Category: Conversation

English Conversation: At the Train Station

English Conversation: At the Train Station

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A return ticket for Manchester.
A single ticket for Paris, please.
Alight (gett off) at the next stop. (UK)
Do I need to change trains?
Does the train have a dining car?
Has the 10:20 train already departed?
How long does the journey take?
How long does the trip take?
How much is a second-class return ticket?
I would like to reserve a seat.
I’m a season ticket holder.
Is it a direct route?
Mind the gap between train and the platform!
Mind the gap!
One ticket to London, please.
Punch your ticket before you get on the train.
Refreshments are served at the buffet car.
The ticket collector will check your ticket on board.
The train is pulling into the station.
The train is scheduled to arrive at 4:30 p.m.
There is a refreshments trolley on this train.
Tickets, please.
We’d like to apologize for the delay.
What station is this ?
What time does the train from London arrive?
What time does the train get in?
When does the next train for London leave?
Where can I buy a ticket?
Where’s the nearest railway station?
Which is the dining car?
Which platform does the train leave from?
Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?
You don’t have to get your ticket punched in England.
Your tickets, please.


English conversation: At the hotel

English conversation: At the hotel

Here is a list of useful words you can use for conversation between hotel receptionist and customer

examples: on how to book a room in a hotel, to check in …


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I’d like to reserve/book a room for one night.
What’s the room rate for a single room?
Would you have a double room available?
Would you have a room available for three nights?
Each room has a kitchenette so you car prepare your own meals.
How much is a double room?
How long will you be staying?
Do you have any vacancies?
Is breakfast included?
We only have one single room left.
Can you give us a discount?
Can I book a room for tonight?
Would you like a double bed or twin beds?
How many nights will you be staying?
Does the room corne with a bathroom?
Do you have a reservation?
What time is breakfast served?
Hi, I’d like to check in. I have a reservation.
Do I pay now or at checkout?
There is a safe deposit box in each room.
I have booked a double room for two nights.
I have a reservation for two nights.
I have a reservation under the name of Martin.
The lift is on your left.
Breakfast is included.
Could you full in this form?
May I have your name and phone number?
Can I use the Internet in my room?
This is your key.
Your room is on the first floor.
You will be in room 253.
I would like to check out.
Can you prepare our bill?
What time is checkout?
We are looking forward to welcoming you again in our hotel.
Can I leave my luggage here?
Yes. We have a locked storage room.
We’ll unpack our suitcases later.
May I have an extra pillow / blanket, please?
Your food will be delivered promptly.
Could you please call a taxi for us at 11?
Would you like me to call a taxi for you?
I’d like a wake-up eau at 6:30, please.
I’m going to call the front desk.
Can you bring us some more towels?
The hostess is very nice.
Late and early check ins can also be accommodated by arrangement.
Guests may check in between 5.00 p.m. and 8.00 p.m.
Room with private / shared facilities.
Our hostel is suitable for families.
Self-catering facilities are available.
We can supply discounted tickets.
Digital key card access is required for the bedrooms.
We have a 24-hour reception and bar.
Free Wi-Fi in social areas.
We welcome caravans, motor homes and tents.
Let’s stop for lunch here.
There’s a picnic area.
Let’s pitch our tent here.
You’ll fend information about camping sites and caravan parks.


