
Present simple or Present continuous? (2/2)

Present simple or Present continuous

Click here to download this exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.


Complete the following sentences with present simple or present continuous tense: 

  1. Wendy sometimes  mangas. (to read)
  2. We never  TV in the morning. (to watch)
  3. Listen! Sam  in the bathroom. (to sing)
  4. My brother usually   in the kitchen. (to help)
  5. My mum  breakfast now. (to make)
  6. They often   the kitchen. (to clean)
  7. Look! The girls  home. (to come)
  8. Every day his father   for a walk. (to go)
  9. I  with my sister at the moment. (to chat)
  10. Mice  cheese. (to eat)


  1. Wendy sometimes reads mangas.
  2. We never watch TV in the morning.
  3. Listen! Sam is singing in the bathroom.
  4. My brother usually helps in the kitchen.
  5. My mum is making breakfast now.
  6. They often clean the kitchen.
  7. Look! The girls are coming home.
  8. Every day his father goes for a walk.
  9. I am chatting with my sister at the moment.
  10. Mice eat cheese.


Present simple or Present perfect continuous

Present simple or Present perfect continuous: exercise 1/2

Click here to download this exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

To see exercise 2, click here.


Choose the right tense (present simple or present perfect continuous): 

1. Wendy  English for four years.

2. She  Japanese and  every day.

3. Wendy  to a japanese school for two years.

4. The teachers there  their subjects in Japanese twice a week.


  1. Wendy has been learning English for four years.
  2. She likes Japanese and practises every day.
  3. Wendy has been going to a japanese school for two years.
  4. The teachers there teach their subjects in Japanese twice a week.

Present simple or Present continuous exercise pdf

Present simple or Present continuous exercise pdf (2/2)

Click here to download this exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.


Complete the following sentences with present simple tense or present continuous tense:

1. (he/wear/a hat/often)  , but (he/not/wear/a hat)   today.

2. (we/have/dinner/now)    although (we/not/have/dinner/normally)   at this time.

3. (while/Linda/clean/the house)  , (her kids/play/in the garden)  .

4. I must hurry to the bus stop because (I/meet/Paul)   in an hour and (the bus/leave)   in five minutes.

5. Listen! (you/hear/that noise)  ?

6. I grew up with cats but now (I/have/a dog)  .



  1. He often wears a hat, but he is not wearing a hat today.
  2. We are having dinner now although we do not normally have dinner at this time.
  3. While Linda is cleaning the house, her kids are playing in the garden.
  4. I must hurry to the bus stop because I am meeting Paul in an hour and the bus leaves in five minutes.
  5. Listen! Do you hear that noise?
  6. I grew up with cats but now I have a dog.

Present simple Present continuous exercises pdf

Present simple or Present continuous? (1/2)

Click here to download this exercise in PDF. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

See exercise 2 here


Choisissez le temps qui convient (présent simple ou présent progressif):

1. Thomas  a book at the moment.

2. Wendy  an email to her boyfriend every day.

3. I usually  at eight.

4. Look, the kids  to the park.

5. We  every Wednesday.


  1. Thomas is reading a book at the moment.
  2. Wendy writes an email to her boyfriend every day.
  3. I usually get up at eight.
  4. Look, the kids are going to the park.
  5. We meet every Wednesday.

Essential english idioms (part 1)

Essential english idioms (part 1 – A to G)

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

A complete list of the most common English idioms and expressions:

