul is one of the     (funny) person I know
15. That’s the  (sad) story I’ve ever heard.




  1. ugliest
  2. highest
  3. poorest
  4. most difficult
  5. largest
  6. friendliest
  7. most expensive
  8. most hard-working
  9. cutest
  10. The furthest
  11. sunniest
  12. tidiest
  13. most crowded
  14. funniest
  15. saddest

Superlative adjectives | Exercises with answers

Superlative adjectives | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Write the superlative form of the words in brackets:


  • The elephant is the _____  (heavy) animal in Africa → The elephant is the heaviest animal in Africa
  • Of all the people I know, Paul is the _____ (important).  → Of all the people I know, Paul is the most important.

1. I am the  (tall) person in my family.
2. Jupiter is the   (big) planet in our solar system.
3. Elephants are the  (large) land animals on earth.
4. Which sports do you think are the  (dangerous)?
5. My dog is the   (lazy) animal I know.
6. This restaurant serves the   (good) food in town.
7. I think math are the  (difficult) subject.
8. What is the   (long) word in English that you know?
9. He is the  (strange) man in my neighbourhood.
10. Last week, I had the  (bad) time of my life!
11. Which place is the  (hot) place on earth?
12. I think it is the  (funny)  show on television.
13. My friend is the  (interesting) person I know.
14. Who is the  (famous) person in your country?
15. The Black Mamba is the   (deadly) snake in the world.



  1. am the tallest
  2. biggest
  3. largest
  4. most dangerous
  5. laziest
  6. best
  7. most difficult
  8. longest
  9. the strangest
  10. worst
  11. hottest
  12. funniest
  13. most interesting
  14. most famous
  15. deadliest

Superlative adjectives | Exercises with answers

Superlative adjectives | Exercises with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Write the superlative form of the words in brackets:


  • The elephant is the _____  (heavy) animal in Africa → The elephant is the heaviest animal in Africa
  • Of all the people I know, Paul is the _____ (important).  → Of all the people I know, Paul is the most important.

1. For many years, the Rolling Stones were the  (popular) group.
2. Who has the  (fast) car?
3. This is the  (long) river in Germany.
4. Spring is the   (pleasant) season of the year.
5. This road is the  (wide) in the country.
6. Sarah is the  (good) student in class.
7. Alaska is the  (northern) state in the US.
8. Is the elephant or the whale the  (big) animal in the world?
9. The    (good) pupils should be paid more attention.
10. The  (interesting) film we’ve ever seen is “Raiders of the lost ark”.
11. John’s room is the   (clean) of all.
12. Of all French writers, Victor Hugo is the   (great) one.
13. Paul is the  (courageous) person I know.
14. Canada is the second  (large) country in the world.
15 Tina is the  (kind-hearted) girl I’ve ever met.



  1. most popular
  2. fastest
  3. longest
  4. most pleasant
  5. widest
  6. best
  7. most northern
  8. biggest
  9. best 
  10. most interesting 
  11. cleanest 
  12. greatest
  13. most courageous
  14. largest 
  15. most kind-hearted

Comparison as/as | Exercises with answers (+PDF)

Comparison as/as | Exercises with answers (+PDF)

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Exercise 2

In these comparative sentences, transform the pronoun into a verb’to be’ or an auxiliary to make them more formal:

Ex: Jim is taller than him. → Tom is taller than he is.

1 – She does less housework than me.

→ She does less housework than .

2 – We did more homework than them.

→ We did more homework than .

3 – I cannot speak English as well as you.

→ I cannot speak English as well as .

4 – Paul and Claire stayed on holiday longer than us.

→ Paul and Claire stayed on holiday longer than .

5 – I have not got as much money as her.

→ I have not got as much money as .

6 – Nina is happier than her.

→ Nina is happier than .

7 – My friend Sam is not as good at soccer as them.

→ My friend Sam is not as good at soccer as .

8 – They are not as good at baseball as us.

→ They are not as good at baseball as .

9 – I am faster than him at running.

→ I am faster than  at running.

10 – My father does not drink as much as him.

→ My father does not drink as much as .




