Category: Worksheet

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Politics

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Politics

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Exercise 2

Only one of the two expressions is correct: find it:

1. Politicians / Politics are all the same. They never do what they say they will. →

2. I think there should be an election / a referendum on really important issues so the Government knows what the people think. →

3. It’s easy for the opposition / opponents to make promises but it’s much harder to carry them out once they get into power / control. →

4. No party had a clear majority. Two parties have formed a co-operative / coalition. →

5. No American President can serve more than two four-year terms / periods in office. →

6. Britain has to have a national / general election at least once every five years. →

7. The Manager / Minister of Finance has said that taxes will be cut in the budget in May. →

8. The most important members of the government are all in the cupboard / cabinet. →


  1. Politicians are all the same. They never do what they say they will.
  2. I think there should be a referendum on really important issues so the Government knows what the people think.
  3. It’s easy for the opposition to make promises but it’s much harder to carry them out once they get into power.
  4. No party had a clear majority. Two parties have formed a coalition.
  5. No American President can serve more than two four-year terms in office.
  6. Britain has to have a general election at least once every five years.
  7. The Minister of Finance has said that taxes will be cut in the budget in May.
  8. The most important members of the government are all in the cabinet.

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Politics

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Politics

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Complete the three sentences with the following words:

  • democracy | president | king / queen | Prime Minister | dictator | dictatorship (2)

1. Britain is a parliamentary democracy with either a or a as Head of State. The government is headed by the .

2.. Under the , Mussolini, Italy was a . It is now a republic with a .

3. People living in a  want to vote, but can’t. People living in a can vote, but often don’t exercise their right.



  1. king, queen, Prime Minister
  2. dictator,dictatorship, president
  3. dictatorship, democracy

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | War

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | War

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Use the following words to complete the sentences:

  • deteriorates |  disputes | process |  escalates | involved |  force

1. Most wars are caused by . over territory by different groups.

2. Often there are months of small, separate before the situation and into all-out war.

3. The international community is usually unwilling to get , but in the end it usually has no choice.

4. Pressure increases and someone – usually the US – puts together some kind of international to try to restore peace.

5. It is ironic that as soon as a war starts, so also does the peace .


  1. disputes, ethnic
  2. attacks, deteriorates, escalates
  3. involved
  4. force, process

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | War

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | War

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Use the following verbs in the appropriate form:

  • supply | clear | blow up | bomb | shoot down | explode

1. The United States has been arms to anti-government troops for years.

2. Planes have been  the city for three days now.

3. They the bridge in order to cut off the enemy’s supply lines.

4. The bomb as soon as the General started his car.

5. It will take years before all the mines have been from the area.

6. They claim to have 5 of our planes.


  1. supplying
  2. bombing
  3. blew up
  4. exploded
  5. cleared
  6. shutdown

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | the Beach

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | the Beach

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 5

Complete the text with the following words:

  • shade | sunbathe | exposure | factor | cancer | sunblock

If you’re going to (1)  in very hot weather, it’s important to use suncream – at least (2)  10.

And for children a (3) is essential. Even then, it’s best to use a beach umbrella and to sit in the (4) rather than directly in the sun, as experts believe that (5)  to direct sun, can be dangerous and may cause skin (6) It’s better to be safe than sorry!


  1. sunbathe
  2. factor
  3. sunblock
  4. shade
  5. exposure
  6. cancer

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | the Beach

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | the Beach

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 4

Complete the following expressions with the verbs below: Two of the verbs can be used twice:

  • keep | go | get | cool down
  1.  a lovely suntan
  2.  out of the sun
  3.  for a swim
  4.  sunburnt
  5.  for a paddle
  6.  in the sea

Now use the correct form of the expressions to complete the following dialogues:

1. This time next week l‘ll be lying on the beach in Spain.
> You lucky thing! I’m sure you’ll and make us all jealous when you get back.

2. Why don’t you take your T-shirt off?
> Because I don’t want to . The sun’s really hot today.

3. My back feels sore. Is it looking a bit red?
> Yes, it is. Perhaps you should for the rest of the day.

4. I’m not hot. I’m absolutely roasting!
> Let’s go and .

5. Do you want to go for a swim?
> No, it’s too cold for me. But I will I’ll just take my shoes and socks off.

6. The sea is beautiful. It’s so warm.
> Yes, I think I’ll myself in a minute.


  • a. get
  • b. keep
  • c. go
  • d. get
  • e. go
  • f. cool down
  • 1. get a lovely suntan
  • 2. get sunburnt
  • 3. keep out of the sun
  • 4. cool down in the sea
  • 5. go for a paddle
  • 6. go for a swim

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | the Beach

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | the Beach

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 3

Complete the postcard with the following words:

  • shining | glorious | deserted | soaking up | tide | luxurious  | playtime

Dear Jane,

Here we are in Portuga. The weather’s absolutely  – the sun’s been  ever since we arrived.

The hotel is really  and we’re only five minutes from the beach, which is most of the time. That’s where we are now. Peter’s lying here next to me the sun and the kids are  in the sea. The is coming in and we’ve got to move up the beach before we all get soaked!

Wish you were here.




Dear Jane, Here we are in Portugal. The weather’s absolutely glorious – the sun’s been shining ever since we arrived.

The hotel is really luxurious and we’re only five minutes from the beach, which is deserted most of the rime. That’s where we are now. Peter’s lying here next to me soaking up the sun and the kids are playing in the sea. The tide is coming in and we’ve got 10 move up the beach, before we all get soaked!

Wish you were here.



Vocabulary Exercises with answers | the Beach

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | the Beach

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with the following words:

  • deserted | naturist | rocky | crystal-clear | unspoilt | crowded | golden

1. The beach is always at this time of the year. There’s no room to put your towel down!

2. The beaches were absolutely Sometimes we were the only two people there.

3. Sri Lanka has some fantastic beaches — mile after mile of sand and water.

4. Ten years ago the place was completely, but now the whole seafront is full of bars and cafes. They’ve spoilt the place completely.

5. The coastline is very and most of the beach is pebbles. There’s hardly any sand at all.

6. The  beach is quite difficult to find, as it’s about 2 kilometres outside town.


  1. crowded
  2. deserted
  3. golden, crystalclear
  4. unspoilt
  5. rocky
  6. naturist

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | the Beach

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | the Beach

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Write the name of each image using the following list:

palm tree | beach umbrella | flip flops | surfboard |   sunglasses | sunscreen | beach ball | lighthouse | seagull | seashell | a wave | a life guard 


1 –                2 –              3 – 


4 –              5 –            6 – 


7 –             8 –               9 – 


10 –            11 –            12 – 


  1. seagull
  2. palm tree 
  3. seashell 
  4. sunglasses 
  5. a life guard
  6. sunscreen 
  7. lighthouse 
  8. beach umbrella 
  9. beach ball 
  10. a wave 
  11. flip flops 
  12. surfboard 

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Vocabulary Exercises with answers | Shopping

Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 7

Match the beginning and end of sentences: 

  • wine | grapes | toothpaste | cake | marmalade | chocolates | crisps | beer

1. a box of 

2. a packet of 

3. a can of 

4. a tube of 

5. a bunch of 

6. a jar of 

7. a bottle of 

8. a piece of 


  1. a box of chocolates                
  2. a packet of crisps                 
  3. a can of beer            
  4. a tube of toothpaste               
  5. a bunch of grapes              
  6. a jar of marmalade    
  7. a bottle of wine                           
  8. a piece of cake