A bird’s eye view An unobstructed view from above
A drop in the ocean Something very unimportant, insignificant.
A hot potato Talk about an issue (from the News) that many people talk about and that is usually contested.
A penny for your thoughts Tell me what you’re thinking.
A perfect storm the worst possible situation
A picture is worth 1000 words Better to show than tell
A piece of cake Something very easy to do
A snowball effect A snowball effect
A storm in a teacup A big commotion about a small problem
A taste of your own medicine Ill-treatment rightly received for abusing others.
Actions speak louder than words Actions speak louder than words
Add fuel to the fire Put some oil on the fire
Add insult to injury To aggravate an unfavourable situation
I’m all ears Listen with great attention.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away Apples are good for you!
An early bird Person who is used to getting up early.
As right as rain Perfect
At the bottom of the ladder At the bottom of the scale, at the lowest level
At the drop of a hat As soon as possible…, without hesitation
back in the day at that time
Ball is in your court It is now up to you to talk, to act, to prove yourself…
Barking up the wrong tree Accusing the wrong person
Be a good catch Be someone worth being married or having
Be at each other’s throat two people arguing in anger
Beat around the bush To treat a topic, but omit its main points, often intentionally.
Best of both worlds have all the advantages
Better late than never It is better to do an action late than not to do it.
Bite off more than you can chew Taking on a task that is too big
Bite the bullet Get something over with because it’s inevitable.
Bite your tongue Stop saying something because it would be better not to say it.
Blessing in disguise Something good that is not recognized as such at first.
Blow somebody away Impressing someone
Blow someone’s mind Impressing someone
Bored to death I’m so bored I could die
Bread and butter The basic things you need to survive, such as food and shelter. Also used to describe the job or activity that provides you with the money you need to live. – ‘Fishing is my bread and butter.’
Break a leg Good luck!
Break the ice Untie a tense atmosphere by initiating a group discussion or animation.
Broke Means that you have no more money
Burn bridges Destroy relationships
Butterflies in my stomach Being nervous
By the skin of your teeth Barely, just barely
Call it a day That’s it for today. (at work)
Calm before the storm a lull, a respite before something bad
Can’t judge a book by its cover This proverb means that you cannot know a man by his appearance.
Cat got your tongue? to be silent, to be speechless
Caught between two stools Caught between two alternatives
Comparing apples to oranges Compare two things that cannot be compared
Costs an arm and a leg The cost is very expensive, even too expensive.
Couch potato refers to a person who spends a lot of time sitting on his couch
I couldn’t care less I don’t give a damn about that.
To cry wolf By giving false alarms, the real alarm is no longer heard.
Curiosity killed the cat Put yourself in an unpleasant situation by being curious
Cut corners When something is done wrong to save money.
Cut someone some slack Don’t judge someone severely
Cut to the chase Get to the point
Devil’s Advocate to defend an opinion that the majority thinks is wrong.
Dig in your heels / Stick to your guns Refuse to compromise or change your mind
Do something at the drop of a hat Do something without planning ahead
Don’t beat a dead horse Stop talking about a subject that is already finished.
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch Don’t count on anything good until it happens.