English conversation: at the doctor’s

English conversation: at the doctor’s

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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I’d like to make an appointment, please.
I’ve run out of my medication
Doctor Dors surgery.
How can I help you?
I need to see a doctor.
Could I corne this afternoon?
I’ll check. Could you hold on for one minute?
Yes. How about 3 o’clock?
What’s the problem? / What’s the matter?
Are you on any medication?
Have you had this before?
How long have you been like this?
I don’t feel well.
I feel like rm going to get a cold.
I feel nauseous.
I have (the) flu.
I have a backache / a headache / a stomach ache / a toothache.
I have a fever.
I have a sore throat.
I have completely recovered.
I’ve been feeling very tired.
I’ve been having difficulty sleeping.
I’ve got a pain in my chest.
I’ve got a rash.
I’ve got a temperature.
I’ve got very little energy.
It hurts.
My feet hurt.
My nose is stuffed up.
My son scraped his knee.
What’s wrong with you?
Whats the matter?
Where does it hurt?
You need to be admitted to hospital.
You need to try and lose some weight.
You should cut down on your smoking.
I’m in a lot of pain.
Heart disease runs in my family.
How long has your back been bothering you?
I am allergic to peanuts.
I am prone to diabetes.
I can’t bear it anymore.
I have a terrible ache in my back.
I need a sick note.
I’ve got a swollen ankle.
I’ve got diarrhoea.
My joints are aching.
Take this prescription to the chemist’s.
The pain is too much.
This is an infectious disease.
You have high blood pressure.
Your pulse is weak.
Is it good for me?
Are you taking any medicine at the moment?
Did you take any tablets?
I follow a homeopathic regimen.
Just lie down and try to get some sleep.
Try to exercise as much as possible.
I feel good now, but it wasn’t easy.
Herbs don’t cure diabetes but they help.
I have completely recovered.
I’m feeling well and up to travelling.
This cream has healed my wound.


English conversation: At the dentist

English conversation: At the dentist

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here. 

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At the dentist
I’d like to have my teeth examined.
Can you open your mouth a little wider, please?
Do you want to have a crown fitted?
How much will it cost?
I don’t want it exctracted
I have a broken tooth
I have a cavity
I need a crown
I need a filling
I’d like a clean and polish, please.
I’m going to give you an injection.
I’m going to give you an X-ray.
I’m going to have to take this tooth out.
I’ve chipped a tooth.
I’ve got toothache.
Let me know if you feel any pain.
My denture is broken
My gums hurt
One of my fillings has corne out.
Open wide!
Rinse please
This might hurt a little
When did you last visit the dentist?
You’ve got a bit of decay here.
You’ve got an abscess.


English conversation: At the hospital

English conversation pdf At the hospital

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At the hospital
Can you call an ambulance?
Do you have any doctors who speak French?
Do you have private medical insurance?
Does he need CPR?
Have you got a European Health Insurance Card?
He is badly injured.
Her baby is due next month
I’ll send you for an X-ray.
In an emergency, go to the hospital.
It is a heart attack.
She had surgery. / She was operated on.
She’s expecting a baby
To have an abortion
You’ll need an injection.
You’re going to need a few stitches.


How to talk about sports in English

How to talk about sports in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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What sport do you do? / Do you play any sports?
Are you good at tennis?
But I’m very good at golf.
Do you like playing football?
Have you ever been skiing?
Have you ever tried snowboanling?
How often do you go swimming?
No. I can’t play tennis.
What sports do you like watchting on TV?
What’s your favourite football team?
Who do you go with?
Would you like to come hiking with us?
Would you like to go to a game?
That was a great match!
He scored three goals.
I am a Manchester United fan.
I can’t afford going to every match.
I can’t bear seeing my team lose.
One thousand people attended the match.
What a great player he is!
What team do you support?