  1. She does less housework than I do.
  2. We did more homework than they did.
  3. I cannot speak English as well as you do.
  4. Paul and Claire stayed on holiday longer than we did.
  5. I have not got as much money as she has.
  6. Tina is happier than she is.
  7. My friend Sam is not as good at soccer as they are.
  8. They are not as good at baseball as we are.
  9. I am faster than he is at running.
  10. My father does not drink as much as he does.

Comparison as/as | Exercises with answers (+PDF)

Comparison as/as | Exercises with answers (+PDF)

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Build sentences with the comparative of equality “as + adj + as” (sentences can be negative!):

Ex: Kevin weighs 80kg. Max weighs 80kg. (is/heavy) → Kevin is as heavy as Max. 

1 – The red house is 50 years old. The green house is 50 years old. (is/old)

→  The red house  the green house.

2 – Sam did not do well in the English test. Julia did better in the English test. (do/well)

→  Sam  Julia.

3 – The impala runs 90km per hour. The cheetah runs 120km per hour. (run/fast)

→  The impala  the cheetah.

4 – The first exam was difficult. The second exam was difficult too. (was/difficult)

→  The first exam  the second exam.

5 – Roubaix is not very beautiful. Lyon is more beautiful. (is/beautiful)

→  Roubaix  Lyon.

6 – Tina is 1.60cms tall. Sarah is 1.60cms tall. (is/tall)

→  Tina  Sarah.

7 – Italy is 35ºC in summer. Croatia is 35ºC in summer. (is/hot)

→  Italy  Croatia in summer.

8 – Paul is not very patient. Claire is more patient. (is/patient)

→  Paul  Claire.

9 – My dad’s face was red. A tomato is red. (was/red)

→  My dad’s face  a tomato.

10 – Kevin talks very quietly. Tom talks more loudly. (talk/loudly)

→  Kevin  Tom.




  1. The red house is as old as the green house.
  2. Sam did not do as well as Julia.
  3. The impala does not run as fast as the cheetah.
  4. The first exam was as difficult as the second exam.
  5. Roubaix is not as beautiful as Lyon.
  6. John is as tall as Dave.
  7. Italy is as hot as Croatia.
  8. Paul is not as patient as Claire.
  9. My dad’s face was as red as a tomato.
  10. Kevin does not talk as loudly as Tom.

Comparative of inferiority | Exercise with answers

Comparative of inferiority | Exercise with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Construct sentences including a comparative of inferiority with the given words:

Ex: Paul / small / Sam. → Paul is not as small as Sam.

1 – Mont Blanc / high / Mount Everest.

2 – Australia / populated / China.

3 – She / pretty / her older sister.

4 – This new laptop / fast / my old one.

5 – Silver / heavy / gold.

6 – Canada / hot / Mexico.

7 – Sarah / friendly / her husband.

8 – Sweden / sunny / Thailand.

9 – Her cookies / good / theirs.

10 – This boy / popular / his friend.




  1. Mont Blanc is not as high as Mount Everest.
  2. Australia is not as populated as China.
  3. She’s not as pretty as her older sister.
  4. This new laptop is not as fast as my old one.
  5. Silver is not as heavy as gold.
  6. Canada is not as hot as Mexico.
  7. Sarah is not as friendly as her husband.
  8. Sweden is not as sunny as Thailand.
  9. Her cookies are not as good as theirs.
  10.  This boy is not as popular as his friend.

Comparative of inferiority | Exercise with answers

Comparative of inferiority | Exercise with answers

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Build sentences with the comparative of inferiority ‘less + adj + than‘ and the words given:

Ex: July / cold / January. → July is less cold than January.

1 – That book / important / this one.

2 – My life / complicated / yours.

3 – My watch / beautiful / the one you bought last week.

4 – Last year / he / interested / in football / him.

5 – Jaimie / boring / his dad.

6 – He / intelligent / you.

7 – My phone / sophisticated / Tina’s.

8 – My bag / organized / yours.

9 – This camera / expensive / that one.

10 – If we go to the supermarket later, it / less crowded / now.




  1. That subject is less important than this one.
  2. My life is less complicated than yours.
  3. My watch is less beautiful than the one you bought last week.
  4. Last year, he was less interested in football than him
  5. Jaimie is less boring than his dad.
  6. He is less intelligent than you
  7. My phone is less sophisticated than Tina’s.
  8. My bag is less organized than yours.
  9. This camera is less expensive than that one.
  10. If we go to the supermarket later, it will be less crowded than now.