Don’t cry over spilt milk Complaining about a loss of the past
Don’t give up the day job You’re not very good at anything. You certainly couldn’t do it professionally.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket you have to be careful and not risk everything on a unique opportunity or project.
Don’t sweat it Don’t worry about it.
Don’t be so quick to judgment. Don’t judge so quickly.
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Behave yourself, don’t do anything stupid
Don’t play dumb with me. to pretend to not know or not understand something
Don’t push me. Don’t make me angry.
Down to Earth Realistic
Down to the wire To denote a situation whose outcome is not decided until the very last minute.
Drastic times call for drastic measures When you are extremely desperate, you must take drastic measures.
Draw the line Setting limits
Drive someone up the wall irritate or annoy a lot
Easier said than done Used to describe a relatively difficult action.
Elephant in the room a problem that everyone knows very well but that no one talks about because it is taboo, embarrassing, etc.
Every cloud has a silver lining Sometimes misfortune gives us advantages that we would not have had without it.
Everybody Was Freaking Out. feel extremely surprised, upset, angry, or confused.
Fair Enough All right, certainly, okay.
Far cry from (something) Being far from (e. g. reality)
Feel blue Be depressed or sad
Finding a needle in a haystack Looking for something that we’re very unlikely to find
Fish out of water be out of place
Fit as a fiddle to be very healthy and strong
Fortune favours the bold You have to take risks to succeed.
Get back to me. Come back and see me again.
Get on one’s nerves annoy, exasperate
Get out of hand get out of control
Get Out of Here Go away!
Get out of your comfort zone. doing things that you don’t feel comfortable with doing.
Get over yourself. Reprends-toi en main.
Get real. Sois réaliste.
Get something off your chest Parler de quelque chose qui vous tracasse depuis longtemps
Get to the Point Speak frankly, get to the heart of the matter directly
Get wind of something be informed of something
Get your act together Get control of one’s thoughts and emotions and stop behaving in a foolish or uncontrolled way
Get your head around it Make yourself comfortable.
Get your head in the game. To focus on the task at hand.
Give it to me straight Give it to me directly
Give me a break. Stop bothering me.
Give me five Means slapping palms above each other’s heads as a a greeting, celebration gesture
Give somebody a hard time Cause difficulty, trouble, embarrassment to someone
Give someone a hand Give a momentary help.
Give someone the benefit of the doubt In the absence of clear evidence, refrain from considering someone guilty.
Give someone the cold shoulder Receive a cold welcome
Go ahead Go For It! Do it!
Go For It Go ahead! Do it!
Go bananas Going crazy, hysterical
Go down in flames Sudden and dramatic failure
Go back to the drawing board Start over
Go on a wild goose chase A completely unsuccessful search and a waste of time because the person or thing sought does not exist or is elsewhere
Go the extra mile Make an extra effort
Go with the flow Be relaxed and accept a situation, rather than trying to alter or control it.
Good for Nothing Lazy person
Good For You Can be used in seriousness or sarcastically
Good Luck Hope you will be lucky!
Good Point you’re right
Good things come to those who wait Good things happen to those who know how to wait, who know the value of patience, who know how to be patient
Good Thinking Good point, you’re right
Good to know. It’s a good thing to know
Goose bumps When you are scared the hairs rise up
Got It Understood!
Grab a bite Eat something, a snack for example


