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Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

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Exercise 3

Use the following words to complete the sentences:

  • exhaust fumes | toxic waste | emissions | deforestation | pesticides | crops

1. The Government is introducing strict new rules on the dumping of by industry.

2. Farmers contribute to environmental damage byspraying  with which stay in the soil for years.

3.  from factories in northern Germany affect the environment in large parts of Scandinavia.

4. Tropical rainforests have always helped to keep the environment in balance but recent means they no longer absorb as much carbon dioxide as they used to.

5.  from cars and other vehicles cause a great deal of damage to the environment.


  1. toxic waste
  2. crops, pesticides
  3. Emissions
  4. deforestation
  5. Exhaust fumes

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Match the words on the left with those on the right to form common expressions:

1. global 

2. greenhouse 

3. ozone 

4. acid 

Then use the expressions you have formed in the following sentences: 

5. The gradual rise in the Earth’s temperature is known as

6. When heat gets trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere, it is known as the

7. Scientists have found holes in the , particularly over Antarctica.

8. Rain mixed with toxic chemicals from factories is known as .


  • Global warming
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Ozone layer
  • Acid rain


  • 5. global warming
  • 6. greenhouse effect
  • 7. ozone layer
  • 8. acid rain

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Environment

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Use the following words to complete the sentences: 

  • waste | pollution | protect | factory | recycled | emissions | damage | environmentalists

1. During the last hundred years we have done great to the environment.

2. There’s a large chemical in our town which has polluted the river twice in the last year.

3. The Government is very worried about the of our rivers and beaches.

4. A lot of household  like bottles and newspapers can be and used again.

5. are furious with the American Government for delaying measures which will reduce greenhouse gas 

6. There are lots of things we can all do to the environment.


  1. damage
  2. factory
  3. pollution
  4. waste, recycled
  5. Environmentalists, emissions
  6. protect

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Religion

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Religion

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

In church: Use the following words to complete the sentences:

  • hymn | aisle | altar | pulpit | service | pew | lectern | sermon | font
  1. You walk down the
  2. You sit in a 
  3. You sing a
  4. The minister goes into the to preach the 
  5. You attend a morning or evening
  6. The main focus of most Christian churches is the
  7. In many churches there is an open Bible on the
  8. The contains water which is used to baptise children.


  1. aisle
  2. pew
  3. hymn
  4. pulpit, sermon
  5. service
  6. altar
  7. lectern
  8. font

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Religion

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Religion

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Religious terms are often used metaphorically. Use the following words to complete the sentences:

  • paradise | idolise | faith | pray | Bible | worships | Mecca | angel | shrine

1. You’ve done the washing up. You’re an absolute

2. Mark has fallen in love with a girl called Kirsty. He the ground she walks on!

3. We’ve just come back from a week in Barbados. It was absolute !

4. Brian was doing a great job at first but recently the ream have lost in him.

5. Most young boys David Beckham.

6. The Michelin guide is my when I go to France.

7. The barbecue is on Saturday. Let’s just it doesn’t rain.

8. Elvis Presley’s house in Memphis has been turned into a in his memory.

9. St Andrews is a for golfers from all over the world.


  1. angel
  2. worships
  3. paradise
  4. faith
  5. idolise
  6. Bible
  7. pray
  8. shrine
  9. Mecca

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Religion

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Religion

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Use the following words in the descriptions of these Christian holidays:

  • Good Friday | Easter  | Ascension | All Saints | Holy Week | Christmas | Advent | Lent
  1. Giving presents is what makes so popular with Christians and non-Christians all over the world.
  2. The week before Easter is known as
  3. Christ’s death is remembered on
  4. The forty-day period before Easter is known as
  5. The date of  moves from year to year. The Orthodox churches usually celebrate it on a different date.
  6. The four-week period before Christmas is known as
  7. The day when Jesus went to Heaven is known as  Day.
  8. The day when Christians remember everyone who has died is known as Day.


  1. Christmas
  2. Holy Week
  3. Good Friday
  4. Lent
  5. Easter
  6. Advent
  7. Ascension
  8. All Saints

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Religion

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Religion

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Use the appropriate words to complete the following sentences:

  • to church | for peace | prayer | life after death | pilgrimage

1. In some religions, people say a before starting a meal.

2. Some people believe in  but others believe death is the end.

3. Muslims try to go on a  to Mecca at least once during their life.

4. Nowadays, in times of conflict, religious leaders from different traditions often get together to pray .

5. In most western European countries, fewer people go than twenty years ago.


  1. prayer
  2. life after death
  3. pilgrimage
  4. for peace
  5. to church

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Politics

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Politics

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Complete the sentences with the following words:

  • liberal   |  left-wing   |  extreme  |  patriotic   |  right   |  politically aware

1. My Dad gets very upset if I say anything negative about Britain. He’s very

2. She’s got some very views. She thinks all immigration should be stopped.

3. My parents didn’t mind when Dave and I said we were going to live together. They’ve got quite views on most things.

4. Students tend to be more  than most other sections of the community. Like most young people, they’re usually fairly As they get older, they move more to the !


  1. patriotic
  2. extreme
  3. liberal
  4. politically aware, left-wing, right

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Politics

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Politics

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Use the correct form of these verbs to complete the sentences:

  • get | call | hold | win

a. I’ve just heard on the news, the Government has an election. It’s going to be  on June 6th.

b. In the last election the Social Democrats  with a huge majority.

c. I don’t agree with anything the Socialists say. They’d never my vote.


a. called, held

b. won

c. get

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Politics

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Politics

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Complete the dialogue with the following words:

  • voter | candidate | manifesto | power | campaign | polling station | vote | parties | constituency | policies

A: Have you voted yet?

B: No, but I’m going to the (1) on my way home.

A: Sometimes I don’t know why we bother. The main (2) might have a few different (3) , but basically they’re all the same – they make lots of promises during the election (4) and as soon as they’re in (5), they do something completely different.

B: I know. I saw the Conservative (6) in town yesterday, but he didn’t say anything I haven’: heard a thousand times before, and in my (7) the Social Democrat always wins anyway.

A: I voted for the Green Party last time, and Social Democrat the time before, but this time my (8) is going to somebody who promises to reduce income tax and that’s in the Conservative (9), but none of the others.

B: A different party every time! You‘re a politician’s nightmare – the floating (10) !


  1. polling station
  2. parties
  3. policies
  4. campaign
  5. power
  6. candidate
  7. constituency
  8. vote
  9. manifesto
  10. voter