English conversation: At the restaurant (dialogue + free PDF) 🍽️

At the restaurant (dialogue + PDF) 🍽️

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Do you have a reservation?
We don’t have a reservation.
We have reserved a table for six. The name is Smith.
Sorry but we are full.
How many people?
A party of four?
A table for two?
There’s a 15-minute wait.
Hi, my name’s Sarah. I’ll be your waiter this evening.
Would you like to order something to drink first?
Here’s the menu.
Can I get you something to drink?
I’ll be with you in a few minutes.
I’ll take your order in a few minutes.
I’m starving. / I’m starving to death.
I’m famished.
I’m so hungry. / I could eat a horse.
I could do with something to eat.
I’m thirsty for a glass of cold water.
I feel like a cup of tea.
I need something to drink.
What about going to the restaurant?
Let’s go to the restaurant.
Let me invite you to the restaurant.
Why don’t we go to a Japanese restaurant?
Would you prefer a fast-food restaurant?
No. Let’s go to a pizza restaurant.
I’m finished.
This round is on me.
There’s something wrong with our bill.
The bill, please.
Coffee is on the bouse.
The waiter was very helpful.
Is service included?
We tipped $2 to the waitress.
There seems to be a mistake on this bill.
Could I get the bill, please?
Service not included.
Did you enjoy your meal?
It looks delicious.
The food smells good.
The curry was really tasty.
Hum, it’s yummy!
The steak looks overcooked.
The meat is tough and dry.
The steak tastes like a piece of leather.
This steak is rare / well-dope.
This meat is not fresh.
This dish is a bit bland.
It is really disgusting.
This ice cream tastes funny.
I can’t eat this.
It’s too salty!
Here is the menu.
To drink, I would like some white wine.
For dessert, have apple tart.
To start, I would like a tomato salad.
How would you like your steak?
Would you care for anything else?
For the main course, I would like a steak.
I haven’t decided yet.
Today’s special? What’s in this dish?
No. We are not ready yet.
We need a little more time to decide.
We’ll take the $20 set menu.
Would you like chips or rice with that?
May I have a bottle of water, please?
May I take your order?
What do you recommend?
What’s today’s special?
What’s the soup of the day?
What is the house specialty?
What kind of dressing would you like for your salad?
What flavours do you have?
Would you like to order some wine to go with that?
Are you ready to order?
Does the steak corne with French fries?
When will our table be ready?
We’ve been waiting for thirty minutes.
I asked for the bill quite a white ago.
I’d like to speak with your manager.
I didn’t order this.


English conversation: At the bank

English conversation: At the bank

To download and print this free English phrases list,  click here.

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Where is the closest bank?
Which counter do I go to to change money?
I want to draw some money out.
Is there a commission?
I would like to cash some traveller’s cheques.
I’d like to carry out a bank transfer.
Where do I have to sign?
What is today’s date?
I’d like to cash this check.
I’d like to open a savings account.
Could you fill out this form, please?
I’ll have to take out a loan.
The house is mortgaged to the bank.
What is the interest rate?
You can pay by instalments.
Invest in something.
Is there a cash machine near here?
There is an ATM over there. (ATM Automatic Teller Machine.)
Insert card here.
Insert your PIN code.
Make a withdrawal.
Do you want a receipt?
The ATM has eaten my card.
I have lost my card.
My card has been stolen.


How to write a postcard in English (with examples)

How to write a postcard in English

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Hi/hello Tina!
Hi guys!
Dear Sarah and Paul
I’m having a great time.
I’m really enjoying myself.
I have been spending all day on the beach.
I met some nice people.
It is wonderful.
I had food poisoning!
The best thing is the food.
The people are so friendly.
The weather is great / sunny / freezing.
The weather’s lovely.
The worst thing is the crowd.
There are so many sights to see.
There’s nothing to do.
We are going to stay for ten days.
See you soon. Take care!
Thinking of you.
Can’t wait to get home.
Love you.
I miss you all.
I wish you were here.


English conversation: How To Talk About Money đź’°

English conversation: How To Talk About Money 💰

To download and print this free English phrases list, click here.

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Bill works on a farm to earn a living.
To make money, Sue babysits my little girl.
This vase is worth a fortune.
Does anyone know how much this coin is worth?
It’s  too expensive for me.
I can’t afford it.
He gave me a blank cheque.
Let’s all go to the restaurant. I’ll foot the bill.
We were short of money.
Jill finds it difficult n make ends meet.
Ben is in debt.
He has borrowed money from his parents.
His parents have lent him some money.
He owes money to his parents.
Where is there a money exchange?
Where can I change money?
What is the exchange rate?
What is the exchange rate of pounds sterling?
I’d like to change dollars into euros.