Essential english idioms (part 2)

Essential english idioms (part 2 – H to J)

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

A complete list of the most common English idioms and expressions:

Hands off! a warning not to touch or interfere with something.
Hang In There. Don’t give up (during a difficult time)
Hang tight. To await further instructions.
Haste makes waste You’ll make mistakes if you rush into something
Have a big mouth Someone who talks more or says secret things
Have the guts you are brave or have a lot of courage
Have your head in the clouds the person is not paying much attention to what is happening around them
He has bigger fish to fry He has other things to do than what we’re talking about now.
He who laughs last laughs loudest the person who has control of a situation in the end is most successful, even if other people had seemed originally to have an advantage
He wouldn’t hurt a fly. He’s very kind and gentle
He’s a chip off the old block The son is like the father
He’s not playing with a full deck He’s stupid.
He’s off his rocker He lost his mind.
He’s sitting on the fence He can’t decide what to do.
Hear it on the grapevine hearing rumors about something or someone.
Hear something straight from the horse’s mouth Hear something from the person involved
Hit the books study in depth
Hit the nail on the head Do or say something exactly right
hit the road get in the car, take off
Hit the sack Go to bed
Hold On a Sec Wait a second
Hop In Get in! (in a vehicle)
How does that sound? What do you think of that?
I beg to Differ To politely disagree.
I blew It you made a big mistake.
I can eat a horse I’m very hungry
I can’t Thank You Enough Thanks a LOT!
I can’t get xxx out of my head. I can’t manage to forget someone or something
I can’t keep up. I have too much to do
I can’t put a face to the name. to remember the name of someone who you recognize
I don’t Buy it I don’t believe it.
I don’t know off the top of my head. I don’t know what I’m talking about.
I don’t want to hear it. to not be willing to discuss or consider something
I have a bad/good feeling about this. Think something good/bad will happen
I have a lot on my plate. I have a lot to do.
I have faith in you. I trust you
I have no idea. I don’t know!
I have some money burning a hole in my pocket. Money that someone has just acquired and is eager to spend
I have to get this off my chest I have to relieve myself of what’s on my mind.
I have too much time on my hands. I have too much free time.
I haven’t kept in touch with them. to maintain communications with someone
I haven’t seen you for ages. I haven’t seen you in a long time.
I messed Up I ruined everything.
I missed The Boat On That One. means it is too late to have an opportunity, so you lose the chance to participate.
I owe you To owe someone something
I spoke too soon. means that the person involved spoke before the time was right (and was wrong)
I think I’ll pass. When you don’t want to accept an offer or participate in a game
I want nothing to do with it. To be unrelated or irrelevant to someone or something
I’m Hosed to be out of luck
I’m on my way I’m coming
I’m sick of It you don’t like something anymore.
I’d like to pick your brain. to understand what motivation of the persons actions, what triggers the feeling
I’m feeling under the weather. I don’t feel well.
I’m flattered. I feel important or attractive
I’m losing it. I’m losing my mind.
I’m sorry for the mix up. I’m sorry for the confusion.
I’m starving! I’m really hungry!
I’m washing my hands of this whole situation. I refuse to be involved with them any more or to take responsibility for them.
I’ve lost my touch. I’m no longer able to do or handle something skillfully.
Ignorance is bliss You better not know
In the heat of the moment at a time when you are too angry or excited to think carefully
In the nick of time At the right time
In your dreams unlikely to happen!
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings It’s not over yet.
It can’t Hurt It’s not bad for me, so it must be good
It is a poor workman who blames his tools If you can’t do the job, don’t blame others.
It is always darkest before the dawn Things will get better
It rocks! / rules! It’s awesome, great!
It serves you right you got what you deserved.
It takes one to know one You’re as bad as I am.
It takes two to tango Only one person is not responsible. Both people are involved.
It totally slipped my mind I forgot something that I had to do
It was like pulling teeth. it was extremely difficult to do.
It’s a long story it’s something complicated to explain shortly
It’s a piece of cake It’s easy!
It’s about time / it’s high time It’s past the time when something should have happened
It’s not rocket science It’s not complicated.
It’s raining cats and dogs It’s pouring rain
It’s up to you. It’s your decision
It’s written all over your face Your face expression is giving a message (sad, angry, happy)
It’s a little chilly. It’s a little cold out there.
it’s been a while. It’s been a long a period of time
It’s no big deal. It’s not very important
It’s out of my hands. It’s not my responsibility.
Judge a book by its cover Judging someone or something based solely on appearance
Jump on the bandwagon Follow a trend
Jump to a conclusion to judge a situation quickly and emotionally without having all the facts
Just my luck! I’m not lucky! (you say that when something bad happens to you)


Essential english idioms (part 3)

Essential english idioms (part 3 – K to R)

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

A complete list of the most common English idioms and expressions:

Keep an eye on To keep under careful observation.
Keep me in the loop Keep me informed
Keep me posted. Keep me informed.
Keep my head above water. to just be able to manage, especially when you have financial difficulties
Keep something at bay Hold something at a distance
Keep someone on their toes. to make someone concentrate so that they are ready to deal with anything that might happen
Keep your cool To maintain a calm and controlled attitude.
Keeping my fingers crossed Hoping for good luck
Kill two birds with one stone to succeed in achieving two things in a single action
Know something inside out to know someone or something very well
Know which way the wind is blowing Understand the situation (generally negative)
Larger than life Bigger than life
Last straw Last drop (The last problem of a series of problems.)
Leave no stone unturned Don’t neglect any details
Let me know… Keep me informed……
Let me see if I can move some things around. I’ll see if I can move some things.
Let sleeping dogs lie Stop discussing a problem
Let someone off the hook Letting someone get away with it
Let the cat out of the bag Accidentally revealing a secret
Let the chips fall where they may Let something happen, whether it’s good or bad.
Let’s get down to business. Used to mark a transition to a business discussion or serious talk.
Like riding a bicycle Something you never forget how to do
Like two peas in a pod They’re always together.
To live beyond your means. You spend more money than you can afford.
Living the dream. Living the good life
Long time no see It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.
Look before you leap Only take calculated risks
Lose your marbles Going crazy
Maddening Enrageant
Make a long story short Get to the point
Make hay while the sun shines Enjoy a good situation
Make time for (something). Plan time for (something).
Make up one’s mind To finally decide something.
Miss the boat to say that someone missed their chance
My hands are full I’m busy.
My two cents To give or share your opinion
Nature Calls means we have to go to the toilet!
Never mind Forget what I said, it’s okay.
No pain, no gain You have to work for what you want
No Strings Attached Doing something for someone without asking for anything in return.
No Sweat No problem
No Worries No problem
Not playing with a full deck to talk about someone who’s not very smart.
Nothing Matters To express nothing else is important
To be on cloud nine To be very happy
To be on the same page to understand and agree with what is being done or suggested
On thin ice On probation. If you make another mistake, there will be trouble.
Once bitten, twice shy You are more careful when you have already been injured.
Once in a blue moon When something rarely happens
Once in a while not very often
Out of the blue from nowhere
Out of the frying pan and into the fire Things are going from bad to worse
Out of this world incredible
Over my dead body! I will do everything you can to prevent something!
Over the moon to be happy
Pain in the ass Annoying (vulgar)
Picture paints a thousand words a picture can express a complex idea in the same way a large amount of
descriptive text can.
Plain as day Obvious, clear
To play it by ear (=go with the flow) Everything will be done when it’s done (spontaneously)
Play second fiddle Be less important.
Pull a rabbit out of a hat Do something unexpected
Pull someone’s leg Joking, making fun of someone
Pull yourself together Get a grip on yourself.
Push back the appointment. postpone the appointment
Put (something) on hold To pause, postpone, or suspend an activity
Put oneself in someone’s shoes To try to look at a situation from a different point of view; as if one were the other person; to empathise.
Put something on ice Put a project on hold
Put wool over other people’s eyes cheating on someone to make them think well of them.
Put your foot in your mouth Say something you shouldn’t have said
Rain on someone’s parade To ruin something
Read between the lines To try to understand someone’s real feelings or intentions from what they say or write
Read one’s mind To know what someone is thinking without being told
Reduced to ashes destroyed or made useless
Does that ring a bell? Does it seem familiar? Does it remind you of something?
Rise and Shine Get up! (in the morning)
Rub shoulders be around people
Run like the wind to run very fast.


Essential english idioms (part 4)

Essential english idioms (part 4 – S to Z)

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

A complete list of the most common English idioms and expressions:

Saving for a rainy day Saving for bad days
See eye to eye (with someone) to agree with someone
Sell somebody out Telling on someone or revealing their secret
Shame on You Shame on you
Shape up or ship out Work better or leave
I’ll meet you at 8 o’clock sharp. exactly at a that time
Shoot from the hip Speak directly
Sick and tired being disturbed or annoyed by something
Sit on the fence Remain neutral and do not take sides
Skeleton crew The minimum number of people required to operate a service or office.
Sleep on it Think about something for a while before making a decision.
Sleep Tight Sleeping in cramped conditions
Slow and steady wins the race Reliability is more important than speed
Snowed under Busy
Snug as a bug in a rug Warm and cozy; happy.
So far so good an expression of satisfaction with progress made
So glad you could make it. I’m glad you could come.
Sooner or later at some future time; eventually.
Sort Of In a way
Speak of the devil when the person you just mentioned arrives.
Spill the beans To reveal secret information unintentionally or indiscreetly.
Stay out of trouble. Don’t get in trouble. Don’t do anything wrong.
Steal someone’s thunder To take credit for something someone else did.
Step up your game start to perform better, improve
Stick your nose into something interfere into other people’s business.
Stop being so hard on yourself. Don’t feel guilty about everything
Straight from the horse’s mouth Directly from the person concerned.
Sure Thing Certainly
Take a rain check Let’s do this another time.
take it easy Relax!
Take it with a grain / a pinch of salt Don’t take it too seriously.
Taste of your own medicine means that something happens to you, or is done to you, that you have done to someone else.
Thank Goodness Thank God for that.
That ship has sailed It’s too late for that.
That’s easier said than done something seems like a good idea but it would be difficult to do.
That’s the last straw the latest in a series of unpleasant or undesirable events, and makes you feel that you cannot tolerate a situation any longer.
The apple does not fall far from the tree Children grow up to become like their parents
The ball is in your court It’s your decision.
The best of both worlds An ideal situation, to take advantage of two different possibilities at the same time.
The devil is in the details when you look more closely, there are problems…
The early bird gets the worm The first people who arrive will receive the best things.
The new Iphone Blew Me Away. I was surprised in a good way by the new Iphone
The pot calling the kettle black Someone criticizing someone else as being just as bad
The whole nine yards Everything, to the end.
There are clouds on the horizon Trouble is coming
There are other fish in the sea Other opportunities will arise.
There’s a method to his madness He looks crazy, but he’s actually smart.
There’s no such thing as a free lunch Nothing is entirely free
Think fast! Catch! (when throwing something at someone)
Think outside the box use your imagination
Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones Morally questionable people should not criticize others.
Through thick and thin In good times and bad
Throw caution to the wind Taking a risk
Throw in the towel To give up
time flies time passes quickly
Time is money time is a valuable resource
time on your hands have some free time
Tip of the iceberg The visible part of the iceberg
Tit for tat an action done to take revenge on someone who has hurt you
To add insult to injury to make the situation worse.
To cut corners do something wrong or cheap.
To feel under the weather not feeling well.
To hear something straight from the horse’s mouth hear something from the authoritative source.
To hit the nail on the head describe exactly what causes a situation or problem.
To kill two birds with one stone Killing two birds with one stone
To make matters worse Make a problem worse
To not see the wood for the trees be so involved in the details that you don’t get the most important facts.
Turn a blind eye Ignore
Turned a deaf ear Ignore
Twenty-four seven 24h/24: all the hours of the day
Uncharted waters Being in unfamiliar territory, in a situation you don’t know, without experience and we don’t know what could happen.
We All Have To Pitch In. We all have to get involved, participate
We Got Off On The Wrong Foot. to begin a relationship or project badly
We’re short on time. We are running out of time.
Well begun is half done It is important to get off to a good start
What a Small World! When you meet someone in unexpected circumstances.
What gives? What’s going on?
What’s Eating You? What’s bothering you?
What’s up? What’s the matter?
Whatever… It doesn’t matter…
When pigs fly Never
Who cares? used to say that something is not important
Who do you think you are? Rhetorical question asked of or when discussing a person who is acting in an annoying, stereotypical manner or is a poser.
Who knows? Rhetorical question to say: I don’t know, and I don’t know anybody who does know.
Whole nine yards Everything that is available.
Wrap your head around something Understand something complicated
You Bet! you may be sure; certainly.
You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar You’ll get what you want by being nice.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink You can’t force someone to make the right decision
You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs it is hard to achieve something important without causing unpleasant effects
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks It is difficult to change the way someone does something when they have been doing it the same way for a long time.
You can’t be serious. I don’t believe what you just said
You get what you pay for Something very cheap is usually not of very good quality.
You have your head in the clouds. You’re dreaming, you’re not focused
You know better than that used to express disappointment when someone makes a mistake which they probably shouldn’t have / to show disapproval of someone’s actions
You look like a deer in headlights. to be stunned, frightened or surprised that you cannot move or think
You made it! You succeeded at something.
You pulled a fast one on me. you have cheated or tricked me.
You rock! You’re awesome!
You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours if you do something for me, I’ll do the same for you.
You went too far. You did more than is acceptable
You win some, you lose some. You cannot always succeed.
You’re dressed to kill You’re wearing very smart or fashionable clothes
You’re toast You’re in big trouble.
You’ve got to be kidding Is this a joke?
You’re all over the place. something is happening in many different places, or spread over a very large area, usually disorganized
You’re killing the mood. You’re ruining the moment.
You’re playing both sides. To manipulate two opposing sides against one another for your own benefit
You’re pushing your luck. You are taking a bigger risk than is sensible, and may get into trouble.
Your call! It’s your decision.
Your guess is as good as mine I have no idea.


English phrases for daily use

English phrases for daily use (2/2)

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

At this point in time,…
Be sensible!
Don’t go back on your word!
Don’t look so surprised!
Don’t make a fuss about it!
Get this!
Have I made myself quite clear?
How awful!
How come they’re so late?
I can’t believe it!
I can’t complain.
I have no complaints about it.
I hope I’ve made myself quite clear!
I know what i’m talking about!
I nearly / I almost…
I very nearly…
I would be surprised if…
I’d be surprised!
I’ve got to the point where…
I’ve said my last word on the subject.
I’ve told you again and again!
It’s a matter of chance.
It’s a wonder that…!
It’s a wonder to me that…
It’s beyond me!
It’s crazy!
It’s hardly surprising. / It hardly comes as a surprise.
It’s just not the point !
It’s no accident that…
It’s not the end of the world.
It’s nothing to be proud of!
It’s nothing to get worked up about!
It’s sheer madness!
Just don’t make a big deal out of it!
Let’s face the issue!
Much to my surprise,…
No wonder…
Pull yourself together! / get a hold on yourself! / Get a grip (on yourself)!
See for yourself!
Shame on you!
So what?
Tell me another!
Tha’s not the point / problem!
That wasn’t very clever!
That’s absolute nonsense!
That’s another question!
That’s beside the point!
That’s going a bit far !
That’s not quite all!
Well done!
Well said!
What a coincidence!
What a pity!
What a question!
What a surprise !
What an idea!
What are you complaining about?
What did you expect?
Where did you get hold of that?
You don’t say! / No wonder!
You won’t get away with it!
You’ll never hear the end of it!
You’re imagining things.
You’re just talking nonsense!
You’re missing the point!
You’re overreacting!




English phrases for daily use

English phrases for daily use (1/2)

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Arrangements have been made for you to…
As you may expect, … / As one would expect, …
Don’t turn a deaf ear to…
Everything will be fine / Everything will go smoothly
I didn’t think it right to…
I don’t feel up to it.
I don’t feel up to…
I find it hard to understand why…
I had no idea he/she would…
I must congratulate you on…
I never suspected it for a moment.
I see him/her as a (+adjective) person.
I should have known that…
I thought it right to…
I thought so. / I suspected as much.
I was weak enough to…
I was wise enough to…
I wonder if…
I’d given up on you!
I’m not surprised.
I’ve wasted so much time
It comes as no surprise.
it doesn’t make sens
It makes you wonder why…
It makes you wonder.
It may still come in handy.
It seemed only right to…
It surprises me that…
It took ages!
It was a risky venture.
It was bound to happen.
It was worth a try.
It went off smoothly / It went like a dream
It’s easier said than done!
It’s getting better and better.
It’s hard to tell.
It’s no small matter
It’s not much to look at, but…
It’s quite clear
It’s too sad for words.
It’s worth having a go.
It’s worth it!
It’s worth… (v+ing)
It/things couldn’t be better
Let’s hope this is not the case.
Little did I know/suspect that…
My guess was right.
Not that I care but…
People would know about it!
Something’s wrong / There’s something not quite right here.
That can easily be put right.
That was predictable.
That was sensible of you.
That was the right thing to do.
That was wise of you.
That wasn’t meant to happen!
That’s easy for you to say
That’s quite something!
That’s quite understandable.
Thats was to be expected.
There’s only one thing wrong
There’s something amiss.
Things are getting worse and worse.
Things are going pretty well
We’re off the hook
You can’t but…
You certainly took your time!
You gave me your word you would…
You got me off the hook!
You’ve set your sights too high.
You’ve got a point